Chapter 114 The general trend!


Outer city!

At dawn, with the white fish belly spitting out from the end of the eastern sky, the war between the Qing army in Guangzhou and the Tiandihui rebels started again.

Fang Yuan commanded the rebels of the Tiandihui and once again launched a fierce attack on the governor's Yamen.

The cry of killing resounded throughout the entire city of Guangzhou!
The Qing army occupied streets, houses, and every building, resisting step by step, trying to delay the arrival of reinforcements.


The artillery captured by the Tiandihui rebels from the Guangzhou arsenal was pushed to the front line for firepower projection.

The gunfire rumbled, and gunpowder smoke quickly filled the air.

A large hole was punched in the wall of a wooden building.

The rebels of the Tiandihui rushed forward, poured in through the big holes made by the shells, and captured such a building under the cover of shelling.

The Qing army hiding in the building and resisting stubbornly collapsed!
They were all killed by the Tiandihui rebels who swarmed up!

Cannons continued to ring.

The Qing army also took down some artillery pieces from the city walls they controlled and fired at them with the artillery pieces of the Tiandihui rebels.

It is a pity that the artillery battle between the Qing army and the Tiandihui rebels was the most typical of noobs pecking each other.

Depending on the skill of the gunners on both sides, it would not be a problem for them to use their cannons to hit fixed targets and hit those buildings.

But if you use cannons to hit people, you are making things difficult for them.

The artillery fire in the outer city of Guangzhou rumbled for a long time, but the casualties on both sides were in single digits.

The level of artillery operation on both sides is very limited, and the artillery fire is mostly just to listen to the sound.

If we really want to decide the outcome, we still have to watch the fight with cold weapons such as swords, guns and spears.

The battle situation in Guangzhou City gradually began to determine the winner, and the rebels of the Tiandihui continued to advance towards the governor's Yamen.

Although the Qing army was determined to resist, they could only retreat steadily in the face of the Tiandihui rebels who had an absolute numerical advantage.

The last stronghold of the Governor's Yamen was almost lost.

At this critical moment, the Eight Banners soldiers led by Altai, the deputy commander of the Eight Banners in Guangzhou, finally arrived at the Taiping Gate in the southern city of Guangzhou after running around day and night.

This is also one of the few city gates actually controlled by the Qing army.

Seeing the chaos in Guangzhou City, Altai gritted his teeth and immediately ordered the Eight Banners cavalry to enter the city and join the battle.

"Brothers, follow me into the city, kill the bandits, and protect the Qing Dynasty!"

Altai took the lead. After passing through the city gate, he galloped on the wide streets of Guangzhou City. He rode his horse and brandished his sword and rushed towards the Tiandihui rebels who were attacking the governor's Yamen.

He didn't believe it. It was just that he and others couldn't defeat the Ming thieves. How could they not defeat the bandits of the Tiandihui?

Behind Altai, a group of Eight Banners cavalry galloped, brandishing their swords and making strange noises.

Because these Eight Banners soldiers were unclear about the current fighting situation in Guangzhou City, they thought that Mancheng was being besieged by the Tiandihui rebels.

Each and every one of them was completely willing to risk their lives for their own families.

They had been defeated at the sight of the enemy before, but now they mustered up their courage and launched a desperate charge towards the Tiandihui rebels.


"Kill the bandits and protect the Qing Dynasty!"

"The Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners are invincible, kill!"


The horses galloped past, and the saber in Altai's hand was stained with blood.

With a pop, blood spurted out. With the speed of the galloping war horse, the royal-given sword in Altai's hand was extremely sharp, and beheaded a rebel soldier with just a slight scratch.

Warm blood shot out from the headless cavity and sprayed Altai's face.

Altai wiped the warm blood on his face and smiled with a ferocious expression.

After his hands were stained with the blood of the enemy, Altai suddenly discovered that war was not as terrible as he imagined.

The Eight Banners soldiers galloped through the streets on horseback. With the cotton armor on their bodies, the horses under their crotches, and a sudden attack, they directly defeated a rebel army of the Tiandihui.

The horses galloped and the sabers passed by, like waves of wheat blown by the wind. Wherever the Qing army passed, they fell.

Many rebel soldiers were split in half by flying sabers, with their internal organs and blood flowing. The scene was shocking.

For a time, the Tiandihui rebels in Guangzhou were caught off guard by these Eight Banners soldiers.

The casualties were quite heavy!
Fu Jinyuan watched helplessly as one of his brothers was beheaded by the Eight Banners horse soldiers who were running by. Only a layer of skin was left connecting his head and body, and blood spurted everywhere.

His eyes turned red instantly.

"What a fucking bitch, Tatars, please give me and your brothers their lives!"

Fu Jinyuan shouted while bending his bow and shooting arrows at the Qing army that was running towards him after killing his brother.

There was a crash, the bowstring trembled, and the arrow shot through the air.

But it was a pity that the Qing soldier was wearing heavy cotton armor. Fu Jinyuan's arrow only hung on the cotton armor and failed to break through the armor successfully.

When the Eight Banners soldier of the Qing Army saw this, he immediately waved his whip, continued to urge the horse to come, and shouted something.


Fu Jinyuan looked at the saber that was getting closer and closer, and subconsciously ducked to avoid it. He narrowly avoided the vital point, but the saber was still pressed down, leaving a long and narrow wound on his back.

Blood gushed out as if there was no need for money!

"Big brother!"

"Brother, are you okay!"

"Be careful, the Tatar cavalry is here again!"


Several of Fu Jinyuan's younger brothers came forward to help him up, trying to help him deal with his wounds.

But just as a few soldiers asked, they saw the Eight Bannersman from the Qing Army turning around on the street and charging towards them again.

"Fuck you, dog Tartar!"

Seeing the blood on the armor of the Eight Banners soldier and horse, and feeling the severe pain from his back, Fu Jinyuan couldn't help but grit his teeth.

He bent his bow again, nocked an arrow, and shot at the Eight Banners soldier.

When Gemule on horseback saw this, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes and he continued to charge forward.

Gemule couldn't understand. The arrow he just shot couldn't break through his armor. How could this Nikan have the confidence to bend his bow against him again?
Do you really think that the cotton armor on your body is just a decoration?
"Nikan, who doesn't have a long memory, let me take your head this time!"

Gemuler sneered, clamped his legs tightly on the horse's belly, and continued to charge forward.

Recalling the pleasure that the saber had just passed across his neck, tearing open the flesh, severing the blood vessels, and spurting blood, Gemule's breathing gradually intensified.

He can somewhat understand why the ancestors slaughtered cities everywhere when they entered the Central Plains.

Killing is really an addictive thing!

However, the smile on Gemule's face did not last long before he saw Fu Jinyuan loosening his bowstring.

With a crashing sound, the feather arrow flew out again.

But this time it was not aimed at Gomulla himself, but at the horse under his crotch.

With a pop, the arrow hit the war horse's neck. The sharp arrow penetrated directly through the flesh and penetrated deeply into the war horse's neck.

The war horse under Gemulle's crotch was hit by an arrow, and he neighed in pain.

The front hooves of the war horse suddenly lifted up, and the man stood up. In the sound of neighing, Gemule was thrown off the horse's back.Fu Jinyuan shouted loudly when he saw this.

"Brothers, come on, kill that dog Tartar for me!"

When several Tiandihui rebels saw this, they did not hesitate and rushed forward with red eyes, shouting to kill.


"Kill the Tartars to avenge our brothers!"

"Fuck you dog Tatars, kill them!"


Gemulle was thrown off his horse and almost lost his breath.

But before he could get up from the ground, he received a heavy blow on his head. Gemule's vision went dark and he immediately lost consciousness.

It turned out that a Tiandihui rebel saw that Gemule's cotton armor was thick and strong and difficult to break through, so he simply picked up a stone and threw it on his head.

With a bang, Gemule's head was almost smashed open, and his brains burst out.

Several rebels from the Tiandihui stepped forward, pulled out the cotton armor from Gemule's body, and then cut him into pieces with knives.


With the return of reinforcements from the Guangzhou Eight Banners under Altai, the war situation in Guangzhou suddenly changed.

The Tiandihui rebels were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses immediately.

Even a boss at the level of the Xiang Lord died on the battlefield, and a lot of the smaller bosses below him died.

For a time, the Tiandihui rebels in Guangzhou were shocked.

Fortunately, the streets in Guangzhou were lined with densely packed buildings. As long as the Tiandihui rebels hid in the buildings, the Qing cavalry would not be able to pursue them.

Otherwise, the casualties of the rebels will only become more serious.

However, Fang Yuan quickly reacted and directed his troops to surround Altai's headquarters.

The Eight Banners' greed for life and fear of death was once again exposed.

After all, they did not dare to charge against the Tiandihui rebels again, but withdrew towards the governor's Yamen.

Wen Tai, the governor of Guangdong, saw reinforcements arriving and went out to greet them personally.

"Lord Dutong, it's so hard to wait for a lower official!"

"If reinforcements don't arrive today, the city of Guangzhou will really be lost."

Wen Tai saw Altai from a distance and complained.

The reason why he is complaining to Altai now is that he wants the deputy commander of Altai to order all the Eight Banners soldiers in the city to go out to reinforce the war.

However, Altai, who had just returned to the city, did not understand the meaning of Wen Tai's words and just responded.

"There is no need to worry about Wenfutai. Aren't the reinforcements arriving now?"

"The Eight Banners led by the Pontifical General are the first batch of reinforcements, and then the Jin Army Gate will arrive with the highest bid."

"Don't worry Futai, Guangzhou is worry-free!"

Hearing this, Wen Tai breathed a sigh of relief and then opened his mouth to explore.

"The civil war situation in Guangzhou is tense now. I wonder if the governor can order the entire city's defenders to be dispatched out of the city to help in the war?"

When Altai heard this, he shook his head and refused without thinking.


"The safety of the city is related to the Qing Dynasty and is more important than Guangzhou. Its garrison must not be touched lightly."

Altai could not agree to anything like deploying troops from within the city to reinforce the war in the outer city.

Not only that, he even had the idea of ​​​​letting the Eight Banners under him return to Mancheng to strengthen the city's defense, instead of continuing to stay in the outer city and help the Green Camp soldiers fight.

It’s just that I haven’t said it out yet!
When Wentai heard this, the expression on his face obviously froze.

But at this moment, another messenger from outside ran in and opened his mouth to report.
"Urgent report! Urgent report!"

"The gangsters are attacking the governor's office again!"

After the messenger finished speaking, Wen Tai and Altai showed shock on their faces.

Obviously, none of them expected that the bandits would organize another attack in such a short period of time.


Outside the governor's yamen, the dark Tiandihui rebels came towards the governor's yamen.

At this time, the Tiandihui rebels had nothing but a large number of people.

In the huge city of Guangzhou, at least half of the young people have a very close relationship with the Tiandi Society.

After Fang Yuan and others launched the uprising, as time passed, the number of troops on hand continued to increase.

Therefore, the attack led by Altai's army did not have as big a blow to the Tiandihui rebels as imagined.

They can quickly replenish the lost troops!

Therefore, after making some repairs and adjusting the deployment of troops, the Tiandihui rebels once again attacked the governor's Yamen.

When the war was tense, Wen Tai wanted Altai to lead troops to attack again and use the Eight Banners' cavalry attack to repel the enemy.

But Altai decisively refused.

Just now, the Guangzhou Eight Banners mustered up the courage to launch a cavalry charge against the Tiandihui rebels, attack the rebels' rear formation, and relieve the governor's Yamen from the siege.

That's because they don't know the war situation in Guangzhou and are worried about the safety of their families in the city.

For the sake of their families, many Eight Banners soldiers have made desperate plans.

Prepare to open an escape channel for the whole city even if you risk your own life.

However, now they have learned that Mancheng is safe!

Since their family members are all fine, they won't risk their lives.

They are the masters of the Eight Banners and are members of the Qing Dynasty. Their lives are no less valuable than those of the Han soldiers in the Green Camp. If they have to fight hard, the Green Camp should fight first.

The Eight Banners' fear of fighting further affected the morale of the Green Camp soldiers.

The world belongs to the Manchus, and the Eight Banners don't fight to protect it, so why should the Green Camp fight with all their lives?
The Tiandihui rebels have the upper hand again!

However, just when the Tiandihui rebels were about to capture the governor's Yamen.

Jin Rong's troops arrived in Guangzhou City!
After more than 2000 elite bidders who dared to fight entered the battlefield, they instantly turned the tide of the battle.

However, Jin Rong's troops did not have time to be proud.

The Ming army's forward battalion pursuers followed closely!

Although he was wearing a green battalion coat of arms, but with a shaved head and a red cloth headband, a member of the Ming Army's forward battalion entered the battlefield.

These green battalion soldiers, who were weak when they were with the Qing army, actually showed good combat effectiveness after they were recruited by the Ming Dynasty and arranged for veterans to join the battle and supervise the battle.

They were clearly suppressing Jin Rong's bid!

The reason is also very simple. First, there is a team of supervisors to supervise the battle. These soldiers in the green camp, which are called vanguard battalions at best, or prisoners of war at worst, can only fight hard.

If you don't work hard, you will die!

The second reason is that after becoming a member of the Ming army, these green soldiers couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority in their hearts when they faced the former Paoze.

Looking at Pao Ze in the past, it was like looking at a native chicken and a tile dog!
It seems that as long as they raise the banner of the Ming Dynasty, they can be like the elite of the Ming army, destroying the enemies who dare to stand in front of them.

And this is the general trend!
This is the general trend that Zhu Jing'an has achieved since the Eastern Expedition, using less to defeat more with more and more crisp victories.

(End of this chapter)

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