Chapter 207 Developing Liaodong

After the Tianjin switch, Qianlong, who tasted the benefits, felt that the Qing Dynasty could switch to Dengzhou, Haizhou and other places along the coast.

Use this to expand the Qing Dynasty’s customs revenue!
After He Shen finished speaking, Li Shiyao continued.

"Your Majesty, I think that in terms of open source, the Qing Dynasty can not only increase taxes and switch, but also start developing outside the Liaodong Pass."

The situation of the Qing Dynasty in the south was completely ruined!

Whether the north can be defended is also unknown.

At that time, Dorgon set up a wicker border to prohibit Han people from leaving the country to seek a living, just to leave a way out for them, the Manchus.

Now it’s really useful!

Now that the civil war situation in the Guan Guan has deteriorated, and the Qing Dynasty's rule in the Central Plains is in danger of collapse, it is the right time to start developing outside the Guan Guan.

When Qianlong heard this, his expression became uncertain.

But he still asked.

"What's the reason?"

Li Shiyao continued.

"By opening and closing the Liaodong Pass, firstly, we can leave a way out for our Manchus. If the situation inside the Pass is completely ruined, we, the Manchus, can also retreat outside the Pass and wait for the Central Plains to change in the future before entering the Pass!"

"The second is that if the fertile land outside the pass can be reclaimed, it can make up for the impact of the Qing Dynasty's loss of Huguang to the greatest extent."

"Third, we can use the acres of land outside the customs to be distributed to the Eight Banners, as compensation for the suspension of the Eight Banners' hardcore crops."

Li Shiyao has thought about the matter very clearly.

Qianlong couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

"What Shi Yao said makes sense!"

However, Yu Minzhong on the side spoke.

"Your Majesty, outside the Pass is now bitterly cold, desolate, and uninhabited. Even if there are abundant resources, if the Qing Dynasty wants to reclaim the wasteland outside the Pass, it will not be an easy task."

Originally, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty had millions of people in Liaodong.

Liaodong has been developed to a considerable extent!
However, after the rise of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, years of war, and intentional massacres by the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the population of Liaodong has long been reduced to ten.

It is an exaggeration to say that the population within the pass has been reduced to ten percent due to successive years of war and famine.

It is realistic that the population of Liaodong is not even one out of ten.

In addition, after the Manchus entered the customs, a large number of Eight Banners people were brought into the customs, and wicker borders were set up to prohibit Han people from leaving the customs to make a living in Liaodong.

Liaodong, which was originally developed by the Ming Dynasty, has been completely abandoned over the years and turned into a wasteland again.

Now, it is hard to say whether the population outside the Liaodong Pass under the actual control of the Manchus is hundreds of thousands.

And, more importantly, the current population outside the customs is either the Eight Banners nobles who do not engage in production, or the savage Jurchens from various tribes in Liaodong who make a living by fishing and hunting.

There are not many working people who know how to farm.

If these people alone want to reclaim Liaodong, it is undoubtedly a dream!
When Qianlong heard this, he also took a breath of air, with a sad look on his face.

Now Qianlong is really full of complaints about Dorgon's mental retardation!

Why don't you set up a wicker edge?
If you don't let the Han people leave the country to reclaim Liaodong, if our Qing Dynasty really needs to retreat to Liaodong one day, will the barren mountains and wild ridges of white mountains and black waters be able to support millions of people?
Or do you really expect the nation to reclaim Liaodong on its own?
The Eight Banners nationality, who are used to living a good life in the pass, don't even learn from their ancestors to make a living by fishing and hunting. Now I am afraid they don't even understand how to farm.

Wouldn't it be possible to starve to death if we retreated outside the customs?
Prince Huanrui, Qianlong thought that Dorgon was a retard.

Qianlong spoke after a moment.

"If I want to develop Liaodong, I must first move some of the population out of the country. Where do you think it is more appropriate to move the population?"

When it comes to people, there is no shortage of them in our Qing Dynasty.

At the end of Qianlong's reign, China's population was conservatively estimated at two to three hundred million, or even more.

Still under the control of the Qing Dynasty, there are many people who cannot survive in the densely populated Beizhili, Central Plains and other places.

It was really not difficult for Qianlong to migrate people out of the country to cultivate land!
Basically just take care of the food!
It just so happens that after removing all the people who can't survive, it can also alleviate the conflicts between people and land and social conflicts within the areas controlled by the Qing Dynasty, and reduce the probability of local rebellions.

Get it in one fell swoop!
When Li Shiyao heard this, he opened his mouth and said.

"Your Majesty, Liaodong beyond the Pass is the last retreat for the Manchus. We must not let the Han people leave the Pass!"

Now the Qing Dynasty's war situation in the pass is obviously unfavorable.

If the war situation becomes even worse, then outside the pass will be the Qing Dynasty's last retreat.

If too many Han people are allowed to leave the customs now, will outside the customs still be considered a retreat for the Manchus in the future?

What if the Han people who left seclusion hooked up with Ming thieves?
Qianlong frowned and asked.

"If the Han people are not allowed to leave the customs, who will reclaim the wasteland outside the customs?"

Today's Eight Banners are pure rubbish. They can't fight and fight, they can't fish and hunt, and they still can't figure out farming.

If we simply expect the Eight Banners to reclaim the wasteland outside the pass, we don't know how long it will take.

At this moment, He Shen on the side spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think the Koreans might be able to use it!"

When Qianlong heard this, his thoughts suddenly changed as if he had caught something, and he narrowed his eyes and said.


He Shen was not polite when he saw this.

He cleared his throat and spoke.

"I think the Qing Dynasty can follow Taizong's old example and use troops against North Korea." "First, we can plunder North Korea's population for the purpose of developing Liaodong."

"The second is that you can plunder property to fill the financial gap of the imperial court."

"Third, we can use this to train our Qing Dynasty's new Eight Banners Army and test the results of our Qing Dynasty's military purge."

"Such a good thing that achieves multiple things with one stone is really beneficial to our Qing Dynasty."

When Qianlong heard this, he couldn't help but look thoughtful.

After a moment he nodded and said.

"It makes sense."

As for saying that North Korea is a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty and launching troops against a vassal state for no reason, will this lead to criticism?
I, the Qing Dynasty, don’t care about this!

What a joke, when did I, the Qing Dynasty, get angry!
Besides, North Korea is not clean to begin with.

The small actions that the Koreans made to invade our Qing territory on the border, the large press altar built in Seoul to commemorate the emperors Wanli, Chongzhen and other emperors of the former Ming Dynasty, and the memory of the former Ming Dynasty in North Korea...

I, the Qing Dynasty, also know it all!
The reason why I stayed away from North Korea before was that I was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Now that the Qing Dynasty is preparing to invade North Korea, these are all ready excuses.

"Who do you think our Qing Dynasty should appoint as a general to be responsible for the Korean War?"

Qianlong asked.

Unlike the war with the Ming Dynasty, it was all hard work and tiring work, and everyone could hide or hide from it.

But the war in Korea was clearly a good opportunity to gain credit!
Everyone in the court will definitely not let it go!

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other and began to recommend their favorite candidates.

He Shen recommended his younger brother He Lin, Li Shiyao recommended his nephew Li Cong, and Yu Minzhong recommended a Han general in the court, Yue Rui, the eldest son of veteran general Yue Zhongqi.

After Qianlong thought for a while, he agreed to them all.

Including Yue Rui!

Although Yue Rui is a Han Chinese, his father is the famous Yue Zhongqi, who made many military exploits in the three dynasties of Kangxi, Yongzong and Qianlong.

For the Qing Dynasty, he pacified the northwest, settled the plateau, and suppressed the rebellion. It can be said that he worked hard and achieved great results.

After his death, he was given the posthumous title of Xiangle by Qianlong!

He is considered one of the veterans of the Qing Dynasty and is absolutely loyal to the Qing Dynasty.

If Qianlong couldn't even trust Yue Zhongqi's son, how many Han people in the court could he trust?

Once all the Han members in the court turned away from the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty would really be over.

Therefore, since Yu Minzhong proposed it, Qianlong must reuse Yue Rui to show that he still trusts the Han officials in the court.

We will not treat Han officials poorly just because the war in the south is unfavorable or because of the rise of Ming thieves!
The more times like this, the more Qianlong has to stabilize the Han officials in the court.

As for the chief general, Qianlong chose Fukang'an, the current Heilongjiang general.

Although Fulong'an defeated Shaoguan before, Qianlong still had faith in the Fucha family.

Fukang'an's Heilongjiang general was not kicked off.

During this war against Korea, Qianlong also thought of Fukang'an immediately.

As for the reason, everyone knows it!
Qianlong still trusted his "illegitimate son".

There is a theory in unofficial history that Fukang'an is the illegitimate son of Qianlong.

Not necessarily true!

However, judging from the fact that Fukang'an was the only Manchu king after the Three Feudatories who was granted the title of king with a different surname while alive, the possibility of this matter is not small.

Otherwise, why didn't Agui, Yue Zhongqi, Mingrui, and Fukang'an's nominal father Fu Heng, who had much greater merits than him, fail to be crowned kings, while Fukang'an was crowned king?
Senggelinqin is not included. Senggelinqin's title is because he is the heir of Sotnamudobuzhai County King of Horqin tribe.

Only then can he inherit the title of Prince Zasak!

In other words, Senggelinqin's royal title was actually inherited, not earned through military exploits.

And Fukang'an's father was not a prince, and there was no prince in his family's ancestors either.

Therefore, how the prince of Fukang'an came to be is worthy of scrutiny.


Beijing, eight alleys!
During this period, Qianlong paid close attention to the training of the Eight Banners, so that fewer and fewer bannermen dared to cheat.

As a result, the business in Bada Hutong has been significantly sluggish recently.

But after Fengweilou changed its owner, the business became even more prosperous.

"Shopkeeper Niu, today I am going to entertain distinguished guests at our Fengwei Restaurant. I will bring you a table of your Fengwei Restaurant's signature dishes and a few jars of Kweichow Moutai."

Wearing brocade clothes and a jade pendant hanging from his waist, Chang Wei walked with great style and swaggered into the gate of Fengwei Building.

As soon as he entered the door, he said hello.

"Today, I will serve all the good wine and food to you."

Shopkeeper Niu heard this and said with a smile.

"Master Chang, please invite me upstairs. The private room on the second floor has been reserved for you!"

"I'll order someone to prepare food for you right now!"

Chang Wei is a regular customer of Fengwei Restaurant. He comes here almost every ten days. Shopkeeper Niu is very familiar with him.

There was even a private room specially reserved for him!
(End of this chapter)
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