Chapter 255 Cavalry confrontation
  On the Ming army's position, Zhang Hu was discussing with Liu Mingyou about assigning combat tasks.

Assign the troops under each to attack which city gate in Hangzhou to be responsible for the war in which direction.

However, at this moment, Pan Dazhu's expression on the side changed slightly, he pointed in the direction of Hangzhou City and said.

"Two masters, something is not right!"

"Why does the general look at the Qing army as if they are about to leave the city!"

Pan Dazhu put down the telescope in his hand, the expression on his face was full of doubts.

Because, just now, he watched the city gate of Hangzhou being opened from the inside, and the defenders of Hangzhou were filing out.

They lined up in the open space outside the city to prepare for battle, as if they were going to face the Ming army in the wilderness outside Hangzhou.

Pan Dazhu cannot understand the current operations of the Qing army at all!

No, are you so stubborn?
  With just a few three melons and two dates in Hangzhou city, do you dare to go out of the city to fight with me in the Ming Dynasty?
  Are you so gutsy?
  Hearing this, Zhang Hu and Liu Mingyou subconsciously looked in the direction of Hangzhou.

I also saw the city gates of Hangzhou being opened and the Qing troops marching out of the city to form an array.

They also can’t understand this operation!
  Zhang Hu and Liu Mingyou looked at each other, and Liu Mingyou spoke immediately.

"No matter what the Qing army wants to do in this battle, since they want to die, then I, the Ming Dynasty, will not be polite."

"Send the order and prepare the army for war!"

"Since the Tatars took the initiative to leave the city to seek death, it just saves me from Ming Dynasty's attack!"

"Let all troops be prepared to meet the Qing army."

"The [-]st Cavalry Brigade immediately began to cover the battlefield, and the [-]st Artillery Regiment was ready to provide fire cover for the large army to fight!"

"By the way, the hot air balloon continues to take off, and we will cooperate with the cavalry to conduct reconnaissance and grasp the battlefield situation..."

Although Liu Mingyou and Zhang Hu were both division commanders, Liu Mingyou was the one in command during this Southern Expedition, and he naturally had to issue the orders for the battle.

The Ming army quickly made arrangements.

The First Division and the Second Division of the Ming Dynasty Royal Army were deployed on both sides of the battlefield to support each other.

The artillery regiment quickly adjusted the position of the artillery array and was ready to provide fire support to its own troops in the field.

At the same time, the Ming Army's cavalry brigade was galloping on the battlefield and began to block the entire battlefield.

At this time, the Qing army also set up its formation, preparing to compete with the Ming army.


Seth'a was riding on horseback, his eyes were stern, and he was observing the situation on the battlefield with a telescope.

Seeing the Ming army's cavalry galloping on the battlefield, Seth'a said with a cold face.

"Pass a military order to have our cavalry attack immediately to block the enemy cavalry and enhance our army's control over the battlefield situation."

Although Seth'a didn't know how to fight, he could still feel the frustration of being blocked by the enemy's cavalry on the battlefield, so that he could not see the current situation.

He didn't care whether the Qing cavalry was a match for the Ming cavalry.

Subconsciously, he ordered the cavalry to attack and confront the Ming army tit for tat, hoping to change his current situation!
  As the military order was issued, the Qing army's cavalry began to move into battle.

The war horses galloped, and the ground rumbled under the horses' hooves.

After ordering the cavalry to attack, Seth'a then spoke.

"Let all the troops of our army march forward immediately, press the entire army, and destroy the Ming thieves on the frontal battlefield!"

As Seth's military order was issued, the Qing army moved.

The Qing army outside Hangzhou was a large area of ​​darkness. Once the number of people exceeded [-], there was no limit, let alone [-] to [-] people?
  A total of [-] to [-] Qing troops were arrayed outside Hangzhou, forming a black and gray carpet that almost covered the entire ground.

Wherever the Qing army passed, bursts of smoke filled the air.


Pan Dazhu was riding on horseback, looking at the movements of the Qing cavalry.

After discovering that the Qing cavalry was coming for him, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

"Haha, the Tatars are seeking death. It seems that the victory in the Battle of Hangzhou will go to me, Lao Pan!"

After Pan Dazhu said this, he turned around and gave orders to his adjutant.

"Send the order, let our cavalry attack, prepare to meet the Qing army."

"Send a message to our army's artillery unit again, requesting them to provide fire support."

Under the influence of Zhu Jing'an, the generals of the Ming army are now fanatical supporters of artillery doctrine.

On the battlefield, they will subconsciously arrange their strategies and tactics with the core of making the artillery work.

Although the current Ming army cannot fight without artillery, the importance of artillery in the Ming army's combat sequence is indeed the first to bear the brunt.

Even in cavalry operations, the Ming army wanted artillery to provide fire support.

When the adjutant heard this, he clasped his fists on horseback and turned around to deliver the order.

Not long after, the adjutant returned to Pan Dazhu and reported the report.

"Brigade, Commander Wen has responded and asked our army to introduce the Qing cavalry into the predetermined battlefield to facilitate the artillery's firepower delivery."

While talking, the adjutant handed Pan Dazhu a piece of paper with the coordinates written on it.

Pan Dazhu took the note, glanced at it, and then ordered.

"Instruct our cavalry to attack!"

"After contacting the Qing cavalry, he pretended to be defeated and retreated to the southwest, luring the Qing army to pursue..."


On the battlefield, the infantry of the Ming and Qing Dynasties were still organizing their formations and moving closer to each other.

It will still be a while before there is a real firefight.

However, the cavalry from both sides were already fighting together.

The cavalry of both Ming and Qing Dynasties galloped on the battlefield, and the distance between them became closer and closer.

Soon, the cavalry from both sides passed by each other like two parallel lines that did not intersect.

But at the moment when they passed each other, the cavalry on both sides aimed at the enemy and started shooting on horseback. Accompanied by the crashing sound of bowstrings and the crackling sound of musketry, arrows rained down on the battlefield and projectiles flew across the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, both sides suffered casualties.

The battlefield was littered with wounded soldiers who had fallen from their horses.

But it is very obvious that the Qing army suffered much more casualties than the Ming army.

The reason for this is also very simple.

Because the Ming army was much better than the Qing army in terms of equipment and riding and shooting skills.

Even the light cavalry in the Ming army almost everyone wore a breastplate and a helmet.

It can provide quite good protection capabilities for the cavalry of the Ming Army!

And what about the Qing army’s cavalry?
  The Eight Banners in Hangzhou did not dare to go to war, and they pretended to be holding positions from behind to supervise the battle, ensuring the safety of Hangzhou City and leaving a way for the army to retreat.

Those sent out to fight the Ming cavalry were almost all Green Camp cavalry.

As for a group of green soldiers, it would be nice if they could wear uniforms. Good things like armor would never be available to them.

Not to mention the skill of cavalry and archery, the cavalry of the Ming army were mostly the elites of the Green Battalion from Gansu and Shaanxi who surrendered, and some of the Sauron soldiers who surrendered to the Ming Dynasty.

These people are all the elites of the Qing army!

The skills of riding and shooting have been practiced since childhood, and they can all be praised as excellent riders.

And what about the cavalry of Zhejiang Green Camp?
  They grew up in this rich and wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River. To put it bluntly, they are just a group of mounted infantry. Let alone mounted archers, even if the horses under their crotches run a little faster, they may fall off their horses.

The gap between the two sides is like a cloud of mud.

After a round of cavalry and archery confrontation, the number of casualties of the Qing army was almost several times that of the Ming army.

There were even more people who could not sit firmly on their horses and fell off their horses than those who were shot off their horses by the Ming army.

The cavalry of both sides passed by each other. The Ming cavalry quickly turned their horses' heads, ran in a large circle on the battlefield, and then charged towards the Qing cavalry again.

Before the Qing cavalry could recover from the last blow, the Ming cavalry came back again.

The cavalry galloped, and the sound of bowstrings resounded.

  The Ming cavalry roared past the flank of the Qing army again.

Seeing this scene, countless people in the Qing army looked horrified.

Chi Zheng, the cavalry general of the Qing army, saw this scene and gritted his teeth and said.

"Brothers, kill!"

"Fight with the Ming thief!"

After only two confrontations, Chi Zheng realized that when it came to cavalry and archery combat, the Qing Heavenly Soldiers were far from a match for the Ming Thief Cavalry.

Therefore, in order to restore the ruined battle situation, Chi Zheng could only order a cavalry charge.

An attempt was made to reverse the tide of the battle through a cavalry charge.

With the sound of horse hooves, the Qing cavalry rushed straight towards the Ming army.

Seeing the distance between the two parties getting closer, Chi Zheng felt solemn in his heart.

Because in his opinion, this cavalry charge will definitely be a hard and fierce battle for the Qing Dynasty!

However, what Ling Chizheng didn't expect was.

Under the cavalry charge, the two sides had just come into contact, and the forwards had just come into contact, and the Ming army began to retreat and quickly collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Chi Zheng was overjoyed.

"Brothers, kill!"

"The thieves of the Ming Dynasty are too timid to fight. Come on brothers, long live the Qing Dynasty!"

"Kill the thieves of the Ming Dynasty and protect the Qing Dynasty!"

Everyone in the Qing army was very excited about this scene.

Continuously chasing the retreating Ming army.

Pan Dazhu waved the riding whip in his hand, urging the horse under his crotch to speed up.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"We must get rid of the Tatar cavalry for a certain distance before arriving at the scheduled battlefield."

"Hurry up, now is not the time to worry about horsepower!"


The Ming army kept accelerating up and down, and gradually, they finally lost some distance from the Qing army's cavalry.

The Ming army just hung up the Qing army's cavalry, and then galloped all the way to the scheduled battlefield.

On the other side, Wen Chaoyuan was observing the battlefield with a telescope.

Soon, he saw the cavalry from both Ming and Qing Dynasties chasing and escaping, galloping into the battlefield.

Wen Chao saw this scene and ordered with a cold face.

"Send the order and have all the artillery crews prepare for the bombardment!"

"The rockets are also ready to launch!"

Chi Zheng galloped on his horse. Seeing the Ming army's cavalry getting farther and farther away from him, a trace of anxiety visible to the naked eye flashed across his face.

"Faster, faster! Faster!"

"Chase! Don't let the Ming thief escape!"

After receiving the order, the Qing army waved their whips and urged their horses to speed up, leading them to their death faster.

However, due to the gap in the horses and riding skills between the two sides.

As time goes by, the distance between the two parties has not narrowed, but has become farther and farther.

But even so, the Qing army did not give up and continued to rush their horses...

(End of this chapter)

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