Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 230: Sacrifice to Xiaoling Mausoleum

After hearing a loud banging sound, the stone tablet that had stood on Lao Zhu's grave for decades and mocked Lao Zhu for decades broke into several pieces.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an slowly let out a breath of turbid air.

He made up his mind that when he regained Beijing in the future, he would also go back to Kang Mazi's grave to commemorate his freshman year.

As for the content of the monument...

Looking back, Zhu Jing'an hasn't thought about it yet.

After smashing the monument "Zhilong Tang and Song Dynasties", Zhu Jing'an led the people to move on.

After a while, Zhu Jing'an stood in front of Comrade Zhu's grave and looked at the sacrificial supplies that had been arranged in advance.

Zhu Jing'an opened his mouth and gave instructions.

"Bring sacrifices and prepare for sacrifices..."

This time, the sacrifices Zhu Jing'an prepared to sacrifice to Zhu Yuanzhang were not the three animals and fruits, but the Qing prisoners of war captured by the Ming army in this battle.

Especially the Eight Banners prisoners of war!
Zhu Jing'an thought about it, these people were going to be killed anyway, so where could they go without killing them?

Instead of killing on the execution ground!

It's better to kill in Xiaoling and let Lao Zhu have fun too!

As Zhu Jing'an's order was issued, one after another Eight Banners prisoners of war were pressed to the Xiaoling Mausoleum and knelt down in a row.

The first batch of prisoners of war pushed up were all officers of the Eight Banners.

These people used to have very prominent status, but now that they are about to be beheaded, their behavior is no different from ordinary people.

Everyone was frightened to the point of excreting and urinating, wailing and begging for mercy loudly...

As the execution order was issued, the light of the sword flashed, and heads were chopped off and thrown away.

The smell of blood is in the air!

Zhu Jing'an looked at this scene and said silently in his heart.

"Ancestor, the unscrupulous descendants are always bringing you blood food! They are all the heads of the Tatars."

"You can enjoy it slowly!"

At this time, Zhang Jin walked slowly to Zhu Jing'an and spoke.

"His Royal Highness, please give me the memorial service!"

After saying this, he handed a memorial letter to Zhu Jing'an.

Zhu Jing'an had written this memorial text by himself before. After he finished writing the first draft, he handed it over to military scribes for polishing, and now it was sent to him again.

Zhu Jing'an took the sacrificial inscriptions, first went forward, offered incense in front of Zhu Yuanzhang's mausoleum, knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, then stood up from the ground and recited the sacrificial inscriptions.

"On the fourth day of the tenth month of the first year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty, Crown Prince Jing'an, hereby declares to the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty the following:

"Uh-huh, the country is suffering from foreign aggression. It has been known since ancient times. It was created in the late Zhao and Song Dynasties and was replaced by Mongolia. The land of China was destroyed for almost a hundred years."

"Fortunately, my great ancestor, Emperor Gao, rose from the twilight years, clarified the world, made the sun and moon shine again, rebuilt the mountains and rivers, restored righteousness, and prospered the world."

"But unfortunately at the end of the season, the country's strength was exhausted, internal and external troubles occurred, and the Manchus took advantage of it and occupied the Central Plains for 40 years!"

"Now there is a descendant of the King of Yan, Jian Zhuo, who is an insurrectionist, dances in fighting, and has flourished in Guangdong and Guangxi. He is named Xuanwu. He is sending his son to the north to recover the old capital and restore the country."

"The great justice of our Emperor Gao's restoration has been upheld, and it will be used as a guide for future generations, and this will be a great cause. Now I am announcing to the world that no one dares to accuse our Emperor Gao of innocence, and pay tribute to his joyful and encouraging public will. But I, the Emperor Gao, have learned from this." Of."

The memorial text Zhu Jing'an copied is Sun Yat-sen's "Mausoleum Memorial Text for Taizu of the Ming Dynasty".

After slightly changing a few words, this memorial text became Zhu Jing'an's original work.

Zhu Jing'an stood in front of Lao Zhu's grave and finished reading his message in an passionate tone.

Then, throw the message into the brazier in front of you.

Only a bang was heard, the slogan burned out instantly, and smoke rose into the sky.

At this time, a ray of sunshine broke through the clouds in the sky and sprinkled on the earth.

Zhu Jing'an stood on the high platform for ancestor worship, his whole body bathed in the sun.

At this moment, he seemed to be enveloped in a halo.

Sacred and majestic!
Seeing this scene, the entire Ming army fell silent at first.

Then there was a roar of cheers like a tsunami.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Ming Dynasty Wan Sheng!"

"Emperor Taizu Gao appeared, and the Ming Dynasty was victorious!"

"Drive out the Tartars, restore China, rebuild the Ming Dynasty, and revitalize China!"


At this moment, everyone knows that Ming Dynasty has destiny.

The revival of the Ming Dynasty was truly destiny.

Soon, with the cheers of the Ming army, the news of Emperor Taizu Gao's apparition spread throughout Nanjing as if he had wings.

When Zhu Jing'an saw this scene, he was shocked at first, and then relieved.

Just look up at the sky, open your arms, and enjoy the cheers of the armies.


Fujian, Quanzhou Fuyamen!

The sky was just getting brighter, and Monk Wan Yunlong Er woke up early.

Standing at the table by the window, looking at the morning glow and most of the still dark sky.

Looking at the uncertain stars in the sky, Monk Wan'er's face was full of deep thought.

Since he raised his troops in Zhangzhou, he has led his troops to fight in the state capital. Although he won less and lost more, as the Qing army transferred Fujian's troops to fight in the south of the Yangtze River, Monk Wan'er's side was able to open up the situation.He led troops to occupy Zhangzhou and Quanzhou successively, which can be regarded as a powerful and local emperor.

However, Monk Wan'er's mood has not been great recently.

On the contrary, it was a bit confusing.

The reason is very simple. Just a few days ago, the Ming Dynasty sent an envoy to confer the official position of Wan Er Monk, a Fujian pacifier.

Of course, that's not the point!
The point is that when Ming Dynasty granted monk Wan'er an official title, he also hinted to him that he wanted to recruit his troops and then send officials to Zhangquan and Quanzhou to govern the place.

As compensation, Monk Wan Er can enter the Ming Dynasty to serve as an official, and the cabinet can negotiate for territorial enfeoffment.

If the situation had been tense before and he was still being chased around by the Qing army, it would have been impossible for Monk Wan Er to refuse the recruitment from the Ming Dynasty.

However, hasn’t the current situation changed?

As the Qing army transferred its troops to the south of the Yangtze River, monk Wan Er had established a firm foothold in Zhangzhou and Quanzhou.

At this time, when Daming came to recruit again, Monk Wan Er was a little reluctant.

Rather than accept the Ming Dynasty's recruitment and serve in the Ming Dynasty, Monk Wan'er would rather stay in Zhangzhou and Quanzhou and continue to be his own emperor.

There is no other reason but the word "freedom"!
If Monk Wan Er accepts the recruitment of the Ming Dynasty at this time, it will be safe and sound, but after entering the court, he will inevitably be controlled and managed by the court's rules.

In any case, it was not as free as when he was the local emperor in Zhangquan and Quanzhou.

But the problem is that although he, the monk Wan Er, deliberately refused the Ming court's solicitation, and the generals under his command, not all thought so.

The Ming Dynasty and even the place of orthodoxy can be said to be the aspiration of the people. Among the rebels from all over the world, there are not a few people who yearn for the Ming Dynasty.

Slogans against the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty were shouted too often, and many people took them seriously.

The more important issue is that these days, people all over the world have a consensus that only a person named Zhu can be the emperor.

This is the legacy left to his descendants by Emperor Gao, Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, who "expelled the Tartars and restored China."

The second chance is that the monk is not named Zhu, the second is that he has no ambition to be an emperor, and the third is that he does not have the ability to be an emperor.

Everyone has no future following you!

Instead of following you and continuing to separate one side and become the local emperor, they will be wiped out by the new dynasty sooner or later.

It would be better to defect to the new dynasty as early as possible and follow the dragon's merits!

Many of Monk Wan'er's subordinates were very interested in accepting Daming's solicitation.

And this was also the reason why Monk Wan'er felt entangled.

Accept Daming's solicitation, he himself is not happy!

But if they don't accept Ming's recruitment, the rebels under his command may become unstable.

Moreover, Monk Wan Er could only keep it to himself and ponder it in his heart, and could not discuss it with others.

This made him even more uncomfortable!

Looking at the starry sky and morning glow, Monk Wan'er's face was a little complicated, and he didn't know what decision he should make for a while.

At this moment, a man hurriedly ran out.

This man's face was full of joy and his expression was very exciting.

They were still far away from Monk Wan'er's bedroom, so he couldn't help but shout.

"Second brother, second brother, good news, good news!"

When Monk Wan Er heard this, he couldn't help but frown, but he was not angry.

Because the person who came was his younger brother named Wan Yunshen.

He is also a confidant around Monk Wan Er, responsible for commanding Monk Wan Er's personal guards and protecting his safety.

Seeing this, Monk Wan Er subconsciously lowered his face and asked.

"What news? Why are you so rude?"

Wan Yunshen trotted all the way to Monk Wan Er. He saw that his second brother's face was not good-looking, but he did not take it seriously.

Ever since he was young, Wan Yunlong had always had a dark face and pretended to be serious towards him, but Wan Yunshen had long been desensitized and didn't take it seriously.

He picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, then said with a happy face.

"Speak back to brother!"

"It's the news from the south of the Yangtze River. Nanjing was a great victory. His Royal Highness the Prince led the army to regain Nanjing and captured and killed Shu Hede, the Prime Minister of the Southern Provinces of the Qing Dynasty, General Chongchun of Jiangning, Gao Jin, the Governor of Liangjiang, Chang Qing, the Governor of Min and Zhejiang, etc. Sir, the whole of Jiangnan will be restored soon!"

"The Battle of Nanjing was truly a great victory!"

Wan Yunshen didn't know that his second brother didn't want to accept Daming's recruitment now, because Monk Wan Er had never had this idea with anyone.

Wan Yunsheng thought that his second brother's previous shirk was just to negotiate terms with Daming.

Therefore, he is really happy about the victory that Ming Dynasty achieved in Nanjing.

When Monk Wan Er heard this, the expression on his face visibly froze.

But then he let out a heavy breath, as if he had made up his mind.

After hearing the news that the Ming Dynasty had won a decisive victory in Nanjing, Monk Wan Er knew that his little plan was about to fail.

If Daming's offensive in Jiangnan was frustrated, then he might be able to stall for some time with Daming, even if he did not agree to the recruitment for the time being.

Because it is impossible for Ming Dynasty to ignore the overall situation and take action against the rebel army led by Monk Wan Er when the battle situation in Jiangnan is deadlocked.

However, after the Ming Dynasty regained Nanjing and achieved a decisive victory, that was another matter.

After the Ming Dynasty regains Nanjing and takes over Jiangnan, it will definitely choose to send its troops south to capture Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and other provinces to connect the current Ming Dynasty's territory into one.

When the time comes, Monk Wan'er in Fujian will be the first to bear the brunt. (End of chapter)

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