Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 127 Military Uniforms and Imperial Guards

Chapter 127 Military Uniforms and Imperial Guards
40 meters!
30 meters!
20 meters!

The distance between the arrays on both sides is getting closer and closer.

But the Ming army continued to move forward.

Every time their steps hit the ground, they seemed to be stepping on the beat of the Qing army's heartbeat.

The next moment, the Ming army followed the command and began to put their muskets on their shoulders instead of pointing them straight forward.

"Everyone has it!"

"Hold the gun straight!"

The grassroots commanders shouted to the generals to issue orders and directed the army to fight.

Being pointed at a row of black guns, the pressure it can bring to people is difficult to imagine for those who have not faced it directly.

Seeing the Ming army approaching in formation with guns raised, the Qing army, which was already on the verge of collapse, became even more demoralized.

Facing the row of black muzzles, many Qing soldiers subconsciously moved back, trying to stay as far away from the Ming army's muzzles as possible.

Soon, the distance between the arrays on both sides was only the last ten meters, and a harsh gong sound sounded from the Ming army.

clang clang...

The next moment, the Ming soldiers in the front row stood at attention, and then they all pulled the triggers.

There was a crisp sound, followed by the roar of countless muskets fired at the same time.

Hundreds of muskets fired together, and the sound produced by the combined sounds was simply louder and more terrifying than the roar of heavy artillery fire.

"Three volleys, let go!"


The first row of Ming soldiers all pulled the trigger.

The second row follows closely behind!
Then there’s the third row!
Stack in and shoot!

Suddenly, the battlefield fell silent.

After the distance between the two sides was shortened to ten meters, the accuracy of the volley was unimaginably high.

After three rounds of shooting, the first few rows of soldiers of the Qing army were almost cleared by the Ming army's musket fire.

There were screams and wails.

There were dense corpses lying on the battlefield!
Some of the wounded were not dead for a while, but lay on the ground and let out bursts of piercing wails and screams.

Three volleys of musketry were followed by the shrill sound of a charging bugle.

The musketeers of the Ming army raised their bayonets and launched a bayonet charge towards the Qing army in front of them!

Three rows of Ming troops at the front and rear formed a neat forest of bayonets, shouting and charging forward.

The setting sun hit the bright bayonet, dyeing the bayonet red, as if the tip of the bayonet was dyed red by blood.

Screams, shouts of death, wailing, gunfire, and the sound of bayonets piercing the human body all together constitute war.

It constitutes the most cruel and charming symphony in the world.

The moment the two sides fought, the Qing army collapsed without any surprise.

The Qing army completely collapsed and began to flee without their armor. Swords, spears, guns, armor, etc. were thrown everywhere.

The entire battlefield was filled with collapsed Qing troops.


"Drive out the Tartars and restore China."

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, divide the fields and divide the land!"


With the Qing army defeated, the Ming army soon launched an all-out attack.

Even the gates of Xunzhou Fucheng were wide open, and the defenders in the city rushed out in large numbers to cover up the defeated Qing army.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng! Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

"Kill the Tartars and restore Ming Dynasty!"


The excited cheers and shouts of the Ming army almost echoed outside the city of Xunzhou Prefecture.

The Qing army was covered up and retreated continuously. Outside the city of Xunzhou Prefecture, there was a mass of dead and injured, with corpses strewn everywhere.

"Abandon your weapons and surrender without killing!"

"Master Wang, please forgive me. If anyone abandons his weapons and throws them, he will not be killed!"


While pursuing, the Ming army initially tried to persuade the Qing army to surrender and rectify the Qing army's defeat.

Soon, the desperate Qing army chose to surrender to the Ming army.

After one person surrendered, a wave of surrender started, and more and more Qing troops chose to surrender to save their lives.

In the eyes of the Qing soldiers at this time, neither the imperial court nor the Qing Dynasty was more important than their own lives.

The Ming army quickly covered up the defeated troops and broke through the Qing army's camp outside Xunzhou Prefecture.

Unfortunately, it was already dark that day, and the Ming army could not expand their victory.

I can only watch helplessly as a large number of Qing troops fled into the dark night!


He Gui lay on the horse's back, clamping his legs around the horse's belly, his body rising and falling at any time as the horse galloped, urging the horse to move forward all the way.

"Hurry up!"

"Speed ​​up, the Ming thief is about to catch up!"


He Gui was galloping on his horse while looking back from time to time, his face full of nervousness.

It was like a man-eating tiger was chasing him behind him.

Because, for He Gui now, there is actually not much difference between the Ming army and the man-eating tigers.

He prides himself on the harm he has done to the Ming thieves since he conquered Guixian County. If he falls into the hands of the Ming thieves, he will definitely not end well.

The sound of horse hooves kept running for more than an hour.

It wasn't until the horses under their crotches started to fidget that they couldn't run anymore. He Gui and his party stopped running away.

One of the soldiers beside him looked back, looking at the dark but empty official road behind him, and he breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"Jun...Junmen, there's no need to run away anymore, the Ming army didn't...didn't send any pursuing troops!"

He Gui suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and sat down under a big tree beside the road, breathing in the fresh air.

"No...just don't chase me, just fine I don't chase you!"

"Ming thief... Ming thief's soldiers are really fierce! No wonder the imperial court has been defeated one after another, and now even Guangzhou has been lost."

Wang Kang, the leader of the Guixian militia on the side, asked.

"Soldiers, what should we do next? Will Ming thieves invade your county?"

How did Guixian County in Ming Dynasty get lost?

Why is there no defense line in Daling Village?

The gentry of Guixian represented by Wang Kang are the real culprits.

Once the Ming Dynasty falls into the hands of the Ming Dynasty, He Gui, the commander-in-chief of Nanning, may be recruited and surrendered, but Wang Kang and other young men will definitely not end well.

He Gui took a deep breath and then spoke.

"If it doesn't work, the Ming thieves will definitely invade your county next."

"For this town, your county is definitely undefendable."

"This town will gather its troops and prepare to retreat to Hengzhou to protect Nanning Prefecture..."

He Gui knew that Guixian would definitely not be able to defend it this time.

Rather than continue to waste manpower and material resources in Guixian, it is better for the army to retreat to Hengzhou and retreat to Nanning Prefecture.

As long as Nanning Prefecture is not lost, the imperial court will still have room for improvement in southern Guangxi, and the war situation will not collapse.

But when Wang Kang and other representatives of the gentry and the leaders of the militia heard this, their faces turned pale.

Because He Gui could retreat to Hengzhou without any burden after the defeat, but they could not.Because their family's ancestral businesses are all in Guixian.

Where can they go?

But if they don't leave, they will definitely be liquidated and retaliated by the Ming army.

By then, none of them, the culprits who caused Ming Dynasty to lose your county, will survive.

But He Gui didn't care about the fate of these gentry in the future. He was the Nanning commander of the imperial court, not the servant who looked after the homes and courtyards of these gentry's families, and he did not need to be responsible for them.

"Please think twice, military gate. If your county is not protected, Hengzhou will also be opened wide and it will definitely not be saved."

"If the army can send troops to guard your county, we, the gentry, are willing to provide the army with all the money and food needed for the war."

The person who stood up and spoke was another well-known and prominent member of the cattle family in Guixian County.

After hearing what Niu Yuanwai said, the other gentry also nodded in agreement.

They are all willing to contribute money and efforts to the great cause of the imperial court!
But He Gui shook his head when he heard this.

"It's useless. Your county can't be saved. You'd better figure out your own way out in advance!"

After saying this, he opened his mouth and gave orders to the soldiers around him.

"Pass the order, everyone should rest immediately and regain their strength as soon as possible."

"Then when the sky gets brighter, our army will continue to set off towards Hengzhou!"

Hearing this, several of He Gui's soldiers clasped their fists and chatted, and then went to deliver the order.

Wang Kang and others, on the other hand, looked defeated and their hearts were filled with despair...


On the second day, as soon as it got dark, the Ming army continued to advance towards Guixian.

With almost no effort, Guixian County, which fell to the Qing army, was successfully recovered.

Then they sent people to confiscate the houses of all the wealthy gentry families who had betrayed the Ming Dynasty!
Immediately, the army went south, retook the defense line of Daling Village, and continued to chase the defeated Qing troops, all the way to Hengzhou.

The governor of Hengzhou learned that He Gui, the commander-in-chief of Nanning, had been defeated by Xunzhou Prefecture, so he sent a militia group out of the city to assist He Gui's troops, but the Ming army followed closely behind.

When the Qing army saw the pursuers approaching, they immediately recalled the tragic situation of the battle in Xunzhou Prefecture. With the morale of the army in chaos, they were chased by the Ming army and poured into Hengzhou City, taking advantage of the situation to capture Hengzhou City.

However, He Gui failed to escape this time and became a prisoner of war of the Ming army. He will be escorted to Wuxuan for disposal.

After the Ming army captured Hengzhou, they stopped their troops.

Instead, they used troops in the direction of Laibin, preparing to eliminate the threat from the Qing army from the direction of Laibin.

After removing the threat from the guests, the Ming army will launch an attack on Wuzhou Prefecture according to the plan and expand the actual area occupied by the Ming army.

Further ensure the safety of the Qianjiang-Xijiang waterway!



Metropolitan Governor's Mansion!

Zhu Jing'an was flipping through an album in his hand. In the album, the people below sent him a design sample of the uniform uniforms of the Ming army.

Zhu Jing'an looked through the sample manuscripts and considered the style of the Ming army's military uniforms.

After the Ming army rose up, Zhu Jing'an began to think about unifying the uniform style for the army.

Because he knows that uniform and beautiful military uniforms can greatly boost the morale of the army and build a sense of collective honor for the army.

However, due to the tense war situation and limited funds, Zhu Jing'an was unable to change the army into uniform uniforms.

However, after the Ming army captured Guangzhou, his manpower and material resources became extremely rich.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an began to put the matter on the agenda and prepared to deal with it.

Then, he ordered people to prepare design samples for the Ming army's military uniforms.

Soon, several first drafts of the design were sent to him and handed over to Zhu Jing'an for review.

After reading it several times, Zhu Jing'an synthesized the advantages of several preliminary design drafts and then came up with his own design plan.

"That's it. Make a sample as soon as possible and let the governor see the actual effect."

Zhang Jin nodded to express his understanding, took the design sample from Zhu Jing'an, and then looked at it.

The main color of this design sample is red.

There is no need to comment on this, because the Ming Dynasty belongs to the fire virtue, and all the flags and clothes are red.

It is natural for military uniforms to be red!

The style of the clothes is double-breasted, with a total of five buttons, all made of brass, symbolizing loyalty, bravery, unity, sacrifice and obedience respectively.

There is no doubt that Zhu Jing'an copied the idea of ​​the Chinese tunic suit.

But he modified it based on his own understanding, because in his opinion, the army does not need such frivolous things as benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and trust.

In addition, the cuffs of the clothes were tightened and there were buttons on the cuffs to make the Ming army's military uniforms more snug.

There are pockets on the chest and waist and abdomen of the military uniform, and the buttons are also made of brass.

The collar of the clothes is a blue stand-up collar. The stand-up collar can make people look taller after wearing it.

At the same time, blue and red contrast and have a more layered feel.

The lining of the clothes also adopts a middle button design, but the overall color is stain-resistant black.

The pants are also black straight-leg pants with pockets on both sides of the thighs, which can also be used to store sundries.

The reason why black is used is because red all over the body is unsightly.
The second reason is that because black is a darker color, the blood stains are not obvious after being stained with blood.

Even if someone is injured on the battlefield, it will not cause widespread panic and thus affect the morale of the army.

The shoes are black mille-layer cloth shoes.

In addition, there are leggings, belts, epaulettes, armbands, hats and other designs.

Leggings may seem inconspicuous, but they are an artifact. Before the spread of mechanization, almost all modern armies had the equipment.

The practicality of this thing can be imagined!

He can greatly improve the mobility of the army.

The belt is made of cowhide with a copper buckle on it, which can be used to attach the bayonet and bullet pouch.

Needless to say, epaulettes and armbands, epaulettes are used to indicate military rank, and armbands are used to indicate the unit to which an individual belongs.

The color of the hat is also black, and it adopts the design of a cylindrical hat with a brim. (Similar to the hats worn by the Chinese army during World War II)
There is also a cap badge on the front of the hat. On the cap badge is the symbol of the sun and the moon shining together.

Zhang Jin quickly said goodbye and left, and Zhu Jing'an then called his other secretary, Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan entered the study and first walked towards Zhu Jing'an's luggage.

"The next official pays homage to the governor!"

"I wonder why the governor called the officials here?"

Zhu Jing'an narrowed his eyes and said warmly.

"Sit first!"

When Cheng Yuan sat down, Zhu Jing'an spoke.

"Do you know why the governor asked you to come here?"

Cheng Yuan said with some fear after hearing this.

"I don't know, my subordinate, but if I have any tasks, please ask the Governor to give me instructions."

Zhu Jing'an chuckled and then spoke.

"Don't be nervous! Relax."

"I called you here this time because I have an important task to entrust you to do."

Hearing this, Cheng Yuan was obviously a little restless, but he still spoke.

"Please also ask the Governor to give you orders!"

Zhu Jing'an said with a gentle expression.

"The governor needs you to start forming the Jinyi Guards and set up the Ming Dynasty's intelligence system..."


PS: I’ll update one chapter first, there will be more tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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