Chapter 112 Arriving in Foshan
Master Yuan Jing on the side spoke again.

"The Admiral may not know something. He cannot drink chicken soup after being shot. If he drinks it, the consequences will be disastrous."

"It's better to take this bowl of chicken soup. It just so happens that the poor monk still has a 50-year-old wild ginseng."

"The general's wife of the Guangzhou general came to the temple to worship Buddha a few days ago. It was given to me as a gift. Now I just used it to cook a bowl of ginseng soup for the admiral to replenish his energy. It is also worth the money."

Yuan Jing's words have two meanings. One is that he has Laoshan ginseng here, and Jin Rong's ginseng soup is better for his health.

Second, he said that his Guanyin Temple was opened outside Guangzhou, so it was naturally protected by someone, and he advised Jin Rong not to go too far.

Jin Rong was about to drink soup, but his expression changed when he heard this, but he still put down the spoon in his hand, clasped his hands and said to Master Yuan Jing.

"If that's the case, I'd like to thank Master for the old wild ginseng."

Jin Rong obviously understood the meaning of Master Yuan Jing's words.

Yuan Jing just nodded slightly, indicating that he should.

The soldiers around Jin Rong came forward, took the chicken soup away, and then followed a young novice to get ginseng to make soup.

Half an hour later, the soldier brought a bowl of ginseng soup to Jin Rong.

Jin Rong picked up the bowl and took a sip.

Chewing the ginseng seeds in the ginseng soup, Jin Rong felt that his energy had recovered a lot, and his face was rosy.

Even the wounds on my back seem to be less painful!
Immediately, Master Yuan Jing treated Jin Rong's wounds with his own hands and used a knife to dig out the lead pellets on his back. Every time he cut, Jin Rong was in pain and sweating all over his face.

Without the ginseng seeds to replenish his vitality, Jin Rong might have fainted.

With a clang, a projectile was taken out and thrown into a copper basin nearby.

Looking at the irregular-shaped projectile, Jin Rong couldn't help but grin.

"Master, is there anything else?"

Master Yuan Jing put his hands together and pronounced the Buddha's name.

"Amitabha, back to the Admiral, there are still some tiny projectile fragments deep in the wound. The Admiral still needs to be patient."

Although the Ming army's rifled guns fired single-headed bullets, the lead was soft and would deform and break after hitting the human body.

If all the fine pellets cannot be removed, heavy metal poisoning can also kill people.

Hearing this, Jin Rong withdrew a wry smile from his pale face, but still nodded.

"In that case, Master Lao will continue to treat my injuries."

"Xu Huai, you will then order someone to fetch 500 taels of silver, which is the money for the sesame oil donated to the temple by the governor..."

Upon hearing this, Xu Huai, the captain of his personal soldiers, clasped his fists and left.

Master Yuan Jing saw this and thanked him.

He proclaimed a Buddhist name and then continued to collect shrapnel for Jin Rong.

After a long time, all the tiny shrapnel was finally removed, and Master Yuan Jing was ready to resign.

Seeing this, Jin Rong also nodded and asked the soldiers around him to send the master off.

After Master Yuan Jing left, Jin Rong was ready to rest.

In order to lead the troops to escape from the battlefield, he had been running around for several days. Coupled with the injuries on his body and the trouble of treating them, Jin Rong was already exhausted both physically and mentally.

Now, he finally arrived outside Guangzhou City and briefly escaped the Ming army's pursuers.

He was ready to take a good rest!
However, just as Jin Rong was about to take a rest, he heard a commotion outside the meditation room.

Not long after, a messenger opened the door and walked in. He knelt down in front of Jin Rong and spoke.

"Report to the military, something happened in Guangzhou!"

Hearing this, Jin Rong opened his tired eyes, and the red bloodshot eyes were clearly visible.

Jin Rong coughed again and asked with a frown.

"What on earth happened?"

The messenger heard this and said with some fear.

"There is news from Guangzhou that the bandits are revolting and the city of Guangzhou is now reduced to a mess."

"Grains, arsenals, city gates, barbicans and other important facilities are all occupied by bandits."

"Master Futai is trying very hard to maintain the war situation, but the situation is very dangerous."

When Jin Rong heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he showed an eager expression visible to the naked eye, and he struggled to get up from the bed.

At this moment, Altai walked in from the outside in a hurry, and the sound came first before anyone arrived.

"Admiral, what's going on? What's the situation in Guangzhou?"

"Is Mancheng okay?"

Jin Rong also looked at the messenger with questioning eyes. The messenger wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and continued.

"Go back to the military gate and if the governor is in charge, the whole city will be safe."

"Now the war between the bandits and the Guangzhou garrison is mainly carried out in the outer city, and the whole city has not been affected by the war."

Altai was obviously relieved when he heard this.

Because, his family members are still in Mancheng, Guangzhou.

If the whole city of Guangzhou fell to the hands of bandits, Altai would probably even have a death wish.

Immediately, Altai looked at the Admiral of Guangdong and spoke.

"Admiral Jin, the war situation in Guangzhou is tense now."

"How about the general will lead the troops to gallop through the night to reinforce Guangzhou, and the admiral will lead the main force to hold back, and wait until dawn tomorrow before continuing towards Guangzhou?"

The war in Guangzhou was tense, and Altai could not sit still in Guanyin Temple.

In this era, since most people have night blindness, large-scale night battles are not realistic.

However, the troops under Altai were all Eight Banners.

The Eight Banners soldiers had no worries about food and drink on weekdays, and the proportion of patients with night blindness among them was actually not high.

Traveling at night is perfectly possible for them.

Hearing this, Jin Rong hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said.

"it is good!"

"In this case, let's do what the governor wants, but remember not to act rashly. After arriving in Guangzhou, assist Governor Wen Tai and others to stabilize the situation in Guangzhou immediately, and there is no need to rush in to suppress the bandits."

"This admiral will continue to take people on the road after dawn tomorrow to help Guangzhou."

"When you and I join forces, it won't be too late to start killing the thieves!"

Hearing this, Altai nodded vigorously.

"I will understand at the end!"

"In that case, let's go, general!"


Soon, a group of hundreds of Eight Banners cavalry were seen galloping out of the camp and heading towards Guangzhou.

Originally, those pampered Eight Banners men were quite dissatisfied with the night march.

However, when they learned about the crisis in Guangzhou, they instantly became more positive than the other.

Because their family members are still in Mancheng, Guangzhou.

No one cares more about the safety of Guangzhou than they do.

As the Eight Banners galloped toward Guangzhou under the stars, the war in Guangzhou had actually come to an end for the time being.

Because, it's getting dark!

Whether it is the Green Camp soldiers or the Tiandihui rebels, everyone needs to repair and eat.

Coupled with the influence of night blindness, the war naturally came to an end at night.

However, the brothers below can rest, but Fang Yuan and other senior leaders of the Tiandihui cannot.

In a brightly lit room, a group of people gathered together to discuss the war.

"As of now, our army has the absolute upper hand in Guangzhou."

"I believe that soon we will be able to seize control of Guangzhou, and even further seize the entire city of Guangzhou. We will use Guangzhou as our pledge of submission to the Ming Dynasty."

Fang Yuan looked at the marks on the map and said excitedly.

"Master, our brothers outside the city have received news that the Guangdong Admiral's troops have returned from the direction of Sanshui and have now arrived at the Guanyin Temple outside Guangzhou City."

"We have to hurry!"

"If we delay it for a long time and wait for the Qing reinforcements to arrive, I'm afraid the war situation will become divisive again!"

A senior member of the Tiandihui said.

The Qing army could receive news that Jin Rong's troops had arrived outside Guangzhou, and the Tiandihui side could naturally do the same.

Hearing this, Fang Yuan frowned and asked.

"Then where is the main force of the Ming Dynasty now?"

Upon hearing this, the senior member of the Heaven and Earth Society spoke directly.

"According to the news we got here, after the Battle of Sanshui, the main force of the Ming Dynasty has been chasing the remnants of the Tatars. Now they should be chasing after the troops of Guangdong Admiral Jin Rong."

"But the exact location is unknown! I guess it should be near Foshan."

When Fang Yuan heard this, a smile appeared on his face and he waved his hand.

"If that's the case, it's okay!"

"Even if the Guangdong Admiral's troops can reach Guangzhou, it will only delay the war a little, but it will not affect the overall situation."

In fact, the Tiandihui rebels are not afraid of delaying time, because the longer the delay, the more favorable the war situation will be for them.

how to say?

These days, the power of Guangdong Tiandihui is not limited to Guangzhou.

The entire territory of Guangdong is full of forces and members of the Tiandihui.As news of the uprising in Guangzhou spreads, more and more Tiandihui rebels will surely raise their flags.

When the time comes, all the rebel armies gather in Guangzhou, how can the Qing army make a comeback?

Not to mention, the main force of the Ming army is still advancing towards Guangzhou!
After saying that, Fang Yuan continued.

"But we must also hurry up!"

"Guangzhou must be completely captured before the main force of the Ming Dynasty arrives in Guangzhou."

"Otherwise, the quality of our certificate of investment will not be that good!"

Everyone heard the words and responded in unison.

"When I understand, I'll ask the hall master for instructions!"

Seeing this, Fang Yuan nodded slightly and began to order adjustments to the army's deployment.

"In the current Guangzhou Outer City, the Qing government has concentrated its troops around the Governor's Yamen area. As long as we can capture the Governor's Yamen, we will be able to completely capture the Guangzhou Outer City."

"What we need to do now is to concentrate our forces and knock down the governor's Yamen."

"Shao Yanshan, Zhang Dabeard, Cheng Lang, and Hu Yuanbao each allocated their manpower and waited until dawn tomorrow to press in the direction of the governor's Yamen..."


Foshan Town!
Inside and outside the town, there are flags with Ming characters on red backgrounds and black characters flying, and flags with the sun and moon shining together that symbolize the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Jing'an was riding on horseback, looking at the prosperous and densely populated town in front of him, the largest handicraft center in China, and even in East Asia, with burning eyes.

After taking Foshan, the Ming Dynasty's arms supply will no longer be a problem.

"Send the order, the army will be stationed in Foshan!"

"The entire army must strictly observe military discipline and strictly prohibit disturbing and harming the people, burning, killing, looting, raping civilian women, and bullying the people."

"Anyone who violates military law will be severely punished."

Zhu Jing'an looked away from Foshan Town and gave an order.

He also needed the craftsmen in Foshan to serve the Ming Dynasty, and naturally he would not let the Ming army run amuck in Foshan.

Even without this, Zhu Jing'an was strictly controlling military discipline throughout the Ming army's journey.

As the Ming Dynasty's royal division, they naturally could not burn, kill, loot, and harm the people like the Qing army.

Zhu Jing'an gave the order, and the soldiers who sent the order galloped away on horseback to convey the order.

Soon, the order spread throughout the army.

"The Governor has an order. When the army is stationed in Foshan, military discipline must be strictly observed. It is strictly forbidden to disturb the people and harm the people, burn, kill and loot, rape the women of the people, and humiliate the people!"

"Anyone who violates military law will be severely punished!"


The Ming army shouted words and marched to the beat of drums, with neat steps and military might.

The red headscarves are connected into one piece and can be seen as far as the eye can see, giving people a majestic feeling.

This is because the Ming army has not been able to unify its military uniforms. Otherwise, the military will only become more prosperous.

The shouts resounded throughout the Ming army and could be heard clearly by the people in Foshan Town.

Listening to the shouts of the Ming army, the gentry and common people in Foshan Town quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the Ming army can shout like this, then presumably they will not be like the Qing army, causing unscrupulous harm to the place...

This is definitely good news for the people of Foshan.

These days, military disasters are on the same level as earthquakes, floods, droughts and other natural disasters.

If there really was a military disaster, there was no certainty as to how many casualties there would be.

On both sides of the road, people were organized in advance by the Ming Dynasty and came to eat pots of pulp to welcome the king, the gentry and the common people.

Seeing that the Ming army was getting closer and closer and about to enter the town, the Foshan people on both sides of the road began to chant together.

"Long live Daming!"

"Expel the Tartars, restore China, rebuild Ming Dynasty, revive China!"

"The Ming Dynasty is mighty, the Ming army is mighty, long live the Grand Governor!"


Listening to the cheers of the people on both sides of the road, the Ming army soldiers subconsciously puffed out their chests and belly to make themselves look more heroic.

Immediately, the Ming army began to sing war hymns in unison.

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and fortune, dust and soil!"

"Looking at Shenzhou, the people are suffering, and thousands of miles of fertile land are barren!"

"Look at the world, make all the hustlers, and make up for the incompleteness of heaven!"

"A good man, don't care about your parents, just for the common people..."


The powerful melody and lyrics of the Red Scarf Army's war song brought unspeakable shock to the people of Foshan.

"Long live the Ming Dynasty! Drive out the Tartars and restore China!"

"The Ming army is mighty!"

The people began to respond to the Ming army's war song with louder cheers.

Zhu Jing'an was riding on horseback, enjoying the cheers of the crowd and narrowing his eyes slightly.

Even though he knew that most of the people who came to welcome them were arranged in advance by the Ming army themselves, he still couldn't help but feel a feeling of irony in his heart.

Many people in the crowd looked at the scene in front of them and couldn't help but feel dazed.

At this moment, they seemed to feel that the Ming Dynasty was really coming back.

Guangdong and Guangxi, as the stronghold of the anti-Qing forces and one of the most powerful areas of the Tiandihui, there are really not a few gentry and common people who miss the Ming Dynasty in their hearts.

However, they soon came to their senses.

The world is already in the Qing Dynasty, and the sun and moon have long been Qianlong.

How could it be so easy to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty?

In which year during the Qing Dynasty did we not stage dozens or hundreds of uprisings against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty?

But will it finally work out? !
Don't look at the current Ming Dynasty rebel army plundering Guangxi, attacking Guangdong, crossing the two Guangxi, like flowers blooming brocade, raging fire cooking oil, arrogant.

But in the eyes of many knowledgeable scholars, today's Ming Dynasty is just a flash in the pan.

When our heavenly soldiers from the Qing Dynasty arrive, they will be wiped out sooner or later.

Thinking about it, the gentry and common people in the crowd who missed the Qian Ming couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness.

Zhu Jing'an rode all the way into Foshan Town. He was young and brave, leaving a deep impression on the people of Foshan.

Looking at Zhu Jing'an's vitality and high self-confidence, it seemed that they had a little more confidence in the success of the rebellion against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty.

If possible, they really hope that Daming can come back!

The Ming army marched into Foshan Town in a mighty manner, with the team stretching for several miles in front and back.

Artillery pieces were pulled by carriages and passed in front of the people of Foshan Town, showing the mighty military might of the Ming army.

The flags, armor, and ordnance of the Qing army captured by the Ming army were also piled on carriages.

Nakedly showing off his martial arts!

Zhu Jing'an got off his horse in front of a large house.

The owner of the house, Huang Quan, the head of the Huang family, the largest wealthy businessman in Foshan, took the initiative to come forward to greet him.

"The fact that the Grand Governor can stay in my Huang family really brings glory to the entire Huang family!"

The Huang family is engaged in the iron business. They purchase iron materials or formed iron farm tools from Foshan, and then resell them to other places for profit.

The Ming army used to smuggle iron materials from Guangdong and hire craftsmen from Foshan through the Tiandihui, following the Huang family's path.

As Daming grew stronger and spread across Guangdong and Guangxi, the Huang family and Daming did more and more business.

Then, as the interests became more involved, the Huang family and Daming became more and more involved.

If the Qing court discovers the connection between the Huang family and the Ming Dynasty, it will let the Qing court know how much iron materials and craftsmen the Huang family provided to the Ming Dynasty, and how much the Huang family contributed to the rise of the Ming Dynasty.

To put it bluntly, all nine of the Huang family might be in danger.

In other words, the Huang family can now be regarded as completely on the Ming Dynasty's pirate ship.

I can’t even think about it!
This time when the main force of the Ming army arrived in Foshan, Huang Quan took the initiative to step forward and help the Ming Dynasty capture Foshan Town.

He also came forward to organize manpower and eat pots of pulp to welcome the king's master.

It can be said that he has firmly come to Daming's side.

Well, even though he didn’t have a choice!

In return, Zhu Jing'an chose to station at Huang's house after the army arrived in Foshan to show his favor.

Zhu Jing'an stepped forward, helped Huang Quan up, and said warmly.

"You're welcome, Mr. Huang."

"Don't worry, I will never forget the Huang family's contribution to the rise of the Ming Dynasty."

"Then I wrote to my father, requesting him to appoint Huang Yuanwai as the imperial merchant of the Ming Dynasty."

The Manchu and Qing Dynasties were able to canonize the eight imperial merchants and commend the eight Shanxi merchants for their contribution to the rise of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties by smuggling supplies outside the customs.

Zhu Jing'an naturally didn't mind canonizing a group of Ming Dynasty imperial merchants and letting them be used for his own use.

When Huang Quan heard this, there was a look of excitement on his face, and he couldn't help but bow down again.

"The Governor's kindness is so great that I will never forget it!"

"Please also ask the Governor to pay my respects to me..."

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(End of this chapter)

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