Agui put down the charcoal in his hand, exhaled slowly, got up from the haystack, went back to the bed and lay down, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Although Agui was imprisoned by Qianlong, no one in the Prison Prison dared to treat him badly.

This is the number one general among the bannermen. I don’t know how many important people have served under him and been taken care of by him.

Even though Agui is in jail and in trouble, the political energy behind him is still quite huge.

Not to mention the jailers in the sky prison, even the Minister of Punishment may not dare to offend him.

Compared with the treatment of ordinary prisoners, his treatment is no different from heaven.

Not only did he not have to be tortured by jailers, the hay in his cell was even changed every day, and the cell was cleaned every day to keep it clean and tidy.

In a small prison cell, daily necessities such as tables, chairs, benches, buckets and washbasins are all available.

Even the bedding on the bed and the prison uniform on his body can be changed and washed at any time.

His daily meals and drinks were all meals delivered from outside the prison, including chicken, duck, fish and meat, and there was never a shortage of fine wine and delicacies.

No one in the prison, including the head jailer, dared to disrespect him.

So much so that during the time he was imprisoned, Agui's whole body became visibly bloated.

Just eating fat!

However, just when Agui closed his eyes and fell asleep, he was about to fall asleep.

There was a clattering sound of chains grinding outside the prison cell.

Agui subconsciously opened his eyes and looked outside the prison.

Then, he saw Chatai, who was wearing a prison uniform, his head wrapped into a rice dumpling, but blood was still seeping out, being taken to the sky prison.

The first time he saw Chatai, the expression on Agui's face was visibly stunned.

But soon after he realized something, he put his head to the prison fence and Agui asked.

"Chatai, why are you jailed too?"

"Is it possible that the battle situation in Jiangnan..."

When Agui asked, his tone was unavoidably a little uneasy.

Chatai also saw Agui, smiled bitterly, and said.

"General, we have been defeated. Our Qing Dynasty has been defeated again. This time we even lost Jiang Ning!"

"Xishan Jianrui Camp was completely destroyed. I...I can't help my brothers!"

When Agui heard this, his face twitched obviously, but he still spoke.

"It would be nice if people came back, it would be nice if people came back!"

"As long as people are still alive, there is hope for everything..."

However, although Agui comforted Chatai in this way, he was really not optimistic about the future situation of the Qing Dynasty at all.

From the current point of view, the Qing Dynasty has lost Guangdong and Guangxi, lost Hunan, and lost Jiangnan.

Soon the entire south will be occupied by Ming thieves!

By then, most of the world's essence will have fallen into the hands of Ming thieves.

Although the Qing Dynasty occupied half of the north, there were also places outside the Guan, grasslands, Western Regions, plateaus and other places.

However, in terms of manpower and material resources, the northern half is far inferior to the south.

At that time, once the Ming thieves launch the Northern Expedition with the manpower and material resources of the south, will the Qing Dynasty really be able to support it?

Agui was really worried.


Nanjing, Prince's Mansion!

After Zhu Jing'an took charge of Nanjing, he took the initiative to change the Liangjiang Governor's Palace into the Prince's Palace and then settled in it.

After the Ming Dynasty regained Nanjing, the entire situation in Jiangnan also changed.

The gentry raised their flags to rebel against the Qing Dynasty!
Local officials and green camp generals rushed to send sincere memorials to Nanjing.

The whole Jiangnan was decided by word of mouth in an instant.

There are few who are stubborn and stubborn!
"His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, Zhenjiang Prefecture, Suzhou Prefecture, Yangzhou Prefecture, Changzhou Prefecture, Songjiang Prefecture and other prefectures in Jiangsu have all changed their banners."

"And Huzhou Prefecture, Shaoxing Prefecture, and Jiaxing Prefecture in Zhejiang Province have also successively sent letters of surrender!"

"The only one who is stubbornly resisting is Hangzhou Prefecture!"

Zhang Jin came to Zhu Jing'an and reported the report.

The Ming army's battle in Jiangnan was progressing so fast that Zhu Jing'an could not have imagined.

He knew that after the Battle of Nanjing, Ming Dynasty might be able to spread the message to the entire Jiangnan.

But I didn’t expect it to be settled so quickly!
Several prefectures in Jiangsu on the south bank of the Yangtze River have surrendered, and Zhejiang is also vying to surrender.

Even Yangzhou Prefecture on the north bank of the Yangtze River surrendered to the Ming Dynasty.

The only exception is Hangzhou!
However, it is understandable that Hangzhou is full of people. It would be abnormal to surrender without even fighting.

Zhu Jing'an thought for a while and then asked.

"How are our soldiers doing? Can we launch an offensive against Hangzhou in a short time?"

The current situation is that the Ming Dynasty is about to regain Jiangnan.Zhu Jing'an could not allow the Qing army to dare to resist Wang Shi.

Zhang Jin heard this and spoke.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince, our army has occupied too much territory in a short period of time. It will take some time to digest and absorb it, and we also need to divide our troops to garrison them."

"In a short period of time, there are no extra troops that can be mobilized south to capture Hangzhou."

Zhu Jing'an was not disappointed when he heard this, but nodded slightly.

"In that case, that's all!"

"It's also necessary to stabilize the place first."

After thinking for a while, Zhu Jing'an continued.

"Send someone to Hangzhou and start persuading the Qing army in Hangzhou to surrender!"

"If the Eight Banners of Hangzhou are willing to surrender, they can be forgiven their previous sins and exempted from their status as bannermen."

Zhu Jing'an thought that if Hangzhou surrendered without a fight, it would be a big blow to the unity within the Eight Banners.

Besides, Ming Dynasty is unable to attack Hangzhou for the time being anyway. It has nothing to do. It doesn't hurt to send people to persuade them to surrender.

It takes no effort!
When Zhang Jin heard this, he clasped his fists in response, indicating that he would make arrangements later.

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly, indicating that he could retreat.

But Zhang Jin didn't leave. Instead, he showed a hesitant expression.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an asked strangely.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Zhang Jin nodded.

Zhu Jing'an said angrily.

"Just tell me what you have to say, why do you have to show off in front of me?"

Zhang Jin scratched his head and then said.

"Back to Your Highness, the story is like this. After our army recaptured Nanjing, the Nanjing gentry wanted to present beauties to His Highness to show their loyalty."

"I don't dare to be adept at specializing, so I ask His Highness the Crown Prince to make a decision!"

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an raised his eyebrows, showed an interested expression on his face, and spoke.

"Oh, it's kind of interesting."

After saying that, Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but look thoughtful. After pondering for a moment, Zhu Jing'an spoke.

"Since they sent people here, just accept them."

Zhu Jing'an has never objected to political marriages.

Not only can you win over allies, but you can also enjoy the service of beautiful women, why not?

Zhang Jin nodded to express his understanding.

However, just when Zhang Jin was about to resign, Zhu Jing'an continued.

"By the way, send the person to Guangzhou first, let the father choose first, and then wait for the father to choose the orphan."

Zhu Jing'an has always been very filial.

He will definitely not let go of things that should be grasped, such as military power.

But Zhu Jing'an would not touch things that should not be caught, such as competing with the emperor for a beautiful girl.

There was a tacit understanding between father and son between him and Zhu Jianzhuo, and Zhu Jing'an did not want to provoke his father and destroy this tacit understanding.

Compared to the Xuanwu Sect inheritance method created by Li Er and Zhu Laosi's Jingnan inheritance method, he prefers smooth succession.

Lao Zhu's health is not good, and the throne will be his sooner or later. There is no need for Zhu Jing'an to worry about it for a while.

Besides, he still has to lead troops to fight, and he must have someone to help him with the tasks of running the country.

His old Zhu family has always been kind and filial, but at most there was a little friction between uncle and nephew, so he didn't want to make a bad start.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jin nodded to express his understanding, turned around and went to work.

Zhu Jing'an rubbed his eyebrows and continued to work on the matter at hand, reviewing military affairs.

While reviewing military affairs, Zhu Jing'an was still thinking about the reform of the military system.

Although judging from the current situation, the combat effectiveness of the Ming army is not bad. Compared with the Qing army, it can be praised in the sky and on the ground.

However, this does not mean that there are no problems with the current military system of the PLA!

The current tactics used by the Ming army's headquarters soldiers are typical pure firearm tactics.

What you're playing is lining up to shoot, and it's a combination of infantry and artillery.

However, the organization used by the Ming army's headquarters soldiers was that of an army that used a mixture of hot and cold weapons.

Although for the time being, this organization can still be used without any major problems.

However, this is because the main enemy the Ming army faces now is novices like the Manchus.

The enemy is too weak, and the battle is basically to crush them. In this case, the shortcomings of the Ming army's military system will naturally not be exposed.

Naturally, there will be no problems! (End of chapter)

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