Hailan on the side saw this and asked with a solemn expression.

"General, what should we do next?"

Agui took a deep breath to regain his composure, and then spoke.

"This battle has been lost, there is no need to continue fighting!"

"After the order is passed, the army will set off immediately, withdraw to Yuezhou Mansion, and ask for help from Prime Minister Shu Hede and Huguang Governor Sanbao."

"Please continue to send more troops, horses, food and grass to reinforce the war in Yuezhou!"

As the Shaanxi Green Camp was defeated by the Ming army, there was no need to continue the Battle of Changsha.

For the time being, the Qing Dynasty has completely lost hope of regaining Changsha!
In this case, Agui was not prepared to continue to lose his troops under Changsha City.

Instead, they are preparing to retreat to Yuezhou, resisting step by step, and strive to control the scope of the war within Hunan.

To prevent Ming thieves from spreading to Jiangnan and Hubei to poison the Qing Dynasty!

Hearing this, Hai Lancha looked a little unwilling, but finally spoke.

"The last general takes orders!"


"Your Majesty, the Tatars have withdrawn!"

A Ming army messenger strode up to Zhu Jing'an and spoke with an excited expression.

Just now, the sentries of the Ming Army detected the news that the main force of the Qing Army was evacuating outside Changsha City.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just nodded slightly.

Because he wasn't surprised!

The absolute main force of the Qing army in this battle, the Shaanxi Green Camp, was defeated by the Ming Dynasty last night, and even the Shaanxi admiral was defeated in the battle.

With Agui's caution, how could he continue to fight with the Ming army under Changsha City?

Withdrawing troops is absolutely normal!
If Zhu Jing'an was placed in Agui's position, he would most likely make the same choice.

Since nothing can be done, just retreat and fight again when the opportunity arises!
Although Changsha is important, it is not so important that it cannot be abandoned.

Zhu Jing'an took a deep breath and then laughed.

"Hahaha, send an order to Changsha City and ask the gentry in Changsha City to prepare another batch of supplies for the army."

"Our army has won a great victory in this battle, so we should celebrate!"

"Then pass the order to all departments of our army to do a good job of counting the results of the battle and clean up the battlefield."

"Let the gentry in Changsha City cooperate with our officers and soldiers to clear out the Qing army's defeated troops around Changsha, and try not to cause any of the Qing army's routed troops to escape, so as to restore social order in Changsha and resume production as soon as possible."

Zhu Jing'an was already preparing to operate Changsha as the rear area of ​​the Ming Dynasty.

It is worth mentioning that Zhu Jing'an actively used the power of the Changsha gentry in the process of rectifying the social order in Changsha City.

Because he knew that in this era, if he could get help from the gentry, no matter what he did, he would get twice the result with half the effort.

On the other hand, if the gentry chooses to support your enemy, then no matter what you do, you will get twice the result with twice the result.

Never underestimate the power of the gentry in this era.

Under the constraints of traditional clan etiquette, the gentry had considerable influence and control over the people.

In the eyes of many people, the image of the gentry is not that of scumbags like Zhou Bapi and Huang Shiren.

He is a great benevolent person who often builds bridges and roads in his hometown, provides food and porridge, helps orphans and widows, and supports poor students in their studies.

People like Zhou Papi and Huang Shiren who only engage in naked exploitation and don't put on a show or pay attention to appearance can actually only be called landlords, not gentry.

They have not yet reached the level of gentry.

Ordinary gentry, they are all local famous people, how can they have such a bad reputation?
No matter how many roosters, dogs, male thieves, and female prostitutes are in their bellies.

But on the surface, all of them are absolutely glamorous, have poems and books passed down from generation to generation, and have upright images of kindness and kindness.

On the contrary, the imperial court usually plays the villain role of extortionate expropriation and excessive greed...

Ninety-nine percent of the most basic resources of the entire society, including population, wealth, land, etc., are in the hands of the gentry class.

Without their cooperation, there is a high probability that nothing can be accomplished!
This is the reality of this era.

A large part of the reason why the rabbits of later generations were able to achieve success without relying on the gentry was because of the impact of the "foreign disaster" that lasted for nearly a hundred years after the Duck War on China's inherent social order.

This impact created a loophole in the gentry’s absolute control over Chinese society!

But now is not that time. If Ming Dynasty wants to succeed, it must get the support of the gentry.

Historically, it was not the Qing court that truly pacified the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, but representatives of the gentry such as Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, and Li Hongzhang.

If the gentry had not sided with the Manchus during the Taiping Rebellion, the final outcome of the Taiping Rebellion would have definitely been different...

What Zhu Jing'an is doing now is to prevent the gentry from siding with the Manchus.


Fujian, Damuan Island!

While the main forces of the Ming and Qing armies were fighting fiercely under the walls of Changsha, the war between the generals was also constantly evolving.

Facing the Qing army's encirclement and suppression troops drawn across the sea from Fujian, the rebels of Da Yuan suffered setbacks one after another.

When the Qing army landed at Dagougang, the rebels took the initiative to fight and were defeated.

Then retreat towards Fengshan.

The rebel army tried to set up an ambush in Fengshan to block the Qing army, but was defeated again.

Helpless, the rebels could only continue to withdraw deeper into the mountains to the Xiatsui area. As a result, they encountered an ambush by barbarians in the mountains and suffered another defeat, losing many men.

But the Qing army was chasing closely, and the rebels could only continue to withdraw towards Wandan deeper into the mountains.

Lin Shuangwen, who is still in his early 20s and is already one of the important generals of the rebel army, holds an oxtail knife and walks through the dense forest with his head lowered.His skin was darkened by the sun, but his eyes were bright and full of energy.

"Brother, where are we retreating to?"

"Why are the woods getting denser and denser? Are you afraid of encountering barbarians again?"

Lin Shuangwen's younger brother Lin Aiwu lowered his voice and asked.

When Lin Shuangwen heard this, he just shook his head and said.

"I don't know either, it's the path led by Yan Datong, just follow it!"

"Where did so much nonsense come from!"

When Lin Aiwu heard this, he could only continue to move forward with the spear in his hand.

Suddenly, he screamed in pain and grimaced in pain.

It turned out that his leg hit a stone nearby.

Lin Aiwu lifted up his trouser leg to check, and suddenly saw a leech lying on his leg sucking blood.

This leech has become chubby from sucking, and its blood color is faintly visible.

"Made, there are leeches, and I was bitten by a leech!"

Lin Shuangwen saw this and said.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. Don't pull it with your hands. This thing sucks so tightly that you can't pull it off with your hands."

"When I get some salt, rub it with salt, and the leech will fall off."

After taking out the leeches for his brother, Lin Shuangwen seemed to have remembered something and spoke.

"Everyone rest where you are and check your body to see if you have been bitten by a leech."

Lin Shuangwen and his party stopped to rest. Not long after, someone came back from the front and asked.

"Brother Lin, what's going on? Why don't you leave? But what happened?"

The visitor was very enthusiastic and full of concern. It was Yan Yan, the chief helmsman of Tiandihui in Fujian's North Road.

He is also the leader of this rebel army!
Seeing this, Lin Shuangwen stood up from a stone and replied.

"Commander, one of my brothers was bitten by a leech. We need to deal with it quickly, otherwise he will be sucked dry."

Yan Yan was shocked when he heard this, but he still spoke.

"That's how it is!"

"In that case, let's take a rest. You guys have been walking for so long, and you must have gotten rid of the Tatar pursuers."

"It's good to take a rest!"

"I'll order someone to send you a batch of salt later, Brother Lin. If you need anything else, Shuangwen just send someone to tell me."

Yan Yan can become the chief rudder of the North Road of the Fujian Tiandi Club. He has a very forthright and righteous character and a very charming personality.

Otherwise, the people below will not obey him!
Now that Lin Shuangwen needed help, he was willing to help without any hesitation.

When Lin Shuangwen saw this, he cupped his fists in gratitude.

"Brothers Lin, thank you for your leadership!"

When Yan Yan heard this, he just waved his hand and said.

"Why are you so polite? We are separated for nothing, right?"

"They are all our brothers. They are all our brothers who trust Yan and entrusted their lives and property to Yan to fight against the Qing Dynasty together. We should share the joys and sorrows together, and we can't thank you for anything."

Yan Yan has a very strong charisma, which is why many people are still willing to follow him despite the rebel army being driven to the mountains by the Qing army after losing consecutive battles. They are almost at the end of their rope.

However, at this moment, a person hurriedly ran up from the front. It was Zheng Ze who was responsible for clearing the way for the rebels.

According to his own words, he is the fifth generation grandson of King Yanping.

But whether it is or not, no one knows.

But regardless of whether Zheng Ze is Zheng Chenggong's fifth-generation grandson, just because his surname is Zheng, it is indeed easier to get ahead in the Tiandihui.

"Zheng Ze, why are you in such a panic, but what happened?"

Yan Yan had a bad premonition, thinking that the army would not be attacked by barbarians again, right?
He asked with a frown.

Hearing this, Zheng Ze shook his head and said.

"It's a good thing to go back to the commander-in-chief. It's a good thing this time!"

"The vanguard of our army encountered the envoy sent by the Ming Dynasty from Guangzhou. The envoy brought us several blank confessions and several boxes of official silver."

"We, we are finally in contact with Daming!"

As a member of the Tiandihui, Zheng Ze has a good impression of Daming.

He also regarded Ming Dynasty as the orthodoxy of the world from the bottom of his heart.

Even when Yan Yan first raised his army, he respected Zhu Jianzhuo, the king of the country's rejuvenation of the Ming Dynasty, as the main leader, and started the rebellion under the banner of the Ming Dynasty.

Now that the Ming Dynasty actually sent envoys to contact them and confer official positions on them, how could Zheng Ze not be excited?
Even Yan Yan on the side couldn't calm down when he heard this.

A smile broke out on his face and he spoke.

"Quick! Invite the envoy quickly!"

"No, we cannot neglect the envoy. I, the commander, will go see the envoy in person right now..."

The rebel army suffered consecutive defeats under the front of the Qing army, which inevitably caused dissatisfaction.

This is the time when great righteousness and orthodoxy are needed to unite people's hearts!
For Yan Yan, the Ming Dynasty's envoy came just in time! (End of chapter)

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