Chapter 226 Zhongshan Xiaoling Mausoleum
The rumble of horse hoofs continued to sound, and the Ming army's cavalry roared towards them.

Like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, he rushed straight into the Qing army's array.

The cavalry of the Ming army galloped forward, their sabers flying and blood flying.

The knight on horseback raised his spear, aimed at the back of the fleeing Qing army, and stabbed mercilessly, harvesting lives wantonly and expanding the results of the battle.

The soldiers and horses of the Qing army were killed and retreated steadily!

Trampling on each other, the number of casualties doubled.

The foot of Fangshan Mountain was soon filled with corpses of Qing soldiers.

Chongchun led the remaining soldiers of the Qing army, and under the cover of a group of Eight Banners soldiers who sacrificed their lives, withdrew from the battlefield and then returned to Fangshan.

When he counted the number of soldiers, he found that the number of soldiers and horses under his hands was less than half compared with when he first came down the mountain.

In other words, in the short time it took to go down the mountain, more than half of Fangshan's Qing army was lost.

This speed of casualties is really shocking.

Chongchun stood in the Qing army's camp, looking at the Ming army at the foot of Fang Mountain, finishing the battle, cleaning the battlefield, and executing prisoners of war.

My heart couldn't help but feel cramped.

Because, those people being killed on the battlefield now are all from his Qing nation!

On the other side, the Qing army on Niushou Mountain also suffered a loss.

However, since Chatai has much more war experience than Chongchun, the Taiping general, and when he tried to send troops to reinforce Fangshan yesterday, he had already suffered a loss due to the coordination of the Ming army's cavalry and artillery.

Therefore, Chatai learned wisely this time.

He ordered people to prepare a batch of simple vehicles in advance and had people push the chariots to reinforce Fengtai Gate.

At critical moments, the tank can not only resist artillery fire, but also defend against cavalry, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It is precisely because of this that although the Chatai Division was also frustrated by the Ming army's blockage, it was defeated and retreated to Niushou Mountain.

However, the main force is not damaged and still has considerable combat effectiveness.


On the other side, inside Nanjing!

The Ming army had successfully seized control of Fengtai Gate and Jubao Gate, and began to actually control Nanjing's city defense.

The defenders of Fengtai Gate were supported by the Ming army from both inside and outside. They were attacked from both sides and collapsed immediately.

The subsequent Jubaomen Ming army also successfully captured it without much effort.

After taking control of Fengtai Gate and Jubao Gate, a large number of Ming troops began to pour into the inner city of Nanjing, heading towards the Liangjiang Governor's Mansion, the command center of the Qing army.

At the same time, the Liangjiang Governor's Office also received news that the Ming army had entered the city.

"Xiang Shu, Governor Gao, something bad is going wrong, something is going wrong!"

"Zuo Guoliang, the deputy general of the Jiangning City Defense Battalion, surrendered to the Ming thieves and led his people to dedicate the city. The Ming thieves entered the city through Fengtai Gate..."

When Shu Hede heard this, his vision went dark, his feet went soft, and he almost collapsed on the ground.

Shu Hed is quite numb now.

Now, he has good news and bad news.

The good news is that Fang Shan doesn't need reinforcements because Ming has temporarily ended Fang Shan's offensive.

The bad news is that Ming Dynasty has invaded Jiangning City, and Jiangning is going to be doomed!
What a complete loser!
"Traitor! Rebel! This traitor Zuo Guoliang, I can't wait to eat his flesh, sleep on his skin, and kill his nine tribes, ah ah ah..."

"Where are those bannermen under Zuo Guoliang's command? Why didn't you warn me, why didn't you stop the traitor Zuo Guoliang from betraying? Are they all dead? Or are they all betraying the Qing Dynasty too?!"

"Damn, they all deserve to die!"

After Gao Jin learned the news, he yelled angrily.

He hated Zuo Guoliang's betrayal very much, and felt that if it had not been for Zuo Guoliang's betrayal, Jiangning's war situation would never have developed to the point it is now.

Of course, what Gao Jin hated even more and didn't want to believe was that the bannermen under Zuo Guoliang also betrayed the Qing Dynasty and their ancestors.

However, even if Gao Jin no longer wanted to believe it, he could only accept the reality.

Because he knew in his heart that if all the bannermen under Zuo Guoliang had not betrayed the Qing Dynasty, Zuo Guoliang, the traitor, would definitely not be able to dedicate the city.

At the very least, some bannermen betrayed the Qing Dynasty...

The expression on Shu Hed's face was dull. Looking at the map in front of him, he opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

On the other hand, Gao Jin on the side quickly regained his composure from his rage and asked.

"Where did the Ming thief hit now?"

When the messenger heard this, he said with a grimace.

"The Ming thieves entered the city from Fengtai Gate and attacked the Jubao Gate. Now the Jubao Gate has also changed hands, and the Ming thieves have already entered the inner city!"

"According to the intelligence report, the Ming army is coming towards the Governor's Mansion of Liangjiang. The situation is critical!"

Hearing this, Gao Jin and Shu Hede looked at each other and saw the seriousness in the other's eyes.

After thinking for a while, Gao Jin gritted his teeth and said.

"Send the order and we will evacuate the Liangjiang Governor's Mansion as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Shu Hede asked.

"Evacuate to where?"

Gao Jin took a deep breath, looked in the direction of Zhong Shan, and then spoke.

"Zhongshan, Ming Xiaoling Tomb!"

After that, Gao Jin opened his mouth to explain.

"The main reason why the Ming thieves are invincible is their sharp artillery."

"I would like to see if our army retreats to Xiaoling. Will the Ming prince dare to fire on Xiaoling?"

Gao Jin was really numbed by the Ming army's artillery, so he planned to use Comrade Lao Zhu's grave as an amulet.

He didn't believe that the Ming thief prince dared to risk the disapproval of the world and fire on Xiaoling!
As long as the Ming thieves' artillery can't exert its power, Gao Jin will be confident to rely on Xiaoling to make the final resistance and cause as much damage to the Ming army as possible.

Hearing this, Shu Hede nodded vigorously.

"That's fine, that's fine!"

"The Ming thief wants to take over my Qing Dynasty's Jiangning City, and I'm going to knock his big teeth out!"

...Zhu Jing'an rode on horseback and entered the outer city of Nanjing through Fengtai Gate.

He had just entered the city, and Zuo Guoliang came to see him immediately.

Zuo Guoliang, Gelehun, Ruining and other subordinate generals all knelt in front of Zhu Jing's horse and kowtowed in unison.

"General Sin will wait to see His Highness the Crown Prince!"

In front of Zhu Jing'an, the bodies of several people were visibly trembling.

But the causes of trembling vary.

Zuo Guoliang was excited and excited. He was originally a deputy general on the Manchu side. Coupled with his success in opening the door and surrendering this time, he felt that it would not be a big problem for him to become a general soldier on the Ming side.

But Geluhun, Ruining and others were worried and afraid.

Although Zhu Jing'an had promised in advance that he would be lenient to bannermen like them who had made contributions to the city.

But now that the gates of Nanjing have been opened to the Ming army, they are not sure whether Zhu Jing'an will turn his back on the enemy and refuse to recognize anyone else.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an got off his horse, stretched out his hand to help Zuo Guoliang up, and said.

"Lieutenant General Zuo has made great contributions to the city, so why should he be guilty? Please get up quickly!"

"When Your Majesty Gu Xiang reports his merits to Lieutenant General Zuo, I believe that the imperial court will certainly generously reward him with official posts, titles, gold and silver, and acres of land. I, the Ming Dynasty, will never treat any meritorious minister unfavorably."

Seeing this, Zuo Guoliang knelt down and kowtowed again.

"I will thank Your Highness for your great kindness!"

"Long live Daming!"

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly and then spoke.

"Lieutenant Zuo, there is no need to be polite, just follow Gu Gu into the city!"

After saying this, Zhu Jing'an got on his horse and asked Zuo Guoliang to ride beside him, heading towards the inner city.

After Zhu Jing'an left, Gelehun, Ruining and others were still kneeling on the ground and did not dare to get up.

When several people were getting more and more anxious, a pair of leather boots appeared in front of them.

Looking up, they saw a face full of gentle smiles.

A warm smile appeared on Zhang Jin's face and he spoke.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said that for the sake of your contribution to the city, let's forget about the past."

"From today on, you bannermen can live under the Ming Dynasty as ordinary people. No one will deliberately bully or target you."

"This is the promise made by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Why don't you accept the order and thank me?"

When Gelehun, Ruining and others heard this, their hearts finally fell to the ground.

Several people looked at each other and began to kowtow.

"The common people thank His Highness the Crown Prince for his grace. His Highness the Crown Prince may receive great blessings and may you live long and prosperous lives!"

"The common people thank His Highness the Crown Prince for his grace..."

Zhang Jin cleared his throat and said.

"You guys, please come with me for the time being. Although the battle of Nanjing has been decided, there are still many Qing troops inside and outside the city who are stubbornly resisting. You guys will stay with me for the time being to avoid being accidentally injured."

"I will order someone to go with you to fetch your family later..."


Zhu Jing'an and Zuo Guoliang were walking side by side. Before the group arrived at Jubaomen, they saw a Ming army sentry riding in the distance.

The sentry rider came to Zhu Jing'an and spoke.

"Your Majesty the Crown Prince, our vanguard has captured the Liangjiang Governor's Mansion, and the remaining Tatar soldiers are fleeing towards Zhongshan!"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Zhu Jing'an's face suddenly changed.

Realized something was wrong.

Why do the Tatars run to Zhongshan?
What does Zhongshan have?
Zhu Yuanzhang’s grave!
Damn it, the Tatars are rushing to Lao Zhu’s grave.

After Zhu Jing'an realized this, the expression on his face couldn't help but be a little anxious, and he spoke decisively.

"Send an order to the vanguard of our army to capture the remnants of the Qing army and not let the Tatars disturb the tomb of the great ancestor..."

Halfway through the words, his mind returned to the high ground. Zhu Jing'an knew that this was unrealistic, so he continued.

"That's all, the war at Zhongshan is mainly focused on siege for the time being. Don't rush eastward and don't disturb Taizu's mausoleum."

"Then pass the order to all departments of our army to eliminate the remaining enemies in Nanjing City as soon as possible, control the order of Nanjing City, and then mobilize the troops to first remove the Qing troops of Min and Zhejiang on Tangshan Mountain in the east of the city."

“Then we’ll hit Fangxia Mountain and Niushou Mountain!”

When it comes to fighting, of course you have to pick the weak persimmons.

Since the Qing troops on Niushoushan and Fangshan were in trouble, the Ming army would first deal with the Qing troops on Tangshan.

Then concentrate your forces and go attack the mountain below!
Finally, let’s hit the most difficult Niushou Mountain!

And the remnants of the Qing army who fled to Zhongshan? ?

Haha, there's no need to worry.

If you can catch up, chase him; if you can't catch him, he will be pulled down.

When the Ming Dynasty takes control of Nanjing's city defenses and the remnants of the Qing army who fled to Zhongshan, the Ming Dynasty can also encircle them to death!
As for Lao Zhu’s grave, what should I do?
Zhu Jing'an didn't think the problem was big. Lao Zhu's grave had fallen into the hands of barbarians for more than 100 years.

Kang Mazi even stood in front of his old man and erected a monument to the reign of Emperor Long in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

In this case, it doesn't matter if it takes another day or two.

The remnants of the Qing army fled to Zhongshan. The worst result was that the ground floor of Lao Zhu's tomb was damaged.

In the worst case, he can just tear down the wood from Dongling and Qingxiling and rebuild it for Lao Zhu!
I believe Lao Zhu will have no objection... right?


A cold wind of late autumn blew, and Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but yawned, shrank his neck, and felt a little cold on his back.

He couldn't help but urged.

"Go and give the order!"

(End of this chapter)
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