Chapter 159 Heading eastward
The whole Qing Dynasty obviously understood this, otherwise, the big wretch from the Sauron tribe would not have been left outside the customs to suffer.

However, this did not prevent the Manchu and Qing Dynasties from strengthening the Eight Banners' training and enhancing the Eight Banners' combat effectiveness.

Better than no effort, better than lying completely flat!
After Qianlong said this, he calmed down his emotions and said.

"there's one more thing!"

"I looked at the battle report submitted by Fulongan and noticed something. Fulongan said that the Ming thieves had sharp firearms and a large number of guns and cannons."

"I want to know how sharp the weapons of the Ming thieves are, and how far they surpass my Qing counterparts?"

"Also, how should we, the Qing Dynasty, deal with the threat of firearms from Ming thieves?"

Qianlong was naturally aware of the sharp weapons of the Ming army sent back from the front line.

He wanted to know how the Qing Dynasty should respond to this.

As soon as Qianlong finished speaking, Agui spoke.

"Replying to the emperor, I believe that our Qing Dynasty conquers the world with bows and horses. As long as we have strong bows and strong horses, the world will be peaceful. Why should we care about firearms."

Of course, the reason why Agui said this was not because he didn't know the power of firearms.

It's because he really knows how powerful firearms are!
He was afraid that if the Qing Dynasty developed firearms, the Han people would have the ability to threaten the Qing Dynasty's strong bows and fast horses.

Once everyone in the world uses firearms, how can the Qing Dynasty and the Eight Banners suppress hundreds of millions of Han people in the world?

After saying this, Aguiyou continued to add.

"Of course, if firearms are used as a supplement to the Eight Banners, I think it is feasible."

Agui's idea is very clear. The Qing Dynasty can develop firearms, but those advanced firearms can only be equipped for the Eight Banners.

The Green Camp should continue to use their old shotguns obediently!
How should I put it? During the Qing Dynasty, the deterioration of the Green Camp's armaments was, to a certain extent, due to the deliberate indulgence of the Qing court's top officials.

Because the Manchu Qing Dynasty needed a large-scale Han army to help the Qing Dynasty suppress the world.

And we can't let this Han army be so good at fighting that it has the ability to threaten the Qing Dynasty.

In this case, maintaining a large-scale green battalion, but with ruined overall armament and unsatisfactory combat effectiveness, would best meet the needs of the Manchus.

Qianlong thought for a while and nodded.

"I intend to form a new Eight Banners Army, select brave warriors from the Eight Banners people inside and outside the Pass to come to the capital, and practice firearms warfare in the capital, so as to improve the Eight Banners' armaments..."

In fact, Qianlong had long realized that the Eight Banners was no longer viable.

He has long had the idea of ​​revitalizing the Eight Banners' military force, and the establishment of the Xishan Jianrui Battalion was his effort to this end.

After the Jianrui Battalion was formed into an army, it indeed showed considerable effectiveness.

In many battles to pacify Jinchuan and Hezhuo, and suppress peasant uprisings, he showed considerable combat effectiveness.

In the Battle of Shaoguan, the poor performance of the Eight Banners prisoners of war who were driven by the Ming army strengthened Qianlong's determination to reform the Eight Banners' military equipment and revive the Eight Banners' military force.

As for the threat to the Qing Dynasty from the development of firearms...

Qianlong has now thought about it. The reason why the Qing Dynasty did not develop firearms was to guard against the Han people.

But now the Han rebels have already used advanced firearms. If the Qing Dynasty continues not to develop firearms, wouldn't it mean taking off their pants and farting?

Agui heard this and spoke.

"Emperor Shengming!"

"I believe that the reason why Ming thieves have sharp firearms must be related to foreigners."

"Perhaps our Qing Dynasty can also hire a few foreign instructors who are proficient in the use of firearms to help train the Eight Banners' new army."

"We can also invite some foreign craftsmen, such as Tang Ruowang and Nan Huairen, to give them official positions and order them to forge guns and firearms for the Qing Dynasty..."

When Qianlong heard this, he nodded slightly, and then looked at Heshen aside, his meaning was very clear.

He was going to leave this matter to He Shen!

Seeing this, He Shen quickly stood up and called Qian'er in response, and then spoke.

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely recruit enough foreign craftsmen for our Qing Dynasty to forge firearms that can destroy the Ming thieves."

Qianlong nodded slightly.

"Don't those foreigners want to trade with our Qing Dynasty? If they can build guns and cannons for our Qing Dynasty that can destroy the Ming thieves, I will allow them to open a port and trade in Guangzhou after the Qing Dynasty regains Guangzhou. "

"Also, if the craftsmen and officers of the foreigners are really worthy of use, I will reward them with official posts."

Different from the unlucky ones like Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi and Guangxu who came later.

When Qianlong, who had great power, wanted to make reforms, he was very efficient.

Especially this kind of reform, which does not involve the fundamentals of the Qing Dynasty, but only changes the military, can be implemented with an imperial edict.


After Qianlong's imperial edict to purge the Eight Banners' armament was issued, it can be said that there were a lot of complaints both inside and outside the capital.

Although the Eight Banners nationalities who were used to living in a cage and being pampered did not dare to oppose Qianlong's decision, they could not help but complain.

Beijing outer city, eight alleys.

When future generations talk about the Bada Hutongs, their first impression is of brothels.

However, this is not accurate!

Because the eight alleys of this era are actually more like clubs than brothels.

Food, drink, prostitution and gambling are all available, teahouses, theaters, restaurants, basically everything.

What is it if it's not a club?
Well, eating, drinking, whoring, gambling and smoking are just one short of smoking.

The reason why there are no opium dens in the Bada Hutongs now is not because the bannermen of the Qing Dynasty don’t want to smoke, but because duck slices are still a rarity and have not become popular on a large scale.

Chang Wei held the beauty in his arms, eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, and drinking fine wines. He couldn't help but complain to Laifu who was standing aside.

"You damn Ming thief, you really deserve to die."

"I heard that it was because of the Ming thieves in Guangdong and Guangxi that the master made up his mind to rectify the Eight Banners in the capital."

"We men should all train like the Jianrui camp. Even the master has to go and inspect the drills in person."

"From now on, we nationalities will probably have to go to work in the camp every day. It's impossible to come to these eight alleys. Damn it, isn't this going to cost me my life?"

With that said, Chang Wei kissed Xiao Cui hard on the face in his arms, and buried his head in Xiao Cui's broad chest with a face full of intoxication. Xiao Cui giggled and dodged, and Chang Wei muttered.

"Don't hide, don't hide, give Yexiang one."

"I have to take good care of you tonight. From now on, I won't be able to come to these eight alleys."

Laifu on the side also said with a grimace.

"Brother Chang, it's good to say that your family relies on Prince Li's Mansion. Even if you go to work in the camp, you can at least join the Riding School, and you can even work directly as a leader."

"Unlike me, I don't have a capable master behind me. Even if I go to the camp, I can only be an ordinary vest."

"You can't even take a slave in clothes, so you really have to endure hardship."

Chang Wei's family has a much higher official rank within the Eight Banners than Laifu, and his family has served Prince Li's Mansion for generations.

Therefore, even if he enters the camp for training, is protected by Prince Li, and is an officer, it will definitely be much easier than being an ordinary horse-armor.

After Chang Wei heard this, he patted his chest and promised.

"Don't worry, Laifu. When you enter the camp in the future, I will ask someone to go through the door and transfer you to my command."

"When the time comes, if I have a mouthful of meat, brother, I will definitely not make you hungry!"

Hearing this, Laifu nodded vigorously.

"Thank you, Brother Chang, for taking care of me. I'll give you a toast, little brother!"

"In the future, if the court really wants our brothers to go south to fight the thieves, I will definitely block the bullet for you, little brother!" After saying this, Laifu picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it all in one gulp.

Chang Wei laughed loudly when he saw this.

"Bah, bah, bah, I'm happy today, don't say those unlucky words."

"Isn't General Agui going to lead his troops south soon? I heard that even the Sauron soldiers outside the Pass, the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Battalion in the northwest, and the Jianrui Battalion in the capital have been mobilized."

"General Agui will definitely be able to defeat the enemy in one fight in this battle. Where is the chance for us to go to the battlefield..."

These days, Agui's reputation in the Eight Banners circle is still very high.

After the Eight Banners disciples heard that Agui was about to lead his troops south, everyone was full of confidence in him.

I think that if General Agui takes action, he will definitely be able to annihilate the Ming Dynasty and return the Qing Dynasty to a peaceful and prosperous era.

A middle-aged man on the side heard this and scolded him.

"I'm young but I'm not sensible. You have no room to comment on my master's decree. Just obey it and don't bring trouble to yourself and your family."

"Otherwise, if you are charged with being disrespectful, you will all have to live with it."

"Besides, it's better to practice!"

"We all belong to the same nationality, so we should have heard about the outcome of the Eight Banners in Guangzhou."

"After the nationals in Guangzhou were captured, they were not only forced to serve as cannon fodder by Ming thieves, but suffered many casualties. Even if they managed to escape by chance, they would still be punished by the court."

"It's better to practice more now than to end up like the Guangzhou bannermen in the future."

This middle-aged man is also a banner man and a yellow belt, but his status is much higher than Chang Wei and Laifu.

Now that he met such an ignorant young man, the middle-aged man couldn't help but admonish him.

However, there was also a hint of dissatisfaction with Qianlong in his words.

Some complained that Qianlong was too harsh to those nationalities captured by the Ming army...

Because some relatives in his family were captured by the Ming army when Guangzhou fell. Their family was gone, their money was gone, their land, house, wife, concubines, and children were all gone.

Not only that, he was also used as cannon fodder by Ming thieves during the Battle of Shaoguan.

He was finally rescued and escaped from the clutches of the Ming army, but now he still has to be punished by the emperor.

It’s really miserable!
Chang Wei and Laifu were dissatisfied when they saw the middle-aged man admonishing them, but when they saw the middle-aged man's attire and demeanor, they did not dare to refute.

Judging from his demeanor and the guards around him, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

They don't want to be happy with their plans today and suffer big losses in the future.

The two of them just followed suit.

"It's all the fault of those damned thieves..."


On the second day of the twelfth lunar month in the ninth year of the Chongzhen reign of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial prison of the Ming Dynasty set out from Wuxuan and began to move toward Guangdong.

On the fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, the imperial prison arrived in Pingnan.

On the seventh day of the lunar month, we arrived in Anping.

On the tenth day of the lunar month, the team arrived at Wuzhou Mansion and spent two days repairing there.

On the thirteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the team continued eastward, passed Zhennanguan, and arrived at Deqing Mansion on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Arrive in Zhaoqing on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month!

For a team that supports the elderly and the young, this speed cannot be considered slow.

But the Ming army took advantage of the convenient waterway of the Xijiang Waterway, and this speed was actually not an exaggeration.

After passing Zhaoqing, the team continued eastward, and finally arrived outside Guangzhou on the 140th of the twelfth lunar month in the ninth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Jing'an personally led his team out of the city to greet him.

He galloped all the way to the dock outside Guangzhou, where he stood and waited.

Not long after, Zhu Jianzhuo, the king of the Ming Dynasty's supervisory state, was seen getting off the boat and boarding the pier with the help of Princess Liu.

Zhu Jing'an walked a few steps quickly, stepped forward and bowed down.

"My sons, please see your father, my father Jin'an!"

Seeing this, Zhu Jianzhuo stretched out his hand to help his son up and laughed.

"My Qilin'er, wake up, why are you and my son doing these false rituals?! It's a joke."

Zhu Jing'an stood up and spoke.

"Father, Queen Mother, please follow me into the city quickly. I have already ordered people to repair and restore the Supervisory Palace in advance. Queen Father and Queen Mother can move in directly."

Of course, Zhu Jing'an didn't just order someone to build a mansion out of thin air.

Although Ming Dynasty is not short of money now, it cannot waste it like this. Good steel must be used on the blade, and money must be spent in real ways.

He just ordered people to clean up the former Guangzhou general's mansion!

Zhu Jiazhuo nodded vigorously.

"Thank you for your hard work, my son!"

"My son is indispensable for the Ming Dynasty to be in its current situation."

Zhu Jing'an led his men from Guangxi to Guangdong this year, attacking cities and villages along the way. He killed and captured more than ten of the Qing's garrison generals, governor generals, admirals and general soldiers.

Moreover, after the Battle of Shaoguan, he also ordered the army to send troops to Hunan, Guizhou, and Guangxi.

Doing the math, over this period of time, the Eight Banners, Green Battalion, and Militia of the Qing Army that he had lost to him totaled nearly 20...

Zhu Jing'an is responsible for at least half of the credit for the Ming Dynasty's current situation.

No one can disagree with this!

Zhu Jing'an didn't take any credit and said.

"My father is so ridiculous. Our Ming Dynasty is in the current situation only because of my father's bravery and martial prowess. He can win a battle thousands of miles away. I dare not take the credit."

Zhu Jianzhuo just laughed.

"That's it, that's all. Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's enter the city first!"

"With Guangzhou in hand, I will be able to have a good year this year!"

Zhu Jing'an heard this and said casually.

"Next year, there will be more than just Guangzhou in Ming Dynasty!"

"My son plans to personally lead his army northward after the Chinese New Year to attack Huguang and regain more lost territory for our Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Jianzhuo nodded after hearing this.

"That's fine. My son can rest assured to lead the troops outside. My father will be in charge of the affairs of the court."

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an asked in a low voice.

"Now that the Ming Dynasty has regained Guangdong and Guangxi, father, should we find a suitable time to ascend the throne and proclaim ourselves emperor, so as to inspire people?"


PS: Please ask for monthly votes. There are already more than 800 votes now. I will try to get more than [-] votes this month.

Thank you...

(End of this chapter)

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