Immediately, Agui asked with expectation.

"How many reinforcements did Shu Hede send from Jiangxi and Anhui?"

The messenger panted heavily, but still said with a happy face.

"Returning to the general, according to the reinforcement general, the reinforcements sent by Mr. Shuhede to reinforce Yuezhou this time include a total of 1000 Jiangxi soldiers and [-] Anhui soldiers."

When Agui heard this, the joy on his face obviously disappeared a lot.

The smile that was originally full of smiles became a little forced.

There are [-] soldiers in Jiangxi and [-] soldiers in Anhui, which sounds like a lot.

But the sum of the two is only eighteen thousand, less than twenty thousand.

Excluding the vacancies in the army, it is unknown whether the actual military strength can reach 5000.

Such a small amount of troops is probably just a drop in the bucket for the Battle of Yuezhou...

However, having reinforcements is better than not having any!
Talk is better than nothing!
Agui comforted herself like this.

Of course, it's not that Shu Hede doesn't want to send more troops to reinforce the Yuezhou war, but that he can't do it.

Because, just before and after the Battle of Changsha broke out, a large-scale anti-Qing uprising also broke out in Fujian.

The chief rudder of the Fujian Tiandi Society, monk Wan Yunlong Wan'er, took advantage of the opportunity when the Fujian Qing army was transferred across the sea to quell the civil unrest, and led his troops to launch an uprising.

Conquer the prefectures and counties one after another, and conquer the two prefectures of Zhangquan and Quanzhou!
It even once approached Fuzhou, the provincial capital of Fujian.

The war situation in Fujian was completely ruined.

As Prime Minister, Shuhede could not sit idly by and could only order troops to be mobilized from Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces to go south and east respectively to stabilize the situation in Fujian.

Then, Jiangxi and Zhejiang became empty!
In order to ensure the stability of Jiangxi and Zhejiang, Shu Hede could only order the deployment of troops from Jiangsu and Anhui to strengthen the defense of the Jiangnan region.

It can be said that the Manchu Qing's military strength in the entire south is now stretched thin.

Under such circumstances, Shu Hede was able to gather a small 2 people to reinforce the Yuezhou war, which was definitely his best effort.

Agui let out a heavy breath and then spoke.

"Now that reinforcements are coming, let me go with you, General, to greet them..."


June [-], the first year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty.

After the Ming army completed the reorganization of the prisoners of war captured in the Battle of Jianli, they set off eastward without stopping.

The army goes straight to Yuezhou!

As time goes by, the Battle of Yuezhou, which determines the rise and fall of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is about to break out.

On June 23, the Ming army arrived outside Yuezhou City.

Agui stood at the top of Yuezhou City, looking at the mighty Ming army outside the city, her heart filled with solemnity.

The soldiers of the Ming thieves are indeed very elite!

After traveling thousands of miles in a few months and experiencing numerous fierce battles, he didn't show any signs of fatigue. It was truly terrifying.

But when he saw those Ming soldiers wearing gray-green military uniforms but with red turbans, his eyes turned to hatred.

Because he knew that those people were once the Green Camp soldiers of the Qing Dynasty!
But now it has transformed into a vanguard camp for Ming thieves.

What's even more irritating is that when these people were green soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, they showed all kinds of crotch pulling on the battlefield.

But after he voted for the Ming thief, his combat effectiveness increased steadily!

How ironic!
How can these people behave like this and stand up to the Qing Dynasty! !
"General, our sentinels reported that the invading Ming army numbered approximately 4000!"

Hailancha came to Agui with a solemn face to report.

In the Battle of Jianli, the sentry cavalry of the Qing army were no match for the Ming army. Therefore, the specific strength of the Ming army was not clear.

So much so that the battle between Sambo was fought in a confused manner!

However, the sentry cavalry of the Yuezhou Qing Army were much more powerful due to the presence of the Sauron soldiers.

Its sentries were scattered around Yuezhou City. While strangulating each other with the Ming army's sentries, they were also exploring the strength of the Ming army.

At the very least, Agui could now figure out how many troops the Ming army had.

For this alone, he is much stronger than the Three Treasures.

At the very least, his death would not be unclear.


Zhu Jing'an was riding on horseback, looking at Yuezhou City.

Looking at the tall city gate in front of him, Zhu Jing'an knew that this Yuezhou City was the last obstacle blocking his way to the south of the Yangtze River.

As long as they can capture Yuezhou, the Ming army can go down the river and fight all the way to the south of the Yangtze River.

The Qing court's rule in the south will completely collapse!

I can also completely create a situation like the Southern Ming Dynasty and the Northern Qing Dynasty!

"To report to His Highness the Crown Prince, our army's sentries have discovered that a support force came from the east a few days ago and arrived at Yuezhou City, and was used by Agui to strengthen Yuezhou's defense."

A messenger rushed over and brought bad news to Zhu Jing'an.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he frowned and thought in his heart.

Since reinforcements have arrived in Yuezhou, it means that Yuezhou's defense must have been strengthened at this time, and it will be greatly difficult for the Ming army to conquer Yuezhou.

Zhu Jing'an thought for a while and then ordered.

"Second order, the main force of the army will camp in the south of Yuezhou City." "Ma Debang's troops are preparing to fight and launch a tentative attack on the Qing army's camp in the south of Yuezhou City."

"Tian Wenchang's troops set up camp in the southeast of Yuezhou City to contain the Qing army's camp in the east of the city."

Regarding the Yuezhou City in front of him, which was not easy to fight, Zhu Jing'an prepared to use the tactic of surrounding three and missing one.

That is to launch an attack from the south of the city!

The reason for this is that the Yangtze River is to the north of Yuezhou City and the Dongting Lake is to the west of the city.

A small group of people who want to run may be able to do so.

But for large troops, whether it is the Yangtze River or Dongting Lake, it is a natural dead end.

Therefore, if the Ming army wanted to encircle three but one, they only needed to attack Yuezhou from the south of the city.

The Qing army's troop deployment in Yuezhou was mainly divided into three parts, excluding the main force in Yuezhou City.

He also built camps in the south and east of the city, forming horns with each other, to defend Yuezhou City.

The reason why Madebang's troops were the first to launch an offensive against Yuezhou was because Madebang's troops were newly surrendered troops.

This obviously thankless thing must be done by them!

After all, as the saying goes, if you haven't even handed in a certificate of registration, why should I treat you as one of my own?
As for letting Tian Wenchang's troops camp in the southeast instead of in the east of the city.

I also didn’t want to block the Qing army’s escape route, in order to serve the grand strategy of surrounding three and missing one.

As for what if the Qing army really left the city from the east of the city and evacuated the battlefield?
Haha, the cavalry of the Ming army are not just decorations!
After absorbing some of the Sauron soldiers and the descendants of the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Camps, the quality of the Ming army's cavalry is now quite good.

In the wild, if the infantry encounters the cavalry while fleeing in panic, what is the difference between it and the fish on the chopping board?
Zhu Jing'an wished that Agui would lose his mind and order the Qing army to evacuate from the east of the city.

When Ma Debang heard this, he cupped his fists and accepted the order.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the brothers will definitely not disappoint His Highness!"

Tian Wenchang also clasped his hands and left, preparing to camp in the southeast of Yuezhou.


Agui looked at the arrangement of the Ming army outside the city and said with a smile.

"The Ming thief prince is preparing to surround our army!"

Likewise, this is also a conspiracy!
Zhu Jing'an wants to take Yuezhou City!
But he did not surround Yuezhou, but opened the passage to the east of the city.

It's up to the Qing army whether they can run away or not!
If they run, although most people will fall under the pursuit of the Ming army, there will be some lucky ones who can escape from the battlefield.

If they don't run away, the Qing army will be completely wiped out by the Ming army in Yuezhou City!
Zhu Jing'an's plan was laid out in front of everyone in the Qing army, but the Qing army still had no way to break the situation.

This is the terrible thing about conspiracy!
"General, what should we do?"

Next to Agui, Chatai, the commander of Xishan Jianrui Camp, asked.

Agui took a deep breath and spoke with a solemn expression.

"Instruct the south camp of the city to prepare to engage the enemy!"

"The main force of the army in Yuezhou City is ready for reinforcements at any time!"

It was obvious that Agui had no intention of escaping now.

Since the army withdrew to Yuezhou in early April, and now at the end of June, Agui has been managing Yuezhou's defense.

At this time, Yuezhou's defense can be said to be impregnable!
As a veteran, Agui should not be so timid that he would just run away without fighting.

The Ming army's artillery array began to be deployed outside Yuezhou City, and the muzzles of the large-caliber heavy artillery were aimed at the Qing army camp south of Yuezhou City.

As the order to attack was issued, the heavy artillery of the Ming army was the first to pour out firepower.

The shells seemed to be free of charge, and they were thrown towards the Qing army's camp in the south of the city.

The person in charge of the Qing army's defense of the camp south of the city was Chen Yaozu, the commander-in-chief of Jingzhou.

But there were more than just Jingzhou soldiers in the camp in the south of the city.

In addition to the Jingzhou soldiers, there are also some remnants of the Henan Green Camp.

Adding the two together, the strength is probably just over [-]!
This is actually a force that is not weak.

However, Madebang's unit, which was responsible for attacking the Qing army's camp south of the city, had more than 2 people.

The number of troops was almost twice that of the Qing army, and hundreds of heavy artillery provided fire cover.

It was no easy task for the Qing army to hold the camp in the south of the city.

The humming sound in the air continued to sound, and artillery shells pierced the sky one after another, shooting towards the Qing army's camp in the south of the city.

A heavy artillery shell hit the Qing army's wall. There was a bang and the wall trembled, but it failed to open a gap in the wall.

The reason why this is so is actually very simple.

During the Battle of Changsha, the Qing army learned the method used by the Ming army to defend against artillery - sandbags!
The structure of the wall of the Qing army's south camp is no longer a simple wooden wall, but more like a sandwich biscuit.

The middle of the wall formed by two layers of wooden boards and columns is filled with a large number of sandbags.

In order to ensure the stability of the wall and its anti-shelling effect, the Qing army also poured a lot of water on the sandbags.

Now this large camp of the Qing army can be said to be impregnable!
At the very least, this camp is impregnable in the face of solid artillery shells!
This is also the reason why Agui is confident to stick to Yuezhou.

In Agui's view, the key reason why the Ming army seemed unstoppable was the sharpness of its artillery.

As long as the Ming army's advantage in artillery can be eliminated.

Then he would have the confidence to fight the Ming thief! (End of chapter)

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