was dragged by Ryujin to the stone table, and the group all sat down.

It is worth mentioning that although Xiong Da is not used to turning into a human form, his body size can change at will.


Waiting for the others to sit down, Mo Yu threw out a large pile of ingredients directly from the storage ring.

And the most conspicuous thing is a large pile of fresh meat, blood red, which looks very oozing.

"What is this!"

The monkey's eyes lit up suddenly, and it was obvious that he was also greedy.

After all, this monkey's good popularity in the Mythical Heavenly Court is almost all eaten and drunk.

Huaguo Mountain is full of monkeys, rich in monkey wine, when Bi Ma Wen was appointed at the beginning, the monkeys brought a lot to the sky.

Then make friends at one meal, not to mention how many confidants, but the drinking friends are definitely all over the mythical heaven.

So when it comes to eating and drinking, monkeys are definitely very picky.

That is, there is no such opportunity on the way to the west.

"The meat of the sang-willow. "

Mo Yu said with a smile, and these he threw out were exactly what Xiong Da had deliberately cut back when he asked Xiong Da to dispose of Xiangliu's corpse before.

"I didn't expect you to encounter this ancient mythical fierce god!"

The monkey was surprised for a while, and then laughed and said: "My grandson is blessed today, I heard that this willow itself is extremely poisonous, but its meat is very delicious, I don't know if it's true or false on weekdays, but today I have a chance to verify it, wait for my grandson to taste it!"

After speaking, the hand full of monkey hair grabbed the flesh of those willows, but heard the willow god smile again: "Great Sage, you are not preparing to eat raw." "

"This ...... My grandson forgot!"

The monkey sneered, indeed the monkey was a little anxious, the meat of this willow has been kept in the storage ring, and it has not been processed, so it is naturally raw.

Soon, Xiong Da set up a grill directly next to the stone table to grill the meat of these willows.

"It's rare to refresh today, and I always feel like something is missing without a few drinks. "

Liu Shen smiled, and his beautiful face made the starry sky seem to be eclipsed in an instant.

Mo Yu patted his head, this Liu Shen is everything else, but this hobby of liking the things in the cup is a bit extraordinary.

But this is also something that can't be helped, when the former Liu Shen was seriously injured, he was brought back by the Sword Heavenly Monarch at that time, and almost all his memories were lost.

Not to mention that it was about the divine realm, even Liu Yu was almost forgotten by her at that time.

Therefore, taking root alone outside the East Xuanhuang Village is also a rather lonely time for Yanagigami.

Just like Mo Yu, he descended on this fantasy heaven and earth realm alone, and the 'burden' on his body became heavier and heavier.

So Mo Yu occasionally sighs a sense of loneliness when he is alone.

And now Liu Shen is more like a confidante by Mo Yu's side, which seems to be related to the fact that the two once had such a common experience.

So they understand each other better, of course, Mo Yu is informal, although he is quite cautious, but he hasn't thought about these details.

But the way is that Liu Shen is silently paying on the side, giving comfort to Mo Yu when he is confused or troubled.

At that time, in Dongxuan Desert Village, the lonely Liu Shen fell in love with the things in this cup, and finally carried it forward in the three years that the monkey stayed in the deserted village.

It's already the kind of 'alcohol addiction'.

For Mo Yu himself, he also likes the things in this cup, but it is not as exaggerated as Liu Shen.

"That's a good feeling!" The monkey was excited, his 'alcohol addiction' was no less than that of Liu Shen, and he suddenly laughed and said: "Today, my grandson is enjoying the blessings with Xuandu Dao friends, and the meat of Xiang Liu is paired with wine, and he really doesn't change it for a fairy!"

Mo Yu also smiled when he heard this: "The Great Sage is now a Fighting Saint Buddha, so naturally he won't care about the position of the Mythical Heavenly Court." "

"Hey, hey, don't tell ...... through"

The laughter spread far and wide, and soon, Xiangliu's meat had been roasted by Xiong Da and served on the stone table.

And Liu Shen took out a pot of good wine that she had obviously treasured for some years.

Everyone ate and drank for a while, but the atmosphere was also high.

Even in the end, Mo Yu took out some monkey wine from Dongxuan's spirit monkeys, which made everyone completely happy.

And after eating and drinking in a warm celebration, everyone rested on the star road for a while.

In the starry sky, especially on the starry path, there is no concept of time.

Because there can be no sun rising and setting in the starry sky.

Only the star world, which represents the sun, hovers somewhere in the starry sky, releasing light and heat for the other star worlds around it.

"Let's go. "

When everything was cleaned up, Mo Yu stood up, it was time to go.

And this time it was the monkeys who led the way, and only he knew the location of the ruins.

With clouds on his feet, the monkey rushed out of the star path and headed in a certain direction in the starry sky.

And Liu Shen and Mo Yu were still sitting on the back of Xiong Da, who had regained their original size, and followed closely behind.

In the case that the monkey deliberately slowed down, with the strength of the bear's feet, it would not be impossible to catch up.

And now, even Xiong Da's speed has completely surpassed the speed on the star path, so everyone will break away from the star path.

After all, the Star Road is a magical place, which contains the power of the original space-time avenue of this universe.

And it was Xiong Da at this time, whose mastery of the power of the Great Dao of Time and Space had completely surpassed these star paths naturally formed in this universe.

So the speed must be much faster than on the star path.

Of course, the main reason is that the star path is special, and on it it can only advance along the power of the natural space-time avenue of the universe, if it is forcibly surpassed, the star path is naturally unstable, and there is a possibility of explosion.

To be specific, it is that in this Fantasy Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds, once a living creature achieves a cosmic immortal, then there is no need to use the star path to hurry.

Because their perception of the power of the Great Dao of Time and Space has surpassed the universe itself.

Of course, this is relatively speaking, after all, this universe is too big, and the origin power will not be concentrated.

If a star path is established with the origin of the entire universe, it can be reached at both ends of the universe in an instant.

Getting back to the point, at this time, everyone had already left the Xiangtian Star Domain where many great battles had been released before.

And looking at the direction in which the monkey was heading, the ruins he was talking about were still on the edge of the endless starry sky.

On Xiong Da's back, Mo Yu suddenly pondered about this discovery.

"The ruins were built in such a remote place, and they must not have wanted to be discovered. "

And the more this happens, the more pleasantly surprised he becomes, because the places that often want to avoid people's eyes are more likely to hide big secrets.

As I thought, the voice of the monkey came.

"Here it is!"

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