Chapter 264 South Kong and North Kong

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an nodded understandingly.

Among them, Nanjing University is a recently established public school run by the imperial court.

In addition to traditional Confucianism, the subjects taught at this university also include foreign languages, law, philosophy, economics, navigation, astronomy, physics, geography, chemistry and other different subjects.

Overall, this is a comprehensive university!

The purpose was to cultivate the administrative talents needed to complete the Ming Dynasty's reforms, as well as the scientific and technological talents needed to complete the industrial revolution.

In order to attract enough talents to enroll, the Ming court offered the temptation that as long as they could graduate from Nanjing University, the court would reward scholars with honors.

Of course, the reason why Zhu Jing'an rewards Nanjing University graduates with the title of scholar is not just to help Nanjing University recruit students.

The more important purpose is that he wants to reduce the value of the scholar's reputation!

Promote the reform of the imperial examination system through the devaluation of fame!

Find a way to make the civil service examination the same as the civil service examination, instead of taking it once every few years and admitting only a few hundred people at a time.

The reason why Zhu Jing'an did this was to expand the size of the official team and improve the administrative efficiency of the Ming Dynasty.

Because only in this way can the Ming Dynasty court be able to further promote social change and the industrial revolution!

The core of the imperial examination system to select talents to govern the country through examinations is correct, but its organizational form is no longer suitable for the current social development trend.

Reform is necessary!

Of course, the reform only reforms the examination content and organizational form, and its essential core will not change.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether the name is changed or not, the name is just a code name.

Since all the gentry in the world cannot do without the imperial examination, then the revised imperial examination should continue to be called the imperial examination.

No problem!

Of course, the reform of the imperial examination system will be a huge project, not to mention the social changes and industrial revolution that will follow the reform of the imperial examination system.

What Zhu Jing'an is doing now can only be regarded as a beginning.

After all, how could social change and the industrial revolution be so easy?

In addition, they also met with the chief officials of several state capitals from Zhejiang that had recently surrendered to the Ming Dynasty.

This is also a very important thing!

Local officials in Zhejiang joined the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Jing'an received them, which was considered to appease people's hearts.

In order to allow Zhejiang to settle down as soon as possible and provide Ming Dynasty with more money, food and materials needed for the war.

There is also the matter of meeting Kong Shixi, the contemporary head of the Southern clan of the Kong clan.

Although the name of the Kong family was completely ruined in later generations, no one took them seriously anymore.

But in this era, the Kong family is still a golden brand.

Even though the founding of the Ming Dynasty relied on the legal system inherited from Zhu Yuanzhang, it was what the people wanted.

But if we can get the endorsement of the Kong family again, it will definitely be beneficial and harmless to Ming Dynasty in winning the hearts of the world.

Since he invited people to Nanjing, Zhu Jing'an naturally had to come out to receive him in person.

As for why it is the South Kong and not the North Kong?

How to put it, this is not because Zhu Jing'an has a moral obsession and looks down on Beikong, who "conquers the world and surrenders to the outside world".

But Beikong is now in Shandong. The actual control area of ​​Ming Dynasty is now Jiangbei and Hubei in the far north, which is still thousands of kilometers away from Shandong.

Even if Zhu Jing'an wanted to win over Beikong, Beikong would not dare to respond...

After all, if Beikong's response to the Ming Dynasty was caught by the Manchus, then no matter how good-tempered Qianlong was, the Kong family would probably have a little game called Nine Tribes Xiaoxiaole.

Therefore, if Zhu Jing'an wants to win over the Kong family now, he can only win over Nan Kong.

Besides, Zhu Jing'an didn't have a good impression of Beikong to begin with.

Although he doesn't have any moral fetish, but compared with Beikong, who has "refined the world" and Nankong, who has always maintained his integrity, it doesn't take much thinking about which one to choose.

As for why Zhu Yuanzhang chose Beikong to succeed Duke Yansheng instead of Nankong.

Zhu Jing’an can actually understand!

Because the main purpose of Lao Zhu's move was actually to win over the hearts and minds of the northern gentry who had fallen into the hands of foreigners for hundreds of years.

Due to the long-term division and fall into the hands of foreigners, the northern gentry in the early Ming Dynasty no longer had much sense of identity with the Han people as the main ethnic group.

If Lao Zhu chose to canonize Nan Kong as Duke Yansheng, what would the northern gentry think?

What's the matter, is your old Zhu's mysophobia so serious?

Do you look down on Beikong so much?

You, Lao Zhu, even look down on the Kong family who surrendered to the Tartars, but what about us gentry who once surrendered to the Tartars?

If we surrender to the Ming Dynasty, will we be treated differently?

If You Lao Zhu wants to treat us differently, then we might as well follow Dayuan's path to the dark side!

The human heart has always been extremely complex!

It was precisely because of concerns about people's hearts that Zhu Yuanzhang allowed Beikong, who had "respected the world to surrender", to take advantage of him.

But the situation is different now. Zhu Yuanzhang re-established China. In the Ming Dynasty for more than 200 years, the originally divided southern and northern Han people have been reunited.

Regardless of the north or the south, everyone sincerely identifies with the Han people as the main ethnic group.

After adding Jiashen, the world fell into ruin. The southern gentry and the northern gentry were all the same. They had shaved their tails and wore robes and jackets.

Big brother, don’t laugh at second brother!

Under such circumstances, even if Zhu Jing'an promoted Nan Kong, the northern gentry would not think much about it.

Because the gentry in the north also knew that the old cousins ​​in the south, like them, had also knelt down to the Manchus.

And the kneeling time is almost the same!

If this is the case, they naturally don't have to worry about being treated differently after surrendering to the Ming Dynasty!

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an planned to establish Nan Kong as Duke Yansheng of the new Ming Dynasty.

He planned to hold Nan Kong up as a model symbolizing the integrity of the Han family, and use this to carry out a wave of ideological education to the people of the world.

I think it should have some effect!


In the forty-fourth year of the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty, in early May, outside Pyongyang.


The Qing army's artillery was placed on a hill outside Pyongyang.

Accompanied by the roar of heavy artillery, dark shells rolled and rotated in mid-air, shooting towards the city wall of Pyongyang.

Artillery shells hit the city wall of Pyongyang one after another. Amidst the roar, the layers of masonry outside the city wall flew in all directions.

After the masonry layer was cleared by artillery shells, the rammed earth layer inside the city wall was exposed to the muzzles of the Qing army. Several artillery shells hit the rammed earth layer one after another, and a large amount of sand and gravel shot out everywhere.

The air is filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke!

Fukangan stood on an observation deck in the Qing army camp, looking in the direction of Pyongyang City.

Observe the actual effects of the Qing army's artillery fire!


The shelling continued.

Gradually, as time passed, the crenellations of the city walls of Pyongyang City were flattened one by one, and the gate tower became a pile of ruins.

Fukang'an slowly exhaled a breath, put down the telescope in his hand, and said to Chatai, Sanzizhabu and others around him in a rather sighing tone.

"Based on the current efficiency, Pyongyang's city wall will be destroyed by our army's heavy artillery tomorrow at most!"

"The war in Pyongyang will surely end soon!"

Fukang'an can now feel Zhu Jing'an's happiness.

Not to mention, it’s so damn cool to use heavy artillery to bully the enemy on the battlefield!

Even though the current artillery power of the Qing army is not as good as that of the Ming Dynasty, and is often unilaterally suppressed by the Ming army's artillery groups on the battlefield, it is thought that the Qing army's artillery power is very weak.

how to say!

The strength and weakness also determine who the opponent is.

Although the artillery power of the Qing army is not as good as that of the Ming Dynasty, it is still ranked second in East Asia.

The gap between countries such as North Korea, Japan, Vietnam and our Qing Dynasty is still quite large.

When Chatai heard this, he subconsciously flattered him.

"The battle of our heavenly troops to conquer the dynasty went so smoothly, all thanks to the great general's command and decisive victory!"

When he said this, apart from the flattery, Chatai's face also showed genuine joy.

After the Battle of Changsha, Tachatai never tasted victory again.

After facing off against the Ming army, the Qing army almost lost consecutive battles...

Chatai was about to be beaten so much that he completely lost his confidence.

It was not until the army entered the court that Chatai regained his confidence.

It turns out that it's not my fault, but the enemy is too powerful.

No, after facing North Korea, I am pretty good.

Hearing this, Fukang'an just nodded slightly.

"Pyongyang is now in the hands of the Qing Dynasty. Don't worry. What I want to know now, general, is where are the North Korean reinforcements now?"

It has been some time since Fukangan and his army arrived outside Pyongyang.

The fundamental reason why he has not led his troops to seize Pyongyang City is that Fukangan wanted to encircle Pyongyang for reinforcements and defeat North Korea's elite troops.

Otherwise, Pyongyang would have been captured long ago under his orders!

You know, the Qing army now in Fukang'an's hands is the most elite army in the Qing court.

They are also among the few troops in the Qing court who are capable of fighting in the field with the Ming army.

If such an army is used to deal with North Korea's weak brigade, it is more than enough.

Hearing this, Sangzi Zabu just shook his head and said.

"The end will not know."

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing cotton armor spoke.

"General, if I remember correctly, the reinforcements sent from the capital of Joseon should have arrived in the Yanshan area."

"I believe it won't take long for them to arrive in Pyongyang..."

The man who spoke was named Yue Rui, and he was the eldest son of veteran Yue Zhongqi.

Now he is with Fukang'an and is responsible for the staff. Unlike a reckless man like Sangji Zabu, Yue Rui still knows the situation on the battlefield well.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to advise Fukangan on military affairs, right?

Hearing this, Fukangan narrowed his eyes and said.

"Get a map!"

Hearing this, Yue Rui nodded and took out a simple map from his arms, then unfolded it in front of Fukangan.

Fukangan squinted his eyes and checked. After a moment, Fukangan spoke.

"Sanzi Zabu!"

After hearing this, Sangzi Zabu stood up and said.

"The end is here!"

Fukangan didn't even raise his head as he gave instructions.

"You immediately lead troops to attack and set up an ambush in the hilly areas west of Pyongyang. When North Korean reinforcements cross the Taedong River, you immediately lead troops to attack and cut off their retreat."

When Sangji Zabu heard this, he said to Qian'er.

"Hey, the last general takes orders!"

After saying this, he clasped his fists and left, ready to carry out Fukangan's order.

Fukangan turned his head to look at Chatai again and said.

"Chatai, you will now lead your troops to launch an exploratory attack on Pyongyang City to put pressure on Pyongyang City and force North Korean reinforcements to come as soon as possible!"

When Chatai heard this, he also said to Qian'er.


"The last general will live up to the general's trust!"

(End of this chapter)

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