Chapter 131 Land is fighting power

Charles, a representative of the French East India Company, also added.

"Didn't the rebels agree that our warships could freely enter the Pearl River and allow us to garrison troops in Guangzhou?"

"Haha, in this way, our army can reach Guangzhou City."

"While the mercenaries on the front line are turning against the rebels, we can also mobilize troops here to attack Guangzhou to help the Tatars regain the city of Guangzhou."

"If we can help the Tatars regain the city of Guangzhou, I believe the Tatars will not mind opening their markets and trade to us."

Obviously, the French are as good as the British when it comes to stabbing people in the back.

How can I put it, good people cannot be colonizers!
And most of the people who can be colonists are bad people at heart.

Several people looked at each other and laughed together.

After a moment, George spoke.

"Governor Shadanye, please invite that envoy in and say that we are willing to help them..."


Outside Guangzhou, on the school grounds!
After Zhu Jing'an learned that Fulong'an was leading his army south, he urgently ordered the Ming army stationed around Guangzhou City to complete the assembly.

Prepare to hold a grand military parade in the university grounds, and then lead the army north to fight.

Inside the school grounds was a large, dark mass of Ming soldiers, all with their chests held high and their heads raised, looking very proud.

On the general stage were the generals of the Ming Dynasty, as well as the Guangzhou gentry and wealthy businessmen who were invited by Zhu Jing'an to watch the ceremony.

Soldiers from the Ming Army headquarters carrying muskets, wearing breastplates and flying saucer helmets formed strict square formations in the school grounds.

The distance between people is almost the same, and the distance between arrays is even more horizontal and vertical. Each row and column is as standard as if it were measured with a ruler.

At first glance, it seems that there is only one person.

From a distance, each array looks like a neat block of tofu.

Except for the Ming army headquarters soldiers who stood like tofu cubes in these arrays, there were more prisoners of war recruited from the vanguard camp.

After these soldiers from the forward battalion were recruited, they first paid back their wages and then divided their fields. Although they were still the same group of people, their combat effectiveness was no longer the same.

These soldiers of the forward battalion had their braids cut off and wore red turbans. Although they still wore the green battalion uniforms, they looked in high spirits.

The brilliance called hope reappeared in many people's eyes.

"Informing the Grand Governor, our Ming Dynasty soldiers have all formed their formations. Please review them!"

Zhang Jin galloped all the way to Zhu Jing'an and opened his mouth to report.

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly and then spoke.

"Call the troops, the military parade begins!"

As Zhu Jing'an issued the order, the Ming army began to move.

The Ming army that moved first had about 2 soldiers.

When Zhu Jing'an set out from Wuxuan to start his western expedition, he had only about [-] soldiers, excluding the naval camp.

After several months of hard fighting in the Eastern Expedition and sending troops back to support Guangxi, the number of soldiers Zhu Jing'an had on hand increased instead of falling, reaching [-].

There are two main reasons for this. First, during the battle, the Ming army absorbed some outstanding performers from the forward battalion to supplement the vacancies among the Ming army's soldiers.

This can be regarded as giving the Qing army a way to ascend to surrender!

Use facts to tell those surrendered soldiers that as long as you perform well on the battlefield, you can also be promoted to the main soldiers and you will not always be cannon fodder.

It greatly inspired the morale of those soldiers who surrendered.

The amount of this part is almost 3000 people, about the strength of a battalion.

The remaining troops were newly recruited by Ming Dynasty after conquering Guangzhou.

There are the reorganized Tiandihui rebels, and there are also Guangzhou people who join the army for military exploits.

The amount is approximately seven to eight thousand people!
Well, the military establishment that Zhu Jing'an promised to Fang Yuan was also among them.

It's just that Fang Yuan only has a staff now, and the soldiers haven't been able to make up for it.

The reason for this is that there are too many unusable people in the Tiandihui rebel army.

Ming Dynasty has occupied Guangzhou for more than a month and almost two months, but most of them are still receiving recruit training in the recruit camp.

It's really hard to say when he will be able to complete the training and become a qualified soldier.

As the military order was issued, the Ming army arrays on the school field began to move in sequence.

Each small square formation quickly adjusted into a marching formation, and then walked past the generals' stage in goose steps.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Long live the Ming Dynasty, long live the Governor!"


As they passed by the general stage, countless people performed a military salute in unison, and while touching their chests with their right hands, they shouted loudly for victory.

Zhu Jing'an also raised his hand to signal and responded.

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"

As soon as Zhu Jing'an said this, the array of generals walking past the stage began to shout in unison.

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"

"Drive out the Tartars and restore China!" "..."

Looking at the phalanx of soldiers passing in front of him and the neat forest of bayonets, the uneasiness in Zhu Jing'an's heart disappeared in an instant.

Instead, there were bursts of overwhelming pride from the heart.

With such a strong army at hand, why should he be afraid of those Tatars and foreigners? !

No big deal, just see the real chapter on the battlefield!

In this world, it is the fist that has the final say.

In this military parade, Zhu Jing'an not only did it to show the gentry in Guangzhou, but also to deter them from acting rashly after the Ming army went out.

It was Zhu Jing'an who made it for himself to strengthen his confidence!
Behind these Ming army soldiers is the artillery team of the Ming army.

Type 65 field guns, Type 90 field guns, 120 field guns, 120 siege heavy guns, and several 24-pound long guns and [-]-pound long guns were all mounted on artillery carts. Pulled by the ox, they passed under the dianjiang stage.

The dark muzzles of those artillery pieces and the metallic luster of the barrels also caused a great shock to the Guangzhou gentry on the general stage.

"Master Wang...Master Wang is so powerful!"

"I'm back, I, Daming, am really coming back!"

"The remaining people are trapped in the dust, and Wang Shiwang has been waiting for another year!"

"How can the Qing Dynasty defeat such a mighty master? Unexpectedly, Qian Ming is completely dead, and he can still pop up from the grave..."

Among the gentry, those who favored the Ming Dynasty in their stance, missed the previous dynasty in their hearts, and were unwilling to keep their money and serve as slaves to the Manchus.

Seeing the might and majesty of the Ming army, I was filled with emotion.

As for those traitorous evil gentry who still had confidence in the Manchus and believed that the Ming Dynasty was nothing more than withered bones in the graves and that the Manchus would fight back sooner or later, they all felt shuddered in their hearts after seeing the scene in front of them.

They suppressed their little thoughts one after another!
They decided to endure the humiliation and be obedient citizens of the Ming Dynasty for a period of time before the Qing Dynasty defeated the Ming thieves on the frontal battlefield.

Generally speaking, in Guangzhou, there are still a lot of wealthy gentry who miss the Ming Dynasty.

Many people looked at the mighty appearance of the Ming army in front of them, and couldn't help but wet their eyes with tears, and they were filled with emotion.

If the Ming Dynasty had such a strong army, why would the country collapse and the country collapse?

Behind the artillery team were soldiers and horses from the forward battalion.

After heavy losses and the destruction of the Guangxi and Guangdong green camps, the scale of the forward battalions recruited by Ming Dynasty was quite large.

If calculated purely based on the number of troops, it has exceeded the Ming army's headquarters soldiers, with almost 5 soldiers.

Among them, there are almost 2 veterans who have followed the Ming Dynasty to fight against the Manchu and Qing Dynasties after the revolution, and have submitted certificates of surrender.

The remaining 3 people were the new prisoners of war taken by the Ming Dynasty during the Battle of Sanshui and the subsequent battle to capture Guangzhou!

Most of those veterans have now been rewarded with military merit according to their respective merits, and they have completely returned to their old club, Ming Dynasty.

For the sake of the military fields they have been allocated, these people will really go all out to fight the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Its combat effectiveness, morale, and will to fight are absolutely guaranteed.

Their quality may not be as good as the Ming army's headquarters soldiers, but it will never be worse than the Qing army's Ganshan Green Battalion.

After all, the Manchu Qing Dynasty would not reward the Green Camp of Gansu and Shaanxi with military fields.

With and without land, the combat effectiveness of the army is two different things.

The most typical example is the Weisuo in the pre-Ming Dynasty.

In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di's father and son relied on the guardsmen who had land for everyone to beat the arrogant Mongols until they could no longer take care of themselves, and completely recovered the sixteen states of Yanyun that had been occupied by Hu Chen for hundreds of years since the late Tang Dynasty. .

Drive the Mongols out of the Central Plains.

Zhu Di even achieved an achievement of chasing death and chasing the north, sealing the wolf to Xu!

However, by the mid-Ming Dynasty, the land annexation faced by the military fields of the guards became increasingly serious, and a large number of military fields were annexed from the hands of military households to the hands of the officers of the guards.

Then the Ming army's combat effectiveness began to plummet.

Not even Japanese pirates can be defeated!

Until the end of the Ming Dynasty, after hundreds of years of land annexation, military households almost no longer had their own military land, and the guard system began to completely deteriorate.

Thousands of guardsmen could be chased around by dozens of Tatars.

Therefore, it can be said that the history of the collapse of the Ming army's combat effectiveness is actually the history of the annexation of the military fields of the guards.

Land is fighting power!
In China before the industrial revolution, this was the truth!

No, even after the industrial revolution, this sentence is still true!
As for the new prisoners of war, with their seniors supervising the battle and the carrot of military merit fields hanging in front of them, their combat effectiveness should not be bad.

At the very least, it’s definitely okay to be cannon fodder!
And this is all the troops Zhu Jing'an has in his hands now.

There are 7 elite headquarters soldiers, [-] old prisoners of war who have been divided into fields, and [-] newly surrendered cannon fodder, a total of almost [-] troops.

In today's South China, such an army is unstoppable!

Zhu Jing'an's heart was full of wantonness and excitement as he watched the troops passing by him one after another.

At this moment, a group of cavalry rushed outside again.

He quickly ran to Zhu Jing'an, dismounted from his saddle, and spoke.

"To inform the Governor, Minister Huang has returned from Macau and has brought the latest news."


PS: Two chapters are complete, good night brothers.

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