Chapter 234: Teasing them
The blockade did not last particularly long, after all, the impact on Dali was not great.

After two months of simple 'retreat', the Tongguan crew also restarted filming.

In order to reduce trouble during this period, many of Xu Hongdou's hotel scenes were filmed directly in the hotel where the two of them stayed.

After finishing all this, the two of them took a private plane back to the capital.

At this time, netizens on the Internet were already crying.

It's not because of anything else, it's just that it's boring.

There are many stressed people in this world, but most of the stress comes from work.

Except for middle-aged people, most young people do not have the pressure of car loans and housing loans.

Of course they wouldn't miss an opportunity to take a good rest.

The only thing that makes them uncomfortable is that they can only take this break at home.

So they can only find some entertainment online.

But the fun on the Internet is just that. If you watch it again and again, you will naturally find it boring after watching too much.

So such a group appeared on the Internet.

"Please brothers, please recommend a game. I feel tired of playing it recently."

"I beg you two game partners to play games together!"

"Brothers, do you have any good TV series or movies to recommend?"

"I've watched all the TV series I can watch in the past two months. Can any of you recommend some good ones?"

"Why haven't there been any good TV series in recent years?"

"I'm already watching old TV series now."

"I have started watching TV series from more than ten years ago."

"Watching it for a long time, it's still as good as the Tong Zhu TV series."

"Let me tell you something, the idol dramas that we looked down on back then look so good now!"

"That's right, Tongzhu's idol drama is indeed the best in the industry!"


Out of boredom, netizens began to crazily browse good movies and TV series.

As a result, they turned over and over again and found that the best ones were actually the TV series produced by Tongguan.

Compared with other TV series, Tongguan's previous TV series have a very clear point.

That is a real idol drama.

Every drama talks about love seriously and never does anything fancy.

For these netizens who cannot go out, these dramas are simply the best way to pass the time.

"It's a pity that in the past few years Tongzhu has released a movie called "Deaf and Mute Lawyer", otherwise I could still stay at home."

"To be honest, although "The Deaf Lawyer" is very good to watch, it is too depressing overall. I feel uncomfortable after watching too much."

"I hope Tongzhu can make another TV series. The movie is just over an hour, which is really too short."

"Indeed, compared to movies, Tongzhu's TV series is a real time-killer. It's also cheap. A member of more than ten yuan can watch it for a month."

"The price-performance ratio of children's TV series is indeed much better than that of movies."


After seeing these comments on the Internet, Tong Guan felt a polar opposite.

When he first started filming movies and TV series, his movies were well received and everyone hoped that he would keep making movies.

But his TV series was criticized by a group of people online.

Everyone seems to think that his TV series are a waste of his time and talent.

Although the ratings of his TV series have never been bad, the online reviews have not been good.

But with the popularity of the Internet in recent years, the people who originally watched his TV series began to grow up and start using the Internet, and the reviews of his TV series have also improved.

Especially in the past two years, when all domestic TV dramas have been a piece of shit, the value of the TV dramas Tong Guan shot back then has suddenly risen.

After all, as the saying goes, just be afraid of comparison shopping!

Compared to the TV series now where you have to find a reason to fall in love for everything, the logic is bullshit, the casting is bullshit, the costumes are eye-catching, Tongguan made it clear at the beginning that the theme is love, the costumes are luxurious, the actors are beautiful, the plot is A perfect TV series is like a panacea that instantly cures the eyes of current audiences.

Only then did they realize that not everyone can film even the idol dramas they despised the most.

Tong Guan's level has always been at the top of the industry, and he has always been at the forefront of the industry.

Seeing that netizens are looking forward to his new TV series, Tong Guan also took the opportunity to post on Weibo.

["Go where the wind blows"]

The short one-line title of the play, coupled with a photo of him and Liu Yifei taken in Dali, instantly attracted the attention of many people.

"What do you mean, are you going on a trip?"

"No, how did you get out?"

"Are you stupid and don't understand what the title of the book means?"

"I'm more curious if this is a new movie or a TV series."

"Who made this poster? It's not professional at all. There's no information about the show!"

"That's it."

"Is there a possibility that we just finished shooting and haven't had time to make a poster yet?"


At this moment, Fairy Tale Media’s official blog posted a Weibo post.

[Congratulations to the boss and his wife on the successful completion of their new drama "Go Where the Wind Is". Our staff will seize the time to edit it and try to see you all as soon as possible. 】

After seeing this Weibo, everyone realized that this was not a promotional poster at all, it was simply a photo of the two of them!

This drama has just finished filming and hasn’t even been released yet!

"What the hell! You just finished filming. What are you saying? I'm so angry!"

"That's right, I thought there was a new drama to watch, but you told me that it had just finished filming?"

"Okay, okay, slut, when you come online, daddy will watch you hard with his big tablet!"

"Upstairs, who did you learn this from?"

"These are all words of tiger and wolf. It's weird."


Everyone is naturally happy that Tong Guan and Liu Yifei have a new drama.

After all, in recent years, Tongguan, whether it is a TV series or a movie, has been of top quality.

It can make people sink into it wholeheartedly.

But now this drama has just finished filming and has not been released at all, which makes people feel itchy.

Many people want to see it immediately!
So they all blamed Qi Tongguan for not announcing the matter in advance.

"Honestly, did you mean it?"

Liu Yifei asked Tong Guan, who was beside him with a smirk on his face.

In fact, "Go Where the Wind Is" has not been completely finished, and there are still some inexplicable and wonderful plots that have not been filmed.

But Tong Guan posted on Weibo that filming had been completed, and this was at a time when everyone was looking forward to his new drama.

No matter how you look at it, it seems like you are deliberately teasing netizens.

Tong Guan spread his hands and said: "Actually, it's no different from finishing the filming. The plot of the two little guys was completed in just a few shots. They mainly showed their faces and didn't have any major roles."

Liu Yifei rolled her eyes: "You know that's not what I'm talking about."

"Okay, okay, I admit that I did it on purpose. Anyway, I was just idle, teasing them for fun. Besides, I just said it was finished, and I didn't say when it would be online."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei also poked Tong Guan in the face.

"You, you are a father, how can you still have such vulgar fun." Tong Guan blinked: "Is this vulgar? I think it's okay."

"Go, go, let's play, I'm going to see the two little guys."

Liu Yifei waved her hand, and then went upstairs to see the two little guys.

Tong Guan, on the other hand, continued to browse Weibo to see if there was anything interesting.

After all, it’s not just the netizens who are bored, he is also very bored.

If not for special circumstances, he would not have filmed this TV series, but chose to travel with Liu Yifei.

Staying at home every day makes him feel very bored.

Of course, what's more important is that he is now half the boss, and he doesn't care about many things in the company.

Even if Zhuang Qiang calls him now and tells him that the company is bankrupt, he still needs some snacks.

Except for bankruptcy, I don't plan to take care of other Tongguan issues.

There is no way, there is too much money. If you continue to work hard, the money will no longer be yours.

Speaking of which, Jingtian's promise to him has not yet been fulfilled.

Thinking about it, he also called Jingtian.

"Hey, child guide, do you still have time to contact me?"

"Miss Jing is teasing me again, aren't you? You are busy while I am busy. It is said that after Manslaughter, you took on seven or eight movies and TV series in a row?"

"It's bad, don't talk about it. Not one of them has been released. Originally, there was one that was going to be released at the beginning of the year. Now it's ready. I don't know when it will be released."

"It's okay. Let's just shoot it first. When we have the opportunity to release it, we can release it all together and screen it directly in front of the audience. How great."

"That's what I say, but as a child guide, you also know that I am quite impatient."

"Does Miss Jing know that I am also impatient?"

Jingtian on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then said: "Director Tong should be notified of this matter soon, but Director Tong, you also know that your industry is so big, there are limits to what you can do."

Hearing this, Tong Guan's lips curled up slightly: "Don't worry, as long as you can walk up, you can't let so much of my property become someone else's."

Hearing this, Jingtian chuckled: "I know that you, Director Tong, are not the kind of person who gives money to others, so I was sure that you would agree."

Tong Guan was noncommittal: "After all, this is the foundation I have worked hard for step by step."

Tong Guan was still a little emotional when he said this.

Although most of his industry comes from his predictions and knowing the future development of the industry.

But at least he built it step by step. Now that it is done, it would be uncomfortable if someone took the fruit.

That's why he agreed to Jingtian's request in the first place.

Although then the assets will still shrink a little.

But shrinkage is better than nothing.

"Boss! I'm back! I thought I didn't!"

"What should I do if I'm noisy to the little guy?"

Tong Guan looked at Yang Chaoyue with a slight frown.

Hearing this, Yang Chaoyue quickly blocked his mouth with his hand, and then whispered: "Is the little guy sleeping?"

"No, Sissi is playing with them."

Yang Chaoyue:
"Then you said I disturbed them."

Tong Guan did not answer the question, but asked: "Why did you come back suddenly? Aren't you filming at Lao Mouzi's place?"

"It's finished."

As if he was back at home, Yang Chaoyue went to the refrigerator nearby to get a bottle of Coke, opened it and took a sip.

"It's great! Hiccup~~~"

Tong Guan frowned at this scene: "You said you, a female artist, don't pay attention to your image."

Yang Chaoyue looked at Tong Guan with an aggrieved look: "Boss, it's not that I don't pay attention to my image, it's that my manager is too strict. She has to control what I eat, what I drink, and even what time I go to bed. Everything has been arranged for me, I feel like I’m almost turning into a robot, you don’t know, I haven’t had a Coke in a year!”

Tong Guan shrugged: "This is the life of an artist, isn't it what you want?"

"of course not"

Yang Chaoyue originally wanted to say that the life of an artist was not what he originally wanted.

But when she thought about her income in the past two years, she shut her mouth again.

"Have you figured it out? Shut up when you've figured it out! Go out to work."

Tong Guan joked.

However, Yang Chaoyue spread his hands and said: "I'm sorry, boss, I really haven't been working recently. All the business that I had planned has been cancelled. Some Hengdians are not allowed to enter now."

"Where's the company's variety show?"

"No one is available. They all said they are editing your new drama, boss, and they are too busy. Let me rest first."

"Then you go home. It's not like you have no home in the capital."

"My house is not as big as my boss's. One floor of your house is bigger than my house as a whole."

"Then you work hard to make money and try to buy a house like mine as soon as possible."

Yang Chaoyue looked at Tong Guan with resentment: "Boss, the original price of your house was more than 2 million. How many years do you think I will have to earn."

Tong Guan raised his eyebrows: "I think your income in the past two years has been pretty good."

Yang Chaoyue said nothing, but looked at Tong Guan faintly.

"Ahem, I think I heard the little guy calling me. I'll go up and have a look."

With that said, Tong Guan walked upstairs.

The reason why Yang Chaoyue looked like that just now is simple.

She recently cut ties with her family.

After refusing to go home last year, Yang Chaoyue often quarreled with his family.

The most outrageous thing is that her stepfather came to the capital to look for her.

Come directly to Fairy Tale Media.

The matter was so big that Tong Guan originally asked if she wanted the company's legal department to help her.

As a result, Yang Chaoyue's mother came to see her and chatted with her for a few days.

Yang Chaoyue relented and gave most of the money to his family.

Her current house was built by Tongguan for her.

A popular artist has no more than eight digits in his bank card.

The main theme is a misfortune.

And Tong Guan didn't forget about this, he was just helping Yang Chaoyue with desensitization training.

In his opinion, the trouble in Yang Chaoyue's family will not end so easily.

Some things, once a precedent is set, will happen countless times.

When the family runs out of money, they will naturally come to her again.

Don't think this is outrageous, on the contrary, it is normal.

Tong Guan made some inquiries and found out that Yang Chaoyue's family boasted about buying luxury cars and mansions after getting the money.

Every day is a life of luxury and luxury, and her stepfather has now begun to run to Omen.

It is estimated that this money will not last long at all.

With good luck, I can persist for a few years, but with bad luck, I can continue to see him in the capital this year.

Although Yang Chaoyue understood what Tong Guan meant, she still didn't want Tong Guan to mention these things.

Because she doesn't want to face it now.

(End of this chapter)

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