Naturally, no one questioned Mo Yu's words, and no one would object.

When I came across a ruins that even monkeys felt weird, I naturally wanted to explore them.

And the great battle against the resurrected sun god Apollo did not last long, and the monkey attacked ruthlessly.

It didn't even alarm the powerhouses in the Xiangtian Star Domain who had just breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xuandu Daoyou, how to arrange it next. The monkey smiled and handed over the command to Mo Yu himself.

And the latter was about to speak, when a strange voice sounded.

"Gollum ......"

The voice came from Xiong Da's belly, and watching everyone turn their eyes to himself, Xiong Da smirked a little innocently. 、

"That...... I'm a little hungry......"

Mo Yu shook his head with a wry smile when he heard this, but finally smiled: "In this case, let's take a rest and go to the ruins that the Great Sage said." "

In fact, he had planned to propose a break first.

After all, there was a series of battles before, that is, the monkeys didn't need to rest, but Yanagijin might not be able to bear it.

It wasn't because of the Great War with Ares, the god of war, but because they didn't know what was going to happen in the ruins they were going to explore.

So it's necessary to recharge your batteries.

And just when the big belly of the bear protested, after all, after the previous evolution, it ushered in the challenge of the sun god and the god of war in the ancient Greek mythological world.

In the middle, he only had a day's rest, and Mo Yu did not participate in the feast prepared by those powerhouses in the Xiangtian Star Domain.

So Xiong Da really needs to be added at this time.

Away from the previous battlefield, Mo Yu and the others came to the world of a star left over from the battle.

This place already belongs to the edge of the Xiangtian Star Domain, and the images brought by the previous war here are relatively small.

This is the reason why this star world can survive, and perhaps because of luck, the only star path outside this star world to the outside world has also been preserved.

At this time, Mo Yu and the others came to this star path.

And standing on this smooth star path full of the power of time and space, Mo Yu was also a little emotional.

When he had just left the Eastern Xuan Great World, he could only travel far in a short period of time along the Star Road.

This Fantasy Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds is really too big, this is a complete universe.

The distance between each star world was immeasurable, but at that time they saw two powerful beings.

A powerhouse at the level of a cosmic immortal, as a result, Mo Yu and his party were affected by the attack of one of the two powerhouses that belonged to the side of the dark being.

The star road was crossed, Mo Yu fell into the star road, not to mention despair at the time, it was still uncomfortable.

Of course, in retrospect now, if it hadn't been for the fall of the Star Road, Mo Yu's growth would not have reached this point.

On the Star Road, the concept of time no longer exists, but the group at this time didn't care.

It's just that there is no other superfluous power of the Great Dao on the Star Road, and there is no other superfluous power of the Great Dao, which can be regarded as the most suitable place for cultivation in the starry sky.

What's more, now Mo Yu and his party even have plans to celebrate.

Now that it is not far from the divine realm, most of the distance has passed, and it happened to meet a monkey, which is worth celebrating.

On the star road, Xiong Da is busy preparing the place for dinner, after all, it is the hungriest one, and he is active.

And Mo Yu stood on the edge of the star path and looked directly at the starry sky in front of him, his expression calm and peaceful.

Ryujin was standing beside him, and the expressions on their faces were the same.


Xiong Da's gaze swept over the two of them and left.

"Senior Brother and Liu Shen's state of mind, it is estimated that it is impossible for me to achieve it in this life. "

He chuckled in his heart, anyway, Xiong Da himself didn't understand what kind of fun it was to look up at the starry sky, but he didn't care.

It also knew that its state of mind level was relatively low, and it couldn't even match its current strength.

But Xiong Da is not deliberately pursuing strength, which is also with Mo Yu, and sometimes he occasionally has an attitude of following everything.

And at this moment, the monkey who was bored by himself came to Xiong Da's side.

"Brother Xiong, what are you doing? "

The monkey asked suspiciously, with his temperament, he naturally wouldn't go to Mo Yu and Liu Shen to join in the fun, but was interested in what Xiong Da was messing with at this time.

At this time, Xiong Dazheng grabbed his head, and when he heard the monkey's words, he immediately smiled and said, "Brother Monkey, I'm starving to death, and I'm preparing a place to eat." "

Its idea is very simple, although in this starry sky, the conditions for eating and drinking are simple, but in its opinion, there is no reason to let its own senior brother and Liu Shen and the Monkey King he worships sit on the 'ground' to eat.

Of course, it is also used to these things, and when he and Mo Yu went all the way to Dongxuan before, these trivial things were what it often did.

Taking out some materials from the storage inoculation, Xiong Da tinkered as before, obviously trying to make a table out.

And the monkey on the side saw it.

"Let my grandson come. "

After speaking, the monkey directly tied his two fingers and recited some kind of mantra in his mouth.

"Change, change!"

After speaking, he pointed to the materials that Xiong Da held in his arms.

However, I saw that various materials naturally floated in the air, and automatically changed various shapes in the void, and finally assembled together.


With a sound of landing, an obviously exquisite stone table has appeared on the star path.

"Brother Monkey, you are clever in this move!"

The bear was dumbfounded, and suddenly a sycophant slapped it.

The monkey laughed and said, "It's just a small spell, I can teach you if I want to learn it." "

"That's a good feeling, with this kind of spell, it's convenient to do this kind of thing in the future. Xiong Da also laughed.

Soon, the monkey used the same method to build four more stone chairs.

The place to eat is well prepared.

At this time, on the other side, Liu Shen's voice sounded from Mo Yu's ears.

"What are you thinking?"

She obviously saw that Mo Yu had something on her mind.

"Nothing. Mo Yu shook his head and sighed, "It's just that I always feel that something will happen in the ruins I will go to next." "

"Bad things?"

"It's not really, although even the Great Sage thinks it's weird, there must be danger, but I always feel like I can gain something from this ruins. Mo Yu said with a smile.

Hearing him say this, Liu Shen's expression eased significantly, and then a peerless smile bloomed.

Looking back, he saw that the monkey and the bear had already prepared the stone table and the stone chair, so he turned around and said to Mo Yu: "It's useless to think too much, I still want to eat something." "

Mo Yu responded with a smile when he heard this.

"Well, just let it be. "

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