When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, he was convinced as he had always been soft-eared.

nodded and said.

"What you ministers said makes sense!"

"If this is the case, the imperial court will immediately start preparing to cast and issue Xuanwu Tongbao."

"As for the casting and issuance of silver coins, we will first cast a batch on a small scale and then put them on the market to observe the market reaction."

“After we are sure that there are no problems, we can then proceed with large-scale implementation.”

Hearing this, everyone responded in unison.

"My Emperor Shengming!"

Zhu Jianzhuo cleared his throat and prepared to raise the next topic.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside.

Zhu Jianzhuo couldn't help but frown, and was just about to order someone to ask what the fuss was about.

Then bursts of cheers were heard.

"Great victory, great victory!"

"Hahahaha, what a great victory!"


Soon, a messenger with a happy face was seen running all the way into the hall.

Then he knelt down with a bang and said with a happy face.

"Your Majesty, great victory, great victory!"

"News came back from the front line that our army achieved a great victory in Jiangnan. His Royal Highness the Prince led the army to regain Nanjing and annihilated tens of thousands of Qing troops in Jiangnan. The situation in Jiangnan is settled!"

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, he was stunned at first, but then he reacted, his face showed joy, he patted his thigh and laughed.


"Hahahaha, our army has won a great victory, regained Nanjing, and restored the place where our ancestors were buried. Even if I die now, I still have the honor to see my ancestors underground!"

Zhu Jianzhuo's mood was quite exciting.

Since Jiashen, he, Lao Zhu, was the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty to regain Nanjing.

Directly throw Yongli, Longwu and others away!

How could Zhu Jianzhuo not be excited by this!
After hearing this, all the ministers in the court subconsciously looked at each other, and then started to flatter him one after another.

"Long live our emperor, long live the Ming Dynasty!"

"His Majesty has brought great blessings to heaven. Our army was able to regain Nanjing. It is truly a blessing from heaven!"

"The sun, moon, mountains and rivers are forever, and the Daming rivers and mountains are forever!"


Soon, the news that Ming Dynasty had regained Nanjing spread rapidly throughout the entire city of Guangzhou, as if it had wings.

People inside and outside Guangzhou once again couldn't help but cheer for Ming's great victory on the battlefield!
Now, Guangzhou and Daming are deeply bound.

The better the Ming Dynasty is, the better Guangzhou will be, and the people of Guangzhou will naturally be very happy.


The morning light was faint, and in the darkness, a team of fast horses was galloping.

In the early morning of late autumn, the cold wind was blowing. Chatai's old face was frozen stiff, and his hands and feet were even colder and stiffer.

After Chatai escaped from Jiangning's encirclement, he didn't dare to stop for a moment.

He went eastward along the Yangtze River and did not find a suitable ferry to cross the river until Jiangyin.

After crossing the river, Chatai did not rest. He led several guards along the canal and rushed towards the capital without stopping.

Along the way, several fast horses were killed!

Looking at the tall and majestic city walls of the capital in the distance, Chatel stopped his war horse to rest, but he felt an urge to cry.

Xishan Jianrui Camp is over!
He is sorry for the Qing Dynasty!
When he returns to the capital this time, no one knows what the emperor will do to him!
"Capital, the capital has arrived!"

The soldier beside Chatai said.

Upon hearing this, Chatai sighed helplessly, and then spoke.

"Let's go to the city!"

After saying this, Chatai led the people and continued towards the gate of the capital.

But as soon as he arrived outside the capital, he was stopped by the soldiers on duty on the city wall.


"Who is under the city? Retreat quickly, the gate of the capital is an important place, any trespassers will die!"

A general from the city defense battalion, Qian, stuck his head out from the top of the city and shouted unceremoniously.

When the voice fell, before Chatai could speak, he saw the soldiers on the side shouting.


"You are so blind that you don't even open your eyes to see who is outside the city!"

"If you don't want to die, just open the city gate!"

Chatai's soldiers are basically bannermen selected from the Eight Banners of Manchuria.

These people are accustomed to looking higher than their superiors, so how can they think highly of a small official guarding the city gate.Besides, despite Chatai's miserable defeat on the front line, the emperor might pull him out and behead him at any time.

However, as long as the emperor's order has not been issued for one minute, Chatai will still be the commander-in-chief of Xishan Jianrui Camp.

This status is far beyond that of a small official guarding the city gate.

Mr. Qian, who was responsible for guarding the city gate, heard the roar under the city wall, and his expression changed.

Squinting his eyes, he carefully observed the people under the city wall.

Suddenly, his expression changed and he spoke.

"Isn't this... isn't this the Commander-in-Chief of Chatai? Aren't you in Jiangnan to suppress thieves? Why did you suddenly come back?"

Upon hearing this, Chatai exhaled a breath of turbid air and spoke.

"Stop talking nonsense, quickly open the city gate and let the commander enter the city."

"The commander of this capital has important matters to report to the Ministry of War and the Military Aircraft Department. If important matters are delayed, you can't afford it!"

Mr. Qian, who was guarding the city gate, heard this and did not dare to hesitate. He hurriedly opened the city gate for Chatai while smiling apologetically.

After Chatai entered the city, he rode straight towards the palace.


The sky is getting brighter!

Li Yu, who had stayed up all night, couldn't help but yawn.

He stepped outside Qianlong's palace, feeling the cold wind blowing against his face, and he felt more energetic.

On the side, his godson Xiao Anzi came forward and said.

"Daddy, if you can't stand it any longer, just take a rest. I'll keep an eye on you. I'll call you if anything happens!"

Hearing this, Li Yu rubbed his eyebrows and said.

"You kid has a heart!"

"But it's better to avoid it. It's almost dawn, and I guess it's time for the emperor to get up. When the emperor gets up later, he won't be able to see me, so you kid will inevitably get slapped."

Li Yu served as Qianlong's personal eunuch, and Qianlong had long been accustomed to having him by his side.

Today is Li Yu's night shift. If Qianlong wakes up and can't see him, he will definitely ask.

When the time comes, Xiao Anzi will inevitably be punished.

When Xiao Anzi heard this, a silly smile appeared on his face and he spoke.

"I'm happy to be punished for my godfather's sake."

Hearing this, Li Yu reached out and knocked Xiao Anzi on the head and said.

"Little Slicker!"

"Just wait and see, we'll just rest later when we get off duty!"

"I don't care about this moment."

"Remember, those of us who are slaves are most taboo about playing tricks. Loyalty and intention are the biggest support for us slaves to rely on when walking in the palace..."

Li Yu couldn't help but mention Xiao Anzi.

He really likes his godson, and is even preparing to train little Anzi to take over from him.

It’s hard to say whether it will work, but Li Yu does have this intention now.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the palace, and Li Yu frowned subconsciously.

Soon a notification was received, and Li Shiyao, the Minister of Military Aircraft, asked to see him.

When Li Yu heard this, his heart suddenly jumped.

Not long after dawn that day, the Minister of Military and Aircraft came in a hurry to ask for an audience.

Are you afraid something happened again? !
Li Yu suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and walked quickly to the palace gate.

But when he came outside the palace, he saw more than just Li Shiyao.

Next to Li Shiyao was a man with a weathered face, messy beard and hair, who came closer to the shop with a sour smell.

Li Yu took a closer look.

Good guy, isn't this Chatai?
How could it be so embarrassing? !

Suddenly, Li Yu reacted.

No, isn't Chatai supposed to be leading troops to fight against the Ming thieves in the south of the Yangtze River now?
Why did he suddenly return to Beijing?
Could it be that something went wrong with the war situation in Jiangnan?
Li Yu's bad premonition grew stronger and stronger.

Chatai caught Li Yu's gaze, smiled bitterly, and said.

"Our army was defeated in Jiangning, and then Jiangning fell. The imperial army in Jiangnan was completely lost, and the war situation in Jiangnan was completely ruined."

"I'd like to have Chief Manager Li go and report it!"

Li Yu took a deep breath and felt a sudden shock in her heart, but she still nodded and said.

"Master Li and Chatai, please wait for a moment. I will go and inform you, my servant!"

Li Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart, this was another fucking chore.

Seeing this, Li Shiyao and Cha Tai could only nod.

Li Yu turned around and headed towards Qianlong's palace with a very solemn mood. (End of chapter)

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