Chapter 233
Just when the outside world was shocked by the results of Tong Guan's new movie, he had already started filming the new drama with Liu Yifei who had recovered.

What he is going to film this time is a film and television series by Liu Yifei in his previous life that broke the Internet.

"Where the wind blows"

This drama is one of the few that Tong Guan watched carefully in his previous life.

If he had to use one sentence to describe his feelings after watching this drama, it would probably be, "From tomorrow on, be a happy person."Feed the horses, chop wood, and travel around the world.From tomorrow on, care about food and vegetables.I have a house facing the sea and the flowers are blooming in spring. '

Audiences who feel that if it is not involved, it would be a shame for XXX; they feel that the plot is not bloody and passionate, so there is no need to film it; those who feel that the death of a best friend is not a big deal; those who feel that people should not be timid and tired; and those who feel that pastoral healing is not worth watching.Then this show is not his cup of tea.

Going to a windy place may just want to remind the audience that after this winter, spring flowers are everywhere in the mountains and fields, so don’t miss out on the good times.

Everyone is under pressure, and their wallets are gradually shrinking. In contrast, they are unable to afford houses and fierce competition.There are different people around us, young, old, idle and busy. Everyone has not calmed down for a long time to capture some ordinary beauty.

Who didn't think about seeing poetry and distant places when they were young?
No one has never wanted to go to Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou City with friends to sit quietly to the sound of Qingyuan bells.On the promontory of Gulangyu Island, I waited for the sunset in my sleep.

Nowadays, many people's life is to bury themselves in code, wear glasses to read the information in folders, and devote all their free time to mobile games and short videos.Such a step-by-step life makes people's happiness threshold higher. No matter how funny the video is, it can only give him the short-term happiness brought by dopamine.

How many people find it increasingly difficult to be happy.I always think about postgraduate entrance examinations and public examination certificates, salary loans and deposits, go online to worry about national affairs and family affairs, and rely on short game videos in my spare time.The splendid spring shirt and Qingjiang village that I once thought about have become impossible in the face of a four-digit balance and a handful of friends.

"If you use it for too long, you won't be able to walk properly. You have to get a new one." - "Go to a Windy Place"

The clock needs to replace its over-worn gears, and everyone needs to reduce internal friction and want to find happiness where there is wind, fences, and friends.

But few people have the courage of the heroine Xu Hongdou, who decisively breaks up with her boyfriend from the same city, resigns from the place where she has worked for ten years and is about to be promoted, and goes to live in a strange place for three months.

Xu Hongdou broke up with her ex-boyfriend because although they were in the same city, they couldn't see each other very often due to work pressure. Tong Guan could imagine the weak relationship between the two.But she chose to resign because her best friend Chen Nanxing passed away suddenly.

She has barely seen her ex-boyfriend from the same city, and the same goes for her best friend Chen Nanxing.

"The world I still want to see but haven't had time to see, you can see it for me."

Xu Hongdou looked at the chat records and cried uncontrollably.Many times, people only know what they want in the future only after crying a few times and sitting in a corner and reviewing the past over and over again.After the love of his life and best friend left him, Xu Hongdou realized that he was busy with work and had not fulfilled the promise he made with his best friend Yun Po.

However, as a hotel manager and a person in the service industry, even if she had just experienced such a sad thing, she still had to treat customers with a smile. She could only spare some time to attend Chen Nanxing's funeral and could only cry at night.

Some people say that Xu Hongdou's resignation is irresponsible. Some people accuse her of thinking about her parents, sisters and the VIP customers she is responsible for.You know, in the capital where life and death are at stake, how many people dream of taking root here so that future generations can enjoy the best resources, but Xu Hongdou gave up a high-paying position.

Tong Guan's idea is that as a person who has been in the workplace for many years and has independent financial capabilities, Xu Hongdou's choice is not OOC.Some people are willing to continue to face the hardships of life, while others like Xu Hongdou are looking for a place far away from the city.For a conscientious social worker, Chen Nanxing's death made her realize how meaningless it was that she had worked for many years but only had a small amount of savings in her bank account. She had "no house, no car, no partner, only illness" and no time to accompany her. Friends, parents, sisters.

The screenwriter asked Xu Hongdou to do something that many people dare not do, and asked her to come to Dali for the audience, so that the audience could see the natural scenery and simple folk customs thousands of miles away through her eyes.

The audience suddenly discovered that in fact, the retirement life and sudden wealth life they fantasized about were nothing more than freedom and peace.And these don’t have to wait decades to retire, and they don’t have to get rich suddenly.

I have seen the majestic Cangshan Mountain, heard the clatter of hooves, and touched the waves of Erhai Lake. Some people make tea to accompany the moon, and some people play the piano along the street.For Xu Hongdou here, she no longer has to nod or bow to apologize, and she no longer has to worry about whether to drink water or eat onions, ginger and garlic.

"Being a worker means you have no life."

"Life is all elsewhere."

Tong Guan is also thinking about when he will take a trip with his brothers and family.While the sea is still fresh, the rocks are not rotten, and the flowers are still fresh, buy a ticket with them, go feed the horses, have a picnic, and watch the spring flowers bloom.

In this drama, Tong Guan sees a capable girl carrying a suitcase to Yunbu, gradually adapting to the white horse, blue sky, grassland, and small courtyard here, and will also meet her future lover.Tong Guan doesn't know if she will go back to BJ, but even if she goes back, she will bring back the refreshing wind and a suitcase full of happiness.

Liu Yifei's excellent acting skills in this drama made Tong Guan's mood rise and fall with the heroine in the drama.

She gives friendly advice to newcomers in the workplace; Xu Hongdou handles her work with ease but is also tired.After Chen Nanxing passed away, Tong Guan was depressed along with Xu Hongdou. When I first arrived in the town, I was as curious about every scene here as she was.She made new friends one after another, and Tong Guan also silently remembered everyone's name with her.

The most sympathetic thing about going to a windy place is that when we are tired of work, study, and interpersonal communication, we just want to find a place where no one knows us to hang out quietly.

Who wouldn’t want to take a trip like her?

Who doesn’t want to travel from the north to the south over the mountains in light clothes and plain clothes?Use the fresh air of mountains and rivers to wash away the deep ink in your heart.

After watching this drama, Tong Guan took a trip to Dali and experienced a healing journey.

Where the Wind Goes is definitely a good dinner drama. Whether it is the appearance of the actors, the lines in the script, or the scenery and costumes, it is extremely enjoyable to watch.Tong Guan had an encounter with this drama on a quieter night, and then passionately placed an order in the middle of the night.

The clearest idea after reading it is that Tong Guan should write the red beans, empty mountains, and musical instruments in Wang Wei's poems one by one into my travel diary, and include the sound of clear springs and the bright moon among the pines in his travel plan.

The fences in Dali are sparse, and every house is covered with clouds of flowers. It would be a pity not to go there.He also wants to walk along the Erhai Lake, ride a white horse, buy a bouquet of white platycodon flowers, and feel the wind of Dali with the person he loves the most.

For Tong Guan, this drama is warm and healing. He likes the atmosphere of this drama so much.

This is very suitable for his current situation with Liu Yifei.

Of course, what's more important is that this drama can easily add the elements he wants to add.

We only need to describe the life of the male and female protagonists after they get together in the last episode at the end, and let the two little guys Inexplicable and Miraculous make a brief appearance.

"Have you written this script a long time ago?"

Liu Yifei held the script and said with a smile.

Like Tong Guan, she only felt a sense of warmth and healing after reading the script.

It seems that this is not just a TV series, but also her current life with Tong Guan.

Don't think too much, just think about how to free yourself and make yourself happy.

"It's definitely been a while."

Tong Guan nodded.

The script of this drama was 'copied' long before he participated in the Oscar.

It's just that he never had the chance to film this drama.

Gradually, the script of this drama has been pressed.

If Liu Yifei hadn't been traveling abroad this year, Tong Guan might not have released this drama.

"Then why are you taking it out now?"

Tong Guan shrugged: "I just think this drama is very suitable for us now, so I put it out."

He couldn't tell Liu Yifei that he wanted to use this drama to restrict Liu Yifei from going abroad, right?
Liu Yifei raised her eyebrows, but didn't think there was anything wrong.

Because now, it doesn't matter to her or to Tong Guan, it doesn't matter whether she is shooting a movie or a TV series, or what type of movie or TV series she is shooting.

They no longer need to consider things like coffee position and ranking.

When shooting, you only need to consider whether you want to shoot or not.

So even though Tong Guan presented a TV series, she didn't think there was any problem.Originally, Tong Guan's idea was that they would finish filming most of the plot in Yunbu first, and then return to the capital to finish filming Liu Yifei's scene in the hotel. The time was just right.

As a result, because the two of them were too relaxed during the filming process, the final result was somewhat unsatisfactory.

There was no other way, the two of them could only delay things a little longer.

But just this little time wasted, making it impossible for the two of them to get out of Dali.

"It seems like there is no way to return to the capital now."

In a hotel in Dali, Liu Yifei was lying on the bed scrolling through her mobile phone with a look of despair.

"Wait a minute, we can always go back. At worst, we can just pretend that we stayed in Dali for a while longer."

Tong Guan shrugged, looking indifferent.

Although the plan was slightly disrupted, Liu Yifei was eventually left in the country.

And after this incident, she will not consider going abroad in the short term.

"But I really want to be inexplicable and wonderful."

Liu Yifei pouted, looking pitiful.

Seeing this, Tong Guan could only comfort him: "Don't worry, my mother and your mother are both at home. With them here, the two little guys must be well taken care of."

"I know, I just miss them. They have been separated for a few months. I don't know if the two little guys miss their mother."

"I'll make a video call and ask. I just won't let you return to the capital. It doesn't mean that you won't be allowed to use your mobile phone."

"You don't understand. What you see on your phone is completely different from the real person."

Tong Guan blinked.

He used to say something was different, but not now.

He did notice a difference when he became a father.

Not only Liu Yifei, but also he missed the two little guys at home.

Originally, when he first came to Dali for filming, he wanted to bring the two little guys with him.

But after thinking about it, I realized that the protective conditions in the capital were much better than here, so I gave up my original idea.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine soon."

Tong Guan touched Liu Yifei's hair and said.

"That's the best. I think the situation is quite serious."

Liu Yifei forced a smile and said.

She checked her cell phone recently and found that the situation there was quite serious, even affecting the capital.

Something happened near them as well.

That is to say, she was afraid that she would not know when she was infected and passed it on to her two babies, otherwise Liu Yifei would have returned to the capital long ago.

Tongguan has his own private jet, so it is relatively easy to return to the capital.

"Nothing happened in 03. It will all pass. Just wait."

Tong Guan smiled and said.

He knows the situation better than anyone else.

Not to mention that he knew more about it than the average person through his current connections. Having experienced it once, Tong Guan knew exactly where he was now.

Just wait quietly for a few months.

"makes sense."

Tong Guan's words did have some comforting effect.

Liu Yifei's mood didn't seem that bad, so she picked up her phone and made a video call home.

In the video, Mother Liu and Mother Lin said a lot of things to ask them to pay attention to their safety, and also asked the two little guys to talk to Liu Yifei. Although the two little guys could only babbling, this also made Liu Yifei's face Smile again.

Parents who have children will feel much better the moment they see their children.

While Liu Yifei was on the phone, Tong Guan took out his phone and checked Weibo, and found that it was all red.

Many artists have issued statements of assistance.

Seeing this, Tong Guan sent a message to Zhuang Qiang, asking him to donate millions of materials through the company.

Although he also knows that what he sends may not actually arrive.

But it won’t work if I don’t send it at this time.

Everyone has given it away, so what will it look like if they don’t?
Isn't this a deliberate attempt to leave people with a chance to talk?

After he had taken care of this, Liu Yifei also finished the phone call.

She looked at Tong Guan curiously: "Honey, what are you doing?"

Tong Guan shook the phone screen at her: "Nothing, let Zhuang Qiang send something over."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei also nodded: "I really have to give it, otherwise it will be a mouthful. How much did you give it as a gift?"

"Initially it will be 500 million. We will see how netizens react. If the response is not big, we will leave it at that. If the response is big, we will add another 500 million."

"That's almost it. I estimate that other people in the circle only have 180 million. Your 500 million is enough."

Regarding this situation, people in the industry are actually aware of it, and everyone is doing it simultaneously at about the same share.

Only some very powerful people would choose not to comply.

It just so happened that Tong Guan was the kind with a particularly big wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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