Chapter 245 Mahjong
  The cold wind howls in the capital city in winter, and patches of goose feather snow swirl and fall from the sky.

There is already a thick layer of snow on the ground, which can almost bury your ankles when you step on it.

call out!shhhhh!

The sound of fireworks and firecrackers being set off kept ringing, and clouds of fireworks bloomed in the night sky.

Although the power of the Qing Dynasty is now much worse than before, today is the Chinese New Year after all, and the atmosphere in the capital is still good.

Fireworks, lights, peach charms, New Year’s Eve dinner, everything!
  The sound of playing mahjong is unusually loud.

Chang Wei picked up a card, took a look at it, and then played it out.

"forty thousand!"

Immediately afterwards, it was Laifu's turn to play his cards.

Laifu took a card from the table and then played it.


The next person to play the cards is called Gelhun.

That's right, it was the bannerman who took the lead in offering Nanjing to the Ming Dynasty for the sake of his family.

After the Ming Dynasty captured the city of Nanjing, Jinyiwei sent people to contact him, hoping to absorb him as a member of Jinyiwei.

Because he was once a member of the Eight Banners of Jiangning, he was sent to the capital as an undercover agent by the Ming Dynasty.

I hope his identity as a bannerman can work wonders!
  But because he took the lead in dedicating the city of Nanjing to the Ming Dynasty and selling it to the Qing Dynasty, Gelehun felt very guilty and felt that he was really nothing.

When Jinyiwei sent someone to contact him for the first time and expressed that he wanted him to use his identity as a bannerman to go to the capital to work as an undercover agent for the Ming Dynasty, Gelehun refused without thinking.

After a while, when Gelehun became more and more impoverished because his family property was confiscated by the Ming Dynasty and he lost his source of income from hard-core crops, Jin Yiwei sent someone to contact him again, and Gelehun agreed. down.

Because bannermen like Gelehun have been eating hard-core crops for more than a hundred years and have long since exhausted themselves.

Without the hard-core crops, there is no skill to make a living at all.

Even if no one in the Ming Dynasty would deliberately persecute Geluhun and other bannermen who presented the city, they themselves would starve to death...

In order to prevent his family from starving to death, Geluhun could only enlighten himself. Anyway, he had already sold it to the Qing Dynasty once. Selling it again should be nothing... right?

Then, Gelehun went all the way north and returned to the capital as a bannerman refugee who escaped from Jiangning City after the Battle of Jiangning.

Originally, after returning to the capital, he planned to lurk first and wait for the Jin Yiwei's subsequent arrangements.

But as soon as he arrived in the capital, he met one of his childhood friends-Chang Wei!
  Chang Wei felt sorry for Gelehun's "family ruined and exiled thousands of miles" experience after his death in Jiangning City, so he took him back to his home for resettlement.

Then, Gelehun temporarily lived in Chang Wei's house.

During this time, he often played mahjong with Chang Wei, Lai Fu, and his other companion Damu Hai.

Damuhai was also one of the group of Jiangning bannermen who joined Gelehun in dedicating the city.

After Jiang Ning broke up, Damu Hai, who had no way to make a living, had no choice but to accept Jin Yiwei's recruitment for the sake of his wife who had just given birth and the child who was waiting to be fed. Like Gelehun, he had no choice but to accept Jin Yiwei's recruitment.

Came to the capital with Geluhun to work as a spy for the Ming Dynasty!

How should I put it, even though they betrayed the Qing Dynasty, both of them had a hard time with their consciences.

But conscience is conscience, and life is life. The Qing Dynasty can perish, but they cannot survive!
  Geluhun took back the chicken that Fu had beaten, then pushed down the Great Wall in front of him, forced a smile on his face, and said weakly.

"I'm screwed!"

The reason why Gelehun was like this was because he knew that the Ming Dynasty was planning to attack the two Qing national generals Agui and Chatai today.

Jinyiwei got the information about where Agui and Chatai were imprisoned through Gelehun.

Then, Jin Yiwei arranged for people to infiltrate into the sky prison...

Whenever he thought that national generals like Agui and Chatai would be killed by him, Geluhun felt unspeakable guilt.

Seeing this, Chang Wei thought that Gelehun was still worried about Jiang Ning, so he couldn't help but comfort him.

"Gelhun, the matter is over, don't think about it so much!"

"Although your family and property were lost in Jiangning, it's good that you are fine!"

"As long as people are alive, there is hope for everything."

"Why does a man have to worry about not having a wife?"

"I'll take you to Lord Beile later to intercede, and I'll take you with me when we go to court."

"Based on your skills, brother, are you afraid that you won't be able to gain fame and wealth when you go to the battlefield?!"

Chang Wei is very concerned about his childhood. First, although Gelehun was a member of the Eight Banners of Jiangning, he grew up in the capital. The two of them had grown up playing together, so they naturally had feelings for each other.

The second reason is because Chang Wei knows that Gelehun is very skilled.

Otherwise, Gelehun would not have been dispatched as Zuo Guoliang's personal soldier.

Next, he, Chang Wei, will soon go to conquer the imperial court with the army. It will definitely be safer if he has a good friend to protect him.

Therefore, even though Gelehun has no pigtails now, Chang Wei does not dislike him!

Treat him as before!
  Hearing this, Geluhun sighed and nodded.

"Hey, Chang Wei, you are right..."

Damu Hai on the side remained silent on the surface, but he couldn't help but feel contempt for Chang Wei in his heart.

Bah, Tatars are just Tatars. They don’t even care about their families. What’s the difference between this and animals?
  Unlike Geluhun, he still has some "conscience" and his love for me is still lingering.

After Damu Hai took refuge in the Ming Dynasty, he completely thought about it.

In terms of culture, daily life, etc., they began to completely move towards the Han family, and began to accept from the bottom of their hearts the concept that the Eight Banners were barbarians.

All in all, it should be considered a kind of convert's fanaticism!

However, just as Chang Wei was comforting Gelehun, there was a knock on the door.

Dangdang Dangdang!
  After the knock on the door, a rather panicked voice sounded outside.

"Master, Master, something happened!"

"The imperial court has sealed off the capital and wants to search the whole city."

Chang Wei heard the knock on the door and the announcement outside. The expression on his face changed obviously, but he still asked.

"Come in, come in, what happened?"

With a creak, the door was opened, and cold wind mixed with snowflakes rushed into the room.

Chang Wei's servant walked in from the outside with a chill all over his body, and his face had a dignified look visible to the naked eye.

"Master, something happened at the Criminal Prison Prison!"

"I heard people say that General Agui and Governor Chatai were poisoned and assassinated by Ming thieves. General Agui died, but Governor Chatai is still rescuing..."

Chang Wei couldn't help but gasp when he heard this, and the expression on his face became quite solemn.

He had heard from Mr. Baylor that the imperial court was planning to have General Agui and Chatai join the army in the coming year's imperial expedition to atone for their sins.

But as a result, before the year was over, these two men were assassinated...

What will the imperial court do about the war in the coming year?
  Gelehun and others on the side also had different expressions when they heard this.

Ge Lehun's face was solemn, with a hint of regret in his eyes, while Damu Hai lowered his head, said nothing, and used silence to hide his joy.

Only Laifu was really sad.

"Hey! General Agui was a very good man. Why was he killed?"

"Damn thief!"


After a moment of silence, Chang Wei spoke.

"No, I have to go out."

Chang Wei couldn't sit still now, and was going to visit Lord Beile at his house to see what Lord Beile planned on this matter.

I don’t ask for anything else, but I want peace of mind!
  Seeing this, Geluhun rolled his eyes and stood up and said.

"Chang Wei, I'll go with you!"

Chang Wei did not refuse when he heard this, he just nodded and said.

"That's fine too!"

"Then let's get ready to go!"

In recent days, Ming thieves and spies have been rampant, and many important officials of the Qing Dynasty have been killed.

Chang Wei is indeed a little scared to go out by himself. If Gelehun can be with him, he will be safer and have someone to take care of him.

(End of this chapter)

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