Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 162 Ascension to the throne and clan policy

Chapter 162 Ascension to the throne and clan policy

Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, but did not agree.

But just spoke.

"The lonely king has little merit, how dare he take on such a big responsibility? You gentlemen, you should choose other talents to support you!"

Everyone was not disappointed when they heard this.

Because everyone still understands the rule of three concessions and three concessions.

This can only be regarded as the first resignation.

Soon, the court meeting ended and everyone dispersed.

A few days later, on the eighth day of the first lunar month, the gentry from inside and outside Guangzhou, under the auspices of Zhu Jing'an, gathered outside the superintendent's residence and started the second attempt to persuade them to move in with great fanfare.

These wealthy gentry came outside the prison's mansion, knelt neatly in several rows according to their respective status, and then spoke in unison.

"Fu Weiyu Heaven, Ming Dynasty Yongchang, we invite His Royal Highness to supervise the country, serve the heaven and serve the people, ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor, begin the Northern Expedition, and revive the ambition of Hongwu."

"Fu Weiyu Heaven, Ming Dynasty Yongchang, we invite His Royal Highness to supervise the country, serve the heaven and serve the people, ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor, begin the Northern Expedition, and revive the ambition of Hongwu."


Amid the calls of the gentry, Zhu Jianzhuo appeared from the prison palace, supported by several guards.

He spoke with an emotional expression.

"The common people and elders have high expectations, but Jian Zhuo is really scared. He is afraid that because of his shallow merit and lack of luck, he will not be able to take on such a big responsibility and will disappoint his elders."

"Please ask the elders to choose someone wiser!"

This is the second resignation.

The gentry were rejected, but they did not leave. They knelt outside the prison's mansion until late at night, and then they left.

In the 150th year of the Chongzhen reign of the Ming Dynasty, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the third resignation began.

The garrison troops inside and outside Guangzhou formed their formations early and appeared in Guangzhou wearing brand-new military uniforms newly issued during the Chinese New Year.

Countless officers and soldiers of Mingjun, wearing fiery red military uniforms, walked in orderly array, like a surging red tide, rushing towards the prisoner's mansion.

The garrison generals surrounded the Supervisor's mansion three floors inside and three floors outside, and then they all knelt down and said.

"When the weather changes, there are four seasons. When the destiny changes, there is the Jiashen Rebellion!"

"Fortunately, my destiny will not end tomorrow, and I have been blessed by God. His Highness, the Supervisor of the Kingdom, has not forgotten the ambition of recovery, and he has emerged from the sky, leading heroes at home and abroad, determined to drive out the Tartars and restore China."

"Please, His Royal Highness the Jianguo, ascend the throne and proclaim himself the emperor, drive away Hu Qing from the north, and stabilize the world from within, so as to stabilize the hearts of the four seas and bring peace to the people!"

"Please, His Royal Highness the Jianguo, ascend the throne and proclaim himself the emperor, drive away Hu Qing from the north, and stabilize the world from within, so as to stabilize the hearts of the four seas and bring peace to the people!"

"Please, His Royal Highness the Jianguo, ascend the throne and proclaim himself the emperor, drive away Hu Qing from the north, and stabilize the world from within, so as to stabilize the hearts of the four seas and bring peace to the people!"


As the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty shouted in unison, Zhu Jianzhuo finally walked out of the Supervisor's Mansion amid thousands of calls.

But he still did not relent on the matter of proclaiming himself emperor, he just spoke.

"Jian Zhuo is terrified, fearing that he will delay the hopes of all the armies."

"I'm really scared!"

This is the third resignation.

Zhu Jianzhuo should accept it the next time he is persuaded to come in.

The Ming army officers' persuasion to advance was rejected, but they also did not leave.

Instead, they sang a war song loudly outside the prison's mansion.

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and fortune, dust and soil!"

"Looking at Shenzhou, the people are suffering, and thousands of miles of fertile land are barren!"

"Look at the world, make all the hustlers, and make up for the incompleteness of heaven!"

"Good man, don't be parents, just for the common people, not for the sake of the Lord!"


The majestic military songs resounded throughout Guangzhou, and the soldiers of the Ming army used war songs to express their attitude.

Drive out the Tartars and restore China!
As time passed, a huge storm was brewing inside and outside Guangzhou.

The 150th year of Chongzhen reign of the Ming Dynasty, the second day of February.

Under the auspices of Zhu Jing'an, almost all civil and military officials, gentry and common people, soldiers, and wealthy merchants and landlords from Guangzhou and outside Guangzhou gathered outside the Jianguo Mansion in Guangzhou City, preparing for the final persuasion to move in.

According to the rules, this is the last time to persuade him to join. After this time, it will be the enthronement ceremony.

In fact, the coronation ceremony is already being prepared!
On the bank of the Pearl River outside Guangzhou, the Temple of Heaven and Earth has long been built to worship heaven and earth.

All the specifications were built according to the specifications when Zhu Yuanzhang was in Nanjing!
Although Ming Dynasty adheres to the standard of frugality, it still does not save money in places where it should not be saved.

Before dawn, people were kneeling outside the prison's mansion.

At the front are the civil servants and generals of the Ming Dynasty, and representatives of the gentry, followed by the garrison soldiers and generals inside and outside Guangzhou, and the outermost are the ordinary people in Guangzhou.

"Please ask His Royal Highness to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, and lead us to drive out the Tartars, restore China, and restore the Ming Dynasty!"

"Please ask His Royal Highness to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, and lead us to drive out the Tartars, restore China, and restore the Ming Dynasty!"


Waves of shouts resounded throughout Guangzhou and beyond.

Countless people shouted together, wanting Zhu Jiazhuo to ascend the throne.

Finally, amidst the calls of countless people, Zhu Jianzhuo walked out of the prison country's mansion.

At this time, Zhu Jianzhuo was wearing a cross-collar dragon robe, a white jade belt around his waist, and a pair of bright yellow boots.

The twelve chapter patterns on Gun's clothes are quite obvious, including the sun and moon, flowers and birds, fish and insects, mountains and rivers, stars...

He also wears a flat crown on his head with twelve beautiful beads.

Zhu Jianzhuo just walked up to the crowd and said.

"I am the king of the Chinese people. Since the Wanli era, the world has been in chaos. The Tartars have arisen in Liaodong, and bandits have caused chaos in the Central Plains. Then there was the Jiashen Heavenly Change, and the Tartars entered the pass."

"The clothes and clothes have been reduced to rat braids, and the world has been in a state of fishy smell. It's been 40 years now!"

"A certain Jian Zhuo of the Zhu family, fortunately blessed by destiny, with his soldiers serving their lives and people's support, ascended the throne today, and his reign title was announced as Wu, in order to reopen the sky of the sun and moon and restore the Ming Dynasty."


Zhu Jianzhuo gave himself the title of Xuanwu, which means to promote martial arts.

Today's world is in chaos, and promoting martial arts is indeed the number one priority!

Nothing is more important than promoting martial arts!
After hearing this, everyone bowed down one after another.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!" "..."

The sound of shouting "Long Live the Mountain" resounded throughout the entire city of Guangzhou.

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Jianzhuo was surrounded by everyone and boarded the step.

Bu Chu was carried by a guard wearing a flying fish suit and carrying an embroidered spring knife on his waist, all the way to the Temple of Heaven and Earth outside Guangzhou City.

We must offer sacrifices to the ancestors of heaven and earth outside Guangzhou City, announcing the news that a new emperor has ascended the throne in the Ming Dynasty!
After ascending the throne, Zhu Jiazhuo announced five more imperial edicts.

The first step is to announce that the world has changed to the Yuan Dynasty. From today on, the Xuanwu reign name will be used.

Let Ming Dynasty be the orthodoxy of the world!
The second was the imperial edict announcing the canonization of the Liu family as queen.

There is no doubt about this. Mrs. Liu is Zhu Jianzhuo's first wife, so she should naturally be the queen.

The third one was the imperial edict to confer Zhu Jing'an as the crown prince.

"The emperor's eldest son, Jing'an, is wise, wise, virtuous and benevolent. He is capable of both civil and military duties. He is worthy of great responsibilities and can lead the clan. He is now canonized as the crown prince and ordered to concurrently serve as the Grand Governor of the Five Military Governor's Mansion, commanding all internal and external military affairs... "

With a letter from the prince, from now on, Zhu Jing'an, the heir to the Ming Dynasty, will become legitimate.

But among the imperial edicts to canonize the crown prince, the most weighty one is the last sentence.

Let Zhu Jing'an concurrently serve as the Grand Governor of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion and take charge of all internal and external military forces!
This can be regarded as the control of the Ming army being legitimately handed over to Zhu Jing'an.

The content of the fourth imperial edict was about the promotion of officials and nobles to the civil servants and generals of the Ming army.

As a hero from Conglong, there must be preferential treatment!
In order to reward the ministers and expand the number of nobles, Zhu Jiazhuo also ordered the restoration of the two-level titles of viscount and baron, which greatly lowered the threshold for civil servants and generals to obtain titles.

Zhu Jianzhuo gave out five marquises, fourteen earls, thirty viscounts, and nearly a hundred barons in one go.

He wants to turn all the current high-level officials of Ming Dynasty into members of the noble class as much as possible, so that everyone can be tied to death on Ming Dynasty's warships.

To prevent anyone from jumping back!

Of course, the Ming Dynasty had just conquered Guangdong and Guangxi, so the title given would not be the Spylord inherited from generation to generation, but just the descended rank of the noble.

A marquis can be reduced to three generations of hereditary status before he loses his status as a noble and becomes a member of ordinary people.

And the lowest baron only has the wealth and honor of the recipient's generation, and it will be gone when the person dies.

It can be regarded as Zhu Jianzhuo using his title to dangle a carrot for the Ming army.

The title has been given to you, but now it is just a temporary title. Do you want to be a hereditary noble?

Then keep trying!
The fifth imperial edict announced the clan policy of the new Ming Dynasty.

Except for the prince, the emperor's sons are princes and enjoy princely salaries.

The prince's legitimate son was demoted to the rank of hereditary king and enjoyed the salary of the county king, while the other sons were demoted to the rank of general of the country and enjoyed the salary of the general of the country.

The legitimate son of the county king was demoted to the hereditary rank of general of the state, while the other sons were demoted to the rank of general of the auxiliary state and enjoyed the salary of the general of the auxiliary state.

The legitimate son of a Zhenguo general is demoted to an auxiliary general and can enjoy the imperial court's salary as an auxiliary general.

The rest of the disciples only enjoyed royal family subsidies and no longer received salaries.

The amount of the clan subsidy is to ensure that the clan children can maintain a decent life, but it is not too much.

The legitimate son of a auxiliary general is demoted to an ordinary clan and can still enjoy clan subsidies.

The rest of the disciples will no longer register their clans, enter Yudie, and no longer enjoy any preferential treatment and subsidies from the court.

However, these clans who are no longer registered in the clan are free to join the army, study, take imperial examinations, do business, etc. to make a living on their own!

In other words, from now on, the Ming Dynasty's clan hierarchy only has five levels: prince, county king, general who governs the country, general who assists the country, and ordinary clan.

As the saying goes, the beauty of a gentleman can be killed in five lifetimes!

After the fifth server, even the descendants of the royal family have to rely on their own efforts.

Zhu Jianzhuo changed the previous Ming Dynasty's pig-raising policy towards the clan and strictly limited the court's expenditure on clan issues.

The reason for this is that everyone in Ming Dynasty has learned a lesson.

Everyone knows that during the pre-Ming Dynasty, the clan problem in the Ming Dynasty was one of the main reasons that brought down the imperial government's finances.

Zhu Jianzhuo was also afraid that his new Ming Dynasty would be defeated by the clan in the future!
Therefore, his first strike after ascending to the throne was directed at the clan.

In this regard, except for the emperor's holy light in the court, there was no more waves.

how to say?

Today's Ming Dynasty is not burdened by so many clans. The so-called clan issues are just Lao Zhu's own family affairs.

Zhu Jianzhuo intended to cut down the clan's expenses, and as long as Zhu Jing'an agreed, no one else, including Zhu Jianzhuo's other sons, would have any room to speak.

Not to mention outsiders!

What's more, in the eyes of people of this era, the emperor's ability to proactively reduce royal family expenses was a true example of a wise king and a wise ruler.


In the first year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty, on the fourth day of February, it was the third day after Zhu Jiazhuo ascended the throne.

Guangzhou City received good news from the front line.

Xie Gao and Gao Sheng led troops to capture Guilin and began to eliminate local resistance forces in Guangxi, laying a solid foundation for the establishment of a stable ruling order in Guangxi by the Ming Dynasty in the future.

At the same time, He Jin and Zhang Yong also led their troops into Guizhou and once approached Guiyang City.

However, Pei Zongxi, the governor of Guizhou, borrowed troops from various chieftains in Guizhou to temporarily hold Guiyang and block the Ming army outside Li'er Pass.

After the Governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, Aixinjueluo Tuside, sent troops to reinforce Guiyang, the war situation in Guizhou came to a stalemate!

Obviously, this is a clan!
Tuside belonged to the banner of Xianghuang Banner, and his surname was Aixinjueluo. Apart from being a member of the clan, he was also a close servant of the emperor.

Otherwise, he would not have dared to send troops out of Yunnan to reinforce Guizhou without Qianlong's imperial edict.

Of course, even so, Tuside immediately appealed to Qianlong after sending troops to reinforce the Guizhou war.

Of course, the Ming army's offensive against Guizhou was not in vain.

Under Zhang Yong's persuasion to surrender, Tongren, Duyun, Liping, Zhenyuan, Shiqian and other places, together with Pingyue Prefecture, all surrendered to the Ming Dynasty.

Although the Ming Dynasty failed to capture all of Guizhou in one go, it also captured most of Guizhou.

This can be considered good news!

Even if He Jin and Zhang Yong's offensive was blocked, Zhu Jing'an felt it was nothing.

Because the reason why he used troops against Guizhou was to push the battle line out to ensure that the hinterland of Guangdong and Guangxi would not be affected by the war, and could stably provide money, food and soldiers for the Ming Dynasty.

As for Guizhou, Zhu Jing'an doesn't take it as seriously as he thought!
To him, there is not much difference between capturing the entire Guizhou and capturing half of Guizhou!
However, the war is not without bad news!
The bad news is that after Liu Mingyou and Tian Wenchang led their troops into Hunan, although the early war progressed relatively smoothly.

However, due to the procrastination of their fight in Hengzhou Prefecture, they were blocked by Hengzhou Commander-in-Chief Zhao Deshun for a month, so that Hunan Governor Yan Xishen had time to strengthen Changsha's defenses.

After they led their troops to the gates of Changsha City, they faced an impregnable Changsha City that was ready to hold on.

The Ming army launched several attacks on Changsha Jiancheng, but all failed and failed to achieve results.

At this point, he was trapped under Changsha City!

ps: Let’s post one chapter first, the next chapter may come later, but there will definitely be one.

(End of this chapter)

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