Chapter 209 Conquering North Korea
Chang Wei must be asking for something when he arranges himself so diligently.

Yongfeng knew what was going on.

Since Chang Wei has made arrangements for himself today, Yongfeng doesn't mind helping him get things done!
Chang Wei heard this and said with a flattering look on his face.

"Master Beile, I heard someone say that my master wants to stop the distribution of hard-core crops to the Eight Banners, and then develop Liaodong and distribute the land in Liaodong to the Eight Banners as compensation. Is this true or false?"

Yongfeng nodded slightly and spoke with a slightly complicated expression.


"You must also know that the war situation in Huguang is ruined. Next, Huguang and Jiangnan may not be safe."

"Without the tax money and food from Jiangnan and Huguang, the imperial court really has no money to distribute hard-core crops to the Eight Banners. I understand this."

"What, do you have a problem?"

Yongfeng stared at Chang Wei with squinted eyes, his eyes were quite lethal.

Chang Wei heard this and waved his hands in fear.

"Don't dare, don't dare, this is what you should do."

"Since we, the Eight Banners, have enjoyed preferential treatment from the imperial court before, now that the imperial court is facing difficulties, we should work with the imperial court to overcome the difficulties."

It is naturally impossible to say that Chang Wei had no objection to Qianlong's suspension of iron crops.

However, Qianlong had been on the throne for decades and his prestige was so great that even if Chang Wei had any opinions, he did not dare to express them.

Seeing this, Yongfeng nodded with satisfaction.

Chang Wei continued.

"Master Beile, I have also heard that the Qing Dynasty plans to send troops to conquer North Korea and then plunder the population for the development of Liaodong."

"This slave also wants to go to the front line to fight, serve the Qing Dynasty and his master, and pay back Lord Baylor for a chance!"

Chang Wei's current goal is very clear, he wants to go to North Korea.

First, because the Korean soldiers are weak, although the Qing Dynasty's heavenly soldiers are no match for the Ming thieves, it is quite easy to defeat North Korea.

Chang Wei went to North Korea with the army and was expected to gain a lot of credit.

The second reason is that Chang Wei wanted to go to North Korea to avoid the limelight.

As the war situation in the south continued to become tense, Chang Wei felt that if he continued to stay in the capital, he might be dragged onto the battlefield by the court at any time and go to the front line to fight against the Ming thieves.

To put it bluntly, what is the difference between this and going to the front line to die?
Therefore, Chang Wei wanted to go to North Korea with the army to hide from the limelight.

When Yongfeng heard this, he clicked his tongue for a while, and then spoke.

"The imperial court wants to conquer North Korea, and this spot is in high demand. It's really difficult to arrange..."

The Manchu Qing's plan to conquer Korea was a clear opportunity to gain credit.

Chang Wei is not the only one eyeing this opportunity!
Even Lord Baylor, Yongfeng, was inevitably moved.

That's why he said it couldn't be arranged.

Seeing this, Chang Wei knew that something was going on.

Because what Yongfeng said is that it is difficult to arrange, not that it cannot be arranged.

If this is the case, Yongfeng means to increase the money.

He said hurriedly.

"Master Beile, there is a white jade Buddha statue in my house. It is said that it was copied from a prince's house in the former Ming Dynasty when our Qing soldiers entered the country."

"After such a long time, I don't know how to taste it. If I leave it in my house, it will be a waste."

"I'm thinking about sending the Jade Buddha to Lord Beile's house and asking Lord Beile to keep it safe."

Hearing this, Yongfeng glanced at Chang Wei approvingly and said.

"Well, go ahead and ask someone to bring it to you. Master Beile, I will help you taste it."

"As for the conquest of North Korea...well, Ben Beile still lacks a few Goshhars around him, so I'll just follow you."

When it comes to collecting money to do things, Yongfeng is quite reliable.

Seeing this, Chang Wei knelt down, kowtowed, and spoke hurriedly.

"Slave Xie Beile is so kind to me!"


After Chang Wei and his party left the box.

The boy also walked out of the secret door and went down to the second floor.

When I came to the front desk and found the shopkeeper, the waiter whispered.

"Shopkeeper, important news, the Tatars may conquer North Korea and then develop Liaodong."

When the shopkeeper Niu heard this, he had a strange look on his face and said to the boy calmly.

"Go spread the word!"

"This news may be of great use to the court!"

Hearing this, the boy nodded to express his understanding.

He returned to his room, took a pen and paper, recorded the messages he had monitored, then picked up the note and prepared to leave the city...

Naturally, the Fengwei Building was not the only intelligence station that Ming Dynasty installed in the capital.

There are also corresponding pick-up stations outside the city!

There are fast horses and messengers on the site specifically for delivering messages.

As for flying pigeons delivering messages...

How should I put it? That thing was a little faster, but it was too obvious.

If there is a place where pigeons often rise and fall, do you think my sticky pole office in Daqing will become suspicious and send someone to keep an eye on it?

Then, wouldn’t the location of this intelligence station be exposed?

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Ming Dynasty could only use fast horses to convey messages.

Shopkeeper Niu was a little dazed as he watched the boy go out in disguise.

These days, the job of their Jin Yiwei is not easy to do either.

To Jin Yiwei, this capital is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.As Shopkeeper Niu knew, several of Ming's intelligence stations in the capital had been removed by the Qing Dynasty.

There is probably more that he doesn't know.

He doesn't know when bad luck will befall him!
It’s really hard to live this life with your head pinned to your waistband!

However, when he thought about the good life his wife and children lived in Daming, he felt that it was all worth it.

Shopkeeper Niu's surname is Zhou, and his name is Zhou Xingzong. His ancestral home is from the capital city. He has a reputation as a scholar and his family background was quite good.

Not necessarily rich, but still the kind of person who doesn't have to worry about food and drink.

But because his family's ancestral home outside the capital was attracted by an Eight Banners dandy, in order to seize his family property, the Eight Banners dandy used many despicable methods.

He even tricked Zhou Xingzong into jailing!
In order to survive, he had no choice but to leave his hometown with his family and go to Guangzhou to seek life.

On the way, his husband and mother all died of illness due to acclimatization.

His little daughter was also lost in the chaos!
The whole family was completely torn apart, with wives and children scattered.

After he arrived in Guangzhou, only he, his wife and second son were left in his family of more than ten people.

Later, he joined the Tiandihui, firstly because he had someone to join him to keep warm.

Second, he could also have thoughts of fighting against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty, and vent his resentment towards the blood-sucking class of bannermen.

For the next period of time, Zhou Xingzong's life was very miserable, and he often had one meal but no next meal.

If it weren't for the help from the association, he might have starved to death.

Later, after the Ming Dynasty incorporated the Guangzhou Tiandihui, Zhou Xingzong first received a period of professional training.

After completing the training, Zhou Xingzong took the initiative to go to the capital to work as a spy.

And his family was also resettled by Daming!

The fields and houses were divided, the wife was assigned a job, and the son was assigned to study in a private school run by the court.

After Ming Dynasty solved all Zhou Xingzong's worries, Zhou Xingzong naturally had to do his best to work for Ming Dynasty and prove his worth.

During this period of time, Zhou Xingzong has delivered a lot of news and intelligence to the Ming Dynasty.

As for the bannerman dandy who once forced him to lose his family, wife and children, he was assassinated as soon as Zhou Xingzong returned to the capital.

And this incident didn’t cause much trouble!

There are hundreds of thousands of people living under the Eight Banners in Beijing, and if one person dies, then the Shuntianfu Yamen will really do nothing for a day, just investigate murder cases.

As time passed, when the curfew came, Zhou Xingzong felt a little uneasy when he saw that the boy who had gone out to deliver a message in the city had not returned yet.

Standing at the door of the restaurant, he was playing with a ring in his hand. The expression on his face was calm, but there was unavoidable anxiety in his eyes.

But he still spoke and gave instructions.

"It's getting late, curfew is coming soon, please lock the door first!"

A boy on the side heard the words and spoke.

"Good shopkeeper!"

After saying this, he called for help, raised the door panel and opened the door.

After all the door panels were plugged in, Zhou Xingzong summoned a few people under him for a meeting.

"Xiaowu went out in the afternoon, and he hasn't come back yet. I'm afraid something happened!"

Zhou Xingzong was playing with a dagger in his hand and said solemnly.

After he finished speaking, a sturdy man spoke.

"Shopkeeper, what should we do next?"

This man's name is Wu Jiang, from Shandong. He is a very tall and stout man.

He works as a cook in a restaurant on weekdays, specializing in Shandong cuisine and has good skills.

But his true identity is Xiaoqi, the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty. It is said that he once followed Wang Lun to fight against the Qing Dynasty in Shandong.

Unfortunately, Wang Lun was defeated and died, and he had no choice but to flee to Guangdong and Guangxi.

How should I put it, because the Qing Dynasty’s actual control over Guangdong and Guangxi is limited.

Therefore, many anti-Qing people like to go to Guangdong and Guangxi after committing crimes, so that Guangdong and Guangxi became famous anti-Qing revolutionary base areas.

After Ming Dynasty occupied Guangdong and Guangxi, many people came out and chose to join Ming Dynasty and work with Ming Dynasty.

Wujiang is one of them.

Zhou Xingzong cleared his throat and spoke.

"Send someone to go to the roof of the second floor and keep an eye on it to confirm the specific situation around the restaurant."

"Everyone else prepares for the worst!"

"If something doesn't work out, just take the secret passage to escape..."

Hearing this, everyone nodded to express their understanding.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the restaurant, and everyone looked stern.

The faces were full of fear.

However, Zhou Xingzong was the first to regain his composure and spoke.

"Don't panic, maybe Xiao Wu is back!"

After saying this, he strode to the door and asked in a low voice.

"who is it?"

There was silence outside the door for a moment, and then someone replied.

"It's me who's the shopkeeper!"

This voice belonged to Xiao Wu, and there was a hint of anxiety and panic in his voice.

Zhou Xingzong was silent for a moment, and then ordered someone to open the door, but the veins on the palm of his hand holding the dagger couldn't help but show.

He was ready to get angry and hurt someone.

His suspicion that something happened to Xiao Wu was just a guess. He couldn't say that he was shut out because of an unreasonable guess.

(End of this chapter)
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