Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 121 Selling an official position and getting a title is not a problem

Chapter 121 Selling an official position and getting a title is not a problem
Allowing officials to spend money to take up their posts suddenly solved the two problems of lack of money and lack of officials for the Ming Dynasty. Isn't it perfect?
What is a win-win situation?

Of course I won twice!

In Zhu Jing'an's eyes, selling an official position and getting a title are just minor issues.

Failure is the biggest problem!

As long as you can continue to win, it is not a bad idea to sell your official position to raise military expenses.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, if Chongzhen could lose his face and let go of selling his officials, he could get enough money and food to train an elite soldier.

The Ming Dynasty may not necessarily die!

What a pity, Chongzhen, an honest boy, is too shameless.

If Zhu Jing'an was placed in Chongzhen's position, he would definitely let go of selling official positions and conferring titles.

When the sales of officials and officials are enough to raise enough military expenses, he will give a wave of rewards to the elite soldiers of the Nine Sides, and then take the fed elite soldiers of the Nine Sides to move to Nanjing.

During the Little Ice Age, the North, which was in ruins due to natural and man-made disasters and could not be saved, was left to the Tatars and rogue bandits to fight for.

Then he used the elite troops from nine sides to focus on building the Huaihe River defense line.

If it doesn't work, let the local government practice regiment training, let the gentry control the military force, confer military envoys to the military leaders, let the local government levy lijin, and withhold taxes to support the army.

I can’t believe that I can’t stabilize half of the country in the south!
Although it is possible to turn the Ming Dynasty into the Tang Dynasty after the Anshi Rebellion, with the kind of separatist state of vassal towns.

But separatist rule in vassal towns is better than subjugation of the country!
After doing this, if we can master the art of checks and balances, it will be no problem to extend the life of the Ming Dynasty for several decades.

If there is another king with outstanding personal ability in the future, it is possible to pacify the feudal town and revive the Southern Ming Dynasty.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Jing'an spoke again.

"The second thing is that the imperial court needs you to come forward and help the imperial court purchase a batch of muskets and artillery from foreigners, and hire a group of foreign mercenaries to help the imperial court fight."

As early as in Guangxi, Zhu Jing'an had already had the idea of ​​hiring foreign mercenaries for his own use.

However, at that time, due to the Manchu Qing Dynasty's maritime ban policy, foreigners could not enter the mainland.

Therefore, he could only settle for the next best thing and hire a few foreign craftsmen and gunners.

However, now that Guangzhou has been captured by the Ming Dynasty, the outlet to the sea is in the hands of the Ming Dynasty.

Then Zhu Jing'an will naturally start preparing for Ming Dynasty's own "foreign gun team" and "foreign artillery team".

Although they are unwilling to admit it, after the Seven Years' War, Europe did surpass China in terms of war.

Especially when it comes to firearm use!
It has left China far behind.

This is the truth!
Since you are lagging behind, you should learn from the leaders. There is no shame in this!
On the contrary, it is the kind of people who are left behind, who still pretend to be the emperor and refuse to learn from the barbarians in their own eyes because of their own dignity, are the ones who really make people laugh.

No doubt, the person cueing here is me, Daqing!

As soon as Zhu Jing'an said this, the leaders of the Thirteenth Group responded one after another.

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly and then spoke.

"And then there's the third thing!"

"The governor wants you, the Thirteenth Party, to come forward and hire shipwrights, gunsmiths, cannonsmiths, scientists, navigators, doctors, lawyers, mechanical experts, bankers, etc. from foreigners, so that they can come to China and work for the Ming Dynasty."

"We also collected various books on navigation, mechanics, astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, chemistry, medicine, finance, etc. in the West for translation."

“The Governor will set up a special Western academy in Guangzhou, named Guangzhou University, to study and study the advanced aspects of Western civilization, to learn from each other’s strengths and offset weaknesses, to select the essence and discard the dross... …”

The essence here refers to the achievements of Westerners in science and technology, shipbuilding and navigation, economy and finance.

The dross is Western theology.

None of the people or books Zhu Jing'an asked for were related to theology.

Because he is not interested in religion!

In this era, the spread of Western learning to the East has become a general trend.

Although the power of Westerners has not yet expanded to Northeast Asia, that is, Korea and Japan, including the Qing Dynasty, which claims to be a heavenly country, they are still closed to the outside world.

However, countries in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, Siam, Myanmar and other countries, have more or less accepted certain Westernization reforms.

In comparison, China has fallen behind!

Of course, with China's huge size, such a little backwardness is nothing.

At the very least, before the outbreak of the Duck War, China was still the absolute leader in the Eastern world.

Although the Qing Dynasty seems to have lost the Burmese War, what you need to know is that the war was fought on Burmese soil, and Burma only won a miserable victory.

Also, I understand the military discipline of the Qing Heavenly Soldiers. After entering the territory of Myanmar, you can only imagine what kind of disaster they caused to the place.

Speaking of losses, Myanmar suffered much more than the Qing Dynasty.

Otherwise, Myanmar would not pay tribute to the Manchus again after the Qing-Burmese War.

However, this does not mean that China does not need to reform and learn.

Capitalist social reform and, more importantly, the industrial revolution will be the mainstream of future development in this world.

If Zhu Jing'an doesn't want China to become a Western commodity dumping market and colony again like in the previous life.

So, from now on, he will start preparing for reforms and learn from things that the West is ahead of the East.

But forget about theology!

There are already enough gods in China, there is no need for another Jehovah.

Upon hearing this, the leaders of the Thirteenth Group bowed again and promised to complete Zhu Jing'an's instructions.

Then, Zhu Jing'an asked them all to retreat.


After the others left, Zhu Jing'an returned to the back house and called another person next to him over.

"Cheng Yuan, is there any news from Wuxuan recently?"

Zhang Jin was assigned to preside over the public trial. Cheng Yuan, as Zhang Jin's deputy, stepped in to take over and assumed the role of Zhu Jing'an's secretary.

Obviously, Zhu Jing'an will not have only one secretary by his side.

Not to mention that the work cannot be carried out without anyone.

Cheng Yuan heard this and spoke.

"When I get back to the Governor, the latest news from Wu Xuan is that another batch of brand-new ordnance has been shipped and is being shipped to Guangzhou."

After Zhu Jing'an captured Guangzhou, there was no shortage of food and grass for the army, which could be collected directly from the local area.

The logistics line with Wuxuan is mainly used for transporting ordnance!

During this period, almost every once in a while, a batch of ordnance would be transported from Wuxuan, and then transported to the front line via the Qianjiang-Xijiang waterway.

It greatly ensured the supply of ordnance for Zhu Jing'an's Eastern Expedition army!

Zhu Jing'an heard this and asked with interest.

"What's the specific amount?"

Cheng Yuan recalled it and said.

"Back to the Governor, the ordnance shipped from Wuxuan this time is roughly one thousand Type 14 flintlock muskets, fifty Type 65 field guns, twenty Type 90 field guns, and five Type 120 siege guns."

"And 1100 boxes of grenades, [-] collars for single-sided breastplates, [-] flying saucer helmets, gunpowder, and some custom ammunition..."

The Ming Dynasty's Jintian Arsenal has actually broken through the technical threshold for larger-caliber artillery, such as the latest 24-pound artillery, which corresponds to the Western 150-pound cannon.That power is quite impressive!
The main reason why it is not transported to the front line is that the weight of heavy artillery is too exaggerated, easily weighing several thousand kilograms.

Used in field battles, it would greatly hinder the march and movement of the army and was not practical, so it was not transported to the front line.

Instead, it was used on several fortresses in Xunzhou Prefecture and used as artillery fortresses and city defense artillery.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"Very good, then I will order people to do the corresponding reception work, so that there won't be any mistakes."

Hearing this, Cheng Yuan nodded to express his understanding.

Zhu Jing'an thought for a while and then said again.

"Send someone to pass a message to Wu Xuanfei Ge and ask when the Jianguo Xingyuan is going to set off to move to Guangzhou and whether we need to send troops to escort them."

Now that the Ming Dynasty has captured Guangzhou, it is quite necessary to move the prison from the small county of Wuxuan to Guangzhou.

How should I put it, no matter how outstanding the conditions in Wuxuan are, they are incomparable to Guangzhou, the first city in Lingnan.

Not to mention the political significance of moving the prison headquarters to Guangzhou!
After all, Guangzhou is a big city. Moving the prison headquarters here can show that the Ming Dynasty, which was reincarnated from the dirty land, is a regular regime.

Rather than assigning its administrative center to a valley empire in a small county!
The difference between the two is huge!

Cheng Yuan nodded again to express his understanding.


On July 140, the ninth year of Chongzhen 21 in the Ming Dynasty, the weather was fine.

Zhu Jing'an asked when the governor of the country would send a message to Feige, who was migrating to Guangzhou, and arrived in Wuxuan County with the 4000 people led by Liu Mingyou.

Among the 4000 people he led, 1000 were his own soldiers, and the remaining [-] were adapted soldiers from the forward battalion.

Most of these 3000 people are veterans who have participated in several battles with the Ming army, and their reliability cannot be said.

After the news came in Guangzhou that the surrendered troops were being divided into fields, with such a carrot hanging in front of them, their combat effectiveness was guaranteed.

With the help of these 4000 people, the originally tense battle situation in Xunzhou Prefecture will be completely reversed.

4000 soldiers, placed in today's Guangxi, are enough to change a lot of things.

You know, after Guangxi Green Camp was crippled by Zhu Jing'an, the remaining so-called main forces have been dragged to Yongzhou by Guangxi Admiral Gao Sheng to join the imperial envoy Fulongan.

At present, the Qing troops in the direction of Xunzhou Prefecture and the direction of Laibin only use the Green Battalion as the backbone, supplemented by partial divisions of the militia.

The reason why they were able to suppress the Ming army was only because Han Sigu died in an ambush and the defense line of Daling Village collapsed, catching the Ming army by surprise. In addition, there were repeated rebellions among the internal gentry, so that the morale of the army was low at the beginning of the headwind.

But even so, the Ming army still firmly defended the defense line. Even if the Qing army and the gentry cooperated internally and externally, they could not break through the Ming army's defense line and truly threaten the hinterland of the Ming army.

After the fate of these four thousand Eastern Expedition troops, the war situation in Xunzhou Prefecture will be completely reversed.

Not to mention anything else, just the psychological advantage of the Eastern Expeditionary Army against the Qing Army can greatly restore the low morale of the Ming Army in the direction of Xunzhou Prefecture.

And what fights is morale!
As long as the morale of the Ming army can be restored, the Qing army will not be a threat.


In the Imperial Study Room, Zhu Jianzhuo received a letter from his son asking when the imperial palace would be transferred to Guangzhou.

Immediately ordered the ministers to be summoned for discussion.

"Now that the Guangzhou Prefecture has been demolished, it is an urgent matter to move the supervisory office from Wuxuan to the Guangzhou Prefecture."

"Everyone, please tell me when the team should start migrating!"

Zhu Jianzhuo has no objection to Xingyuan's migration to Guangzhou. What he is considering now is only the time of migration.

Wang Shun heard this and spoke.

"I would like to report to His Highness the Supervisor of the State that the old minister's opinion is that after the victory of the war in Xunzhou Prefecture, the headquarters of the Supervisor of the State can be moved to Guangzhou."

The timing mentioned by Wang Shun is critical.

Because moving after the victory of the war is "moving the capital".

But if the war has not been won, or even if we move when our army is at a disadvantage, then in the eyes of the people and soldiers, this will be like running away.

If this is the case, the morale of the Ming army, which is not already high, will only become even lower!
It will probably be even more difficult to win the war.

This is not necessary.

He Shou on the side also spoke.

"I am reporting to the Supervisory Country, and the veteran also agrees with what the Chief Assistant said."

"If Ming Dynasty moves now, it will be too hasty due to the Qing Dynasty soldiers pressing down on the border."

"But if we wait until our troops break through the Qing siege before migrating, we can be much more relaxed and avoid many unexpected situations."

He Shou said this out of safety considerations.

Several other people also expressed their opinions in this way.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Jianzhuo nodded.

"Very good. If that's the case, let's reply to Jing'an in this tone."

After saying this, Zhu Jianzhuo looked at Liu Mingyou and asked.

"Mingyou, are you sure of winning this battle?"

Liu Mingyou had just come back to Wuxuan and was brought in to discuss matters, so he seemed to be dusty.

But he still spoke.

"Please rest assured that the supervisory country will ensure that the mission is completed and the invading Qing Tatars are destroyed!"

Seeing this, Zhu Jianzhuo nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he spoke again.

"Mingyou, please stay for a while. The queen has missed you very much recently. Please stay and have a family dinner before leaving."

Zhu Jianzhuo's queen Liu is Liu Mingyou's biological sister.

Therefore, to Zhu Jianzhuo, Liu Mingyou actually belonged to his own family.

When Liu Mingyou heard this, he naturally would not refuse and nodded.

"I will understand at the end!"

Zhu Jianzhuo nodded slightly, then waved his hand.

"Okay, let's go everyone!"

"Everyone go about your business and do the work at hand."

Everyone responded in unison, then excused themselves and left.

Zhu Jianzhuo took Liu Mingyou, his brother-in-law, to the back house of Jianguo Mansion.

Next, it’s their family dinner time!

Zhu Jianzhuo walked in front, followed closely by Liu Mingyou, one behind the other.

Zhu Jianzhuo asked.

"Mingyou, you are following Dongzheng by Jing'an's side. Do you know what Jing'an thinks about the Jingya incident?"

(End of this chapter)

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