Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 106 The War Situation in Guixian County

Chapter 106 The War Situation in Guixian County
After the remnants of the Ming army escaped from the encirclement, they headed towards the defense line of Daling Village.

But when they arrived outside the defense line of Daling Village, the defense line of Daling Village was almost lost.

After Han Sigu left Daling Village with his main force and went to reinforce Guixian County, the Qing army decisively seized the opportunity and launched another attack on the Daling Village defense line.

Attack with all your strength!
It seems that they are preparing to take advantage of this great opportunity of the main force of the Ming army being transferred to tear open the defense line of Daling Village and break into the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty.

The dark green soldiers of the Qing army and a large number of militiamen appeared on the battlefield, like a surging wave, constantly pressing towards Daling Village.

The artillery fire deployed by the Ming army on the defense line fired desperately, delivering firepower, and the rumble of artillery fire echoed throughout the battlefield.

However, due to the lack of unified command and the main force being transferred out by Han Sigu to reinforce Guixian County, they were ambushed and almost the entire army was wiped out.

The Ming army's defense line in Daling Village was visibly crumbling under the attack of the Qing army.

Seeing this scene, the defeated soldiers fell into confusion and didn't know what to do.

Don't enter the defense line. You are suspected of escaping from the battle, and you are afraid that you will be killed later.

If they advance, they are worried that the Dalingshan defense line will be torn apart by the Qing army. Then wouldn't they just throw themselves into a trap and voluntarily die?
"No... we can't enter Daling Village. Daling Village's defense line is about to be breached. If I enter Daling Village now, wouldn't I be actively seeking death?"

"Yes, yes, Daling Village cannot be entered. Even if we people enter, we cannot change the overall situation."

"Why don't we return to Wuxuan as soon as possible and warn His Highness Jianguo. The war situation in Guixuan has been ruined. We must remind Wuxuan as soon as possible to be prepared to face the enemy..."

"No, I think it's better to go to Daling Village first. There are many brothers in Daling Village. If we abandon Paoze, how are we different from cowards?"

"Yeah, that's a good thing. When we get together, we can take care of each other."


Everyone was talking about it, but in the end they couldn't make a decision.

Instead of being able to make a decision, a group of defeated soldiers actually split themselves apart.

Some people chose to escape before the battle and returned to Wuxuan County to report the news.

But some people chose to enter the defense line of Daling Village and continue to fight the Qing army.

At the same time, the defense line of Daling Village was torn open by the Qing army.

A large number of Qing soldiers and horses, shouting to kill, followed the gaps they opened in the defense line and poured into Daling Village.

Fighting with the Ming army!
Soldiers from both sides fought hand to hand, their swords were red, and their lives were fiercely exchanged on the battlefield.

One by one, the brave soldiers fell on the battlefield, and the warm blood was frighteningly hot.


The Ming army's musketeers hid in the fortifications, raised their loaded muskets and fired.

The smoke instantly filled the air and quickly spread to the entire bunker.

A Qing soldier fell down in the distance.

But soon, this bunker was discovered by Qing soldiers who swarmed in.

Dozens of Qing soldiers rushed over, surrounded the bunker, and began to rush towards the main door of the bunker in an attempt to break into the bunker.

Seeing this, the Ming sergeant gave up reloading the musket, and instead stuck the bayonet on the muzzle of the gun decisively. After the door of the bunker was knocked open by the Qing soldiers, he immediately raised his bayonet and fought back.

But he had just overturned three Qing soldiers with his bayonet and died tragically under the knife...

The entire defense line of Daling Village was filled with chaos.

As a large number of grassroots officers died in the battle, the Ming army's resistance began to weaken.

Until the end, the Ming army's resistance retreated to the fort area.


"Reporting to the army gate, the remnants of the Ming thieves are huddled in the fort and are still resisting. Our army will not be able to charge forward for a while."

A Qing army messenger, whose uniform was torn, had several big holes burned by the flames, and whose face was stained with blood, strode up to the leading Nanning general, He Gui, and opened his mouth to report.

When He Gui heard this, his big face was obviously unhappy, his skin twitched, and the pockmarks on it trembled, and he asked.

"Why can't they attack? Aren't the Ming thieves in Daling Village empty of troops now?"

When the messenger heard this, he lowered his head and said.

"If we return to the military gate, our army will not be able to attack, mainly because the firepower of the Ming thieves is too fierce."

"Our army organized several offensives in succession against the Ming thief's forts, but they all retreated with heavy casualties..."

He Gui heard the words, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then continued to give instructions.

"Send the order, mobilize the troops, and besiege on all sides. We must capture the Ming thief's fort for this town."

"This town wants to see how sharp the Ming thief's artillery can be!"

The fort blocked the commanding heights of Daling Village. If the fort was not removed, if the Qing army wanted to pass through Daling Village, they would have to be prepared for bombardment from the sky at any time.

Therefore, if the Qing army wanted to pass through the defense line of Daling Village, it had to knock down the fort.

He Gui issued the order, and the Qing army organized an offensive again, heading towards the Daling Village Fort in a mighty manner.


Inside the fort, artillery flag Yang Ping was encouraging the remnants of the Ming army who were huddled in the fort.

Now, the Ming army officers in the entire Daling Village have basically been defeated.

Among the remaining people, the one with the highest official position was Xiao Qi. Naturally, Yang Ping could only take over the command and assume the responsibility of commanding the army to resist to the end.

"Brothers, everyone must hold on!"

"I believe that Wuxuan County and Xunzhou Prefecture will send reinforcements soon. As long as we can hold on until the reinforcements arrive and hold the defense line of Daling Village for the Ming Dynasty, it will be a great achievement."

"When the time comes, His Highness the Supervisor will definitely not treat me badly!"

"When the time comes, we will grant you fields, silver, and wives, and everyone will be promoted to a noble position."

Yang Ping skillfully helped the people below him.

When the people below heard the words, although most of them were moved, there were also many who showed hesitation.

"Yang Xiaoqi, this... the entire Daling Village has fallen, and our fort alone may not be able to withstand it!"

"Yes, Yang Tou, my brothers suffered heavy casualties, and the Qing army is very heavy. I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand it."

"Touer Yang, I can't wait to retreat first before the Qing army's encirclement is complete..."

Yang Ping's face turned dark when he heard this.

He knew that in order to govern people, one must not just paint a pie in the face, but also have to use authoritarian methods and pay equal attention to kindness and power.

Therefore, he changed his tone and spoke.

"Are you really going to run away from the battlefield? You have to think about it!"

"Before I joined the army, I received Anjiatian and Anjiayin from the imperial court."

"If we run away now, how can the military law spare us?"

"At that time, the Anjia Tian and Anjia Yin will be confiscated and even my family members will be implicated and imprisoned."

"Is this acceptable to everyone?!"

"In order to survive, you have to let your father, mother, wife and children suffer. What kind of man can you be?"

"Think about those white Anjia silvers, and then think about those fertile fields beside the Qianjiang River. Can you really give them up?"

"I can't bear to part with it anyway!"

"If we die in the battle in Daling Village today, we can exchange for a few more acres of fertile land for our family and some more gold and silver rewards. It will be worth it."

The Ming Dynasty was quite generous to its officers and soldiers who had made meritorious service. They were given gold and silver, land, and promotions. There was never a shortage of what should be given.

The treatment for disabled and killed soldiers is even more generous.

But complementary to this is the severe punishment of deserters.

The Ming Dynasty implemented severe punishments to deserters to the end.

Those who retreat without orders on the battlefield will not only be subject to military combat, but in serious cases, they may be beheaded.Not only that, the Ming Dynasty's punishment for deserters was not just for deserters, but also confiscated the rewarded military fields and Anjia fields, recovered Anjia silver, and the rewarded gold, silver and monthly salary.

Even family members will be held accountable, their military benefits will be confiscated, and they will be sent to prison and forced labor.

Today's Ming Dynasty relies on such kind and powerful methods to greatly ensure the combat effectiveness of the army.

The proof is that there were very few deserters among the Ming army on the battlefield.

Even in this situation, there are still people in Daling Village's defense line who persist in resisting, instead of falling apart as soon as the defense line collapses.

As soon as Yang Ping finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

But while they were silent, everyone also clenched their weapons and prepared to fight desperately.

A short, dark-skinned man smiled bitterly, rubbed his face with both hands, and spoke.

"My family is poor. We have a family of twelve, but we only have five acres of our own land in total. We need to rent good land from the landlord to make a living. We work hard all year round, but we don't have enough to eat..."

"But since the beginning of the army, the Supervisor and the Chief Supervisor have allotted me fields, given me a house, and given me a wife. My monthly salary and rewards have never been cut off. Now I can live like a human being."

"Even if we don't talk about repaying the kindness of the Supervisor and the Grand Governor, just for our own family members, wives and children, we have to fight to the death today."

"Do not retreat half a step!"

Liang Zhong followed Zhu Jing'an to participate in the battle in Hualiang Village. He had seen the tragic situation after the Qing soldiers crossed the border.

Even if it was for the sake of his wife, children and family, Liang Zhong was determined to fight tooth and nail today.

He himself could die in Daling Village, but he could never let the Qing army invade the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty.

Yang Ping came forward, patted Liang Zhong on the shoulder, put his palms downwards in the air, and then spoke.

"Do not retreat half a step!"

Seeing this, the rest of the people also came forward one after another, put their palms together, and everyone said in unison.

"Fight to the death to serve the country and never take a step back!"

"Fight to the death to serve the country and never take a step back!"



Facing the rising sun, the horse that reported the news galloped all the way from Gui County to Wuxuan.

The knight on horseback kept waving his whip and whipping the horse under his crotch.

The war horse was in pain, threw away its legs and ran wildly!
The screams of Xilulu are endless!

The knight who delivered the message ran all the way into Wuxuan County, and then headed towards Jintian Town.

It wasn't until he arrived outside the Supervisor's Mansion that the knight opened his mouth to shout.

"Urgent report! Urgent report!"

"The gentry in Guixian County rebelled, and the defense line of Daling Village was in emergency..."

When several guards heard this, they didn't dare to delay and quickly went in to report.

Not long after, the messenger rushed all the way into the Supervisor's mansion and came to the inner courtyard.

Zhu Jianzhuo met him in his study.

Looking at the veteran messenger kneeling in front of him, Zhu Jiazhuo took a deep breath and asked.

"What's the situation in your county?"

"How is the battle going?!"

When the messenger heard this, he took a deep breath and said solemnly.

"If we return to the prison country, the war situation in Guixian County has completely collapsed."

"With the support of the rebel gentry in Guixian County, the Qing army broke through the defense line of Daling Village, broke through the county seat of Guixian County, and is heading towards Xunzhou Prefecture..."

After passing Xunzhou Prefecture, you will reach Wuxuan County.

The hinterland of the Ming Dynasty will soon be exposed to the Qing army's front!

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, he took a deep breath and reached out to hold the table behind him to steady himself.

Then he forced himself to calm down and spoke.

"Tell me what happened in detail!"

When the messenger heard this, he took out a blood-stained battle report from his arms and spoke.

"Yesterday, the gentry in Guixian County launched a rebellion in tandem, and after the rebellion, they colluded with the Qing army south of Daling Village."

"He pretended to attack Guixian and induced General Han to send troops from Daling Village back to support Guixian County, but he actually set up an ambush halfway."

"Unfortunately, General Han's headquarters was ambushed. General Han died on the spot and the troops were dispersed."

"At the same time, the main force of the Qing army also took the opportunity to launch an attack on the defense line of Daling Village."

"Daling Village's defense line was empty of troops and lost its command. Therefore, it was quickly torn apart by Qing prisoners."

"Now the war situation in your county has completely collapsed..."

"Please make a decision quickly, Your Majesty the Supervisor!"

Hearing this, Zhu Jianzhuo couldn't help but take a deep breath.

But his superficial skills still failed and he did not lose his composure.

Just speak.

"Send the order and summon the king's chief assistant to come to discuss matters!"

"Discuss the deployment of troops to reinforce Guixian County and Xunzhou Prefecture."


The sun was setting in the west, and the silver disk in the sky was emitting soft light. The stars were dotted in the half-red and half-black night, which was extremely beautiful.

The sunset just spread over the ground, and Daling Village was dyed red.

It's hard to tell whether this is sunset or blood.

The sound of shelling continued, and there were still Ming army remnants on the fort that were still resisting.

Although the remaining Ming army remnants were all injured, their will to fight was quite firm.

There was a bang from the cannon, and dense clouds of shotgun pellets flew out.

In one fell swoop, a large swarm of green soldiers from the Qing army were swept away.

The air was filled with the weird smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, making people want to cover their mouths and noses involuntarily.

The dark Qing offensive troops retreated like a tide again.

He Gui looked gloomily at the Ming army fort that occupied the commanding heights and was still resisting, and clenched his fists involuntarily.

In almost a day and a night, the Qing army launched no fewer than ten attacks on the fort.

But in the end, apart from leaving corpses all over the ground, there was no other achievement.

The fort still stood there, how could He Gui's complexion improve?

Every time the Qing army failed to attack the fort, it was like a slap in his face.

The irritation in He Gui's heart now is self-evident.


ps: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, my dear friends!

Only this update today.

(End of this chapter)

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