Hot Wheels split into six, and the speed of the three is even higher.

Yueji looked at her feet and exclaimed, "Nezha, do you still have this kind of means?"

Mo Yu's face was a little ugly, and he pretended to be struggling and said: "My magic weapons are all given by my master, and they consume spiritual power very much to use, and I can't last long in this situation." "

Yueji took the opportunity to look back and saw that the Huangquan Sect Master was still in hot pursuit, but the distance between the two sides was not shortened any longer.

She said: "Keep moving forward, at this speed, it won't take us too long to cross the Yin Mountain to reach the Huangquan Road and the Lechuan River, as long as we can cross the river, they will not be able to track it." "

The Hot Wheels flew down, and in less than a moment, the continuous Yin Mountains disappeared in front of them, and what appeared in front of them was an endless desert.

The ghost of the ancient era started from Yin Mountain, and then stepped on this endless desert, and was born in this desert The so-called Huangquan Road.

The daily ghosts are lined up in a long line, endless as far as the Lethe River.

It's just that now, the ancient era has long since passed away with the wind, and there is no ghost, let alone reincarnation.

The speed of the three of them was not affected by this desert, they were still extremely fast, and between chasing and fleeing, I am afraid that millions of miles have passed.

This piece of yellow sand finally came to an end, and the dark earth appeared in front of the three of them again.

But this time, there is no continuous Yin Mountain.

"Nezha, are you okay?" During the flight, Zhou Xiao turned his head to look at Mo Yu, only to see that his face was pale, and there were signs of losing strength, and he couldn't help but worry.

Tsukihime's expression was equally solemn, and she looked down as if she was thinking about something.

Mo Yu shook his head and said, "It can still hold on." "

He pretended to be half-true, and although it did cost him a lot of spiritual power to let Hot Wheels split, it was by no means so exaggerated.

He was just laying the groundwork for his "serious injury".

Three fires rushed out of the yellow sand, flying all the way on the dark land, and the sound of flowing water could be heard in the distance.

I saw a river appear in the distance, horizontal in front of me, magnificent, shocking the heart.

This great river is so magnificent, it seems to rise from the end of the underworld, leading to the endless other side, to know its source, to go to not know its destination.

The river is surging, as if it can wash away people's troubles and forget all sorrows.

The three of them came to the riverbank and stopped, and the Hot Wheels under the feet of Yueji and Zhou Xiao naturally disappeared.

There is a broken stone monument on the riverbank, on which there are words, full of mottled years, and can still be seen faintly.

It is the three big characters of "Lethe River".

In normal times, they were still in the mood to study the situation nearby, but at this time, the ghost of the Huangquan Sect Master was still lingering, and even behind, there were a large number of masters of the Huangquan Sect chasing after them.

Mo Yu stood in front of the river and looked around, and asked quickly, "How to cross the river?"

As he spoke, he took the lead in trying, and he had the experience of the Divine Heavenly Monarch's Mausoleum, so he bent down and picked up a stone next to him for the first time.

Throw it hard, and the pebbles flew out with a whoosh.

With his current strength, even if he throws it casually, he can throw the stone thousands of miles away.

However, as soon as the stone flew to the riverbank, the moment it reached the location of the river, it disappeared strangely, and there was no trace of it.

Mo Yu raised his eyebrows, not surprised.

He whispered, "Sure enough, the birds can't cross, which means that it will be dangerous to fly directly over." "

Zhou Xiao next to him went to the river almost at the same time and took out a felt from the ring, which was woven with goose feathers.

She removed a few pieces of goose feathers and released them into the river, which quickly sank without any process, and was directly swallowed.

She got up and shook her head, "Goose feathers can't float." "

Yueji said at this time: "This is the Lechuan River, in the ancient legends, the yin soul must be guided here to cross the river, there are messengers in the river to ferry, every day back and forth, never stop." "

Mo Yu turned around, their movements were extremely fast, but the speed of the Huangquan Sect Master was even faster, and they were only thousands of miles apart from each other.

Follow the speed of the other party and you will be able to catch up in no time.

His eyes were slightly condensed, and he had already clenched the fire-tipped spear in his hand, and at the same time said quickly: "The ancient era has become a legend, even the underworld has become a ruin, if there is no way to cross the river, we can only fight them to the death here." "

At this moment, Zhou Xiao suddenly noticed something: "Teacher, Nezha, there is a bamboo raft there!"

Yuehime's eyes froze, and she suddenly looked over, and the water of the Lechuan River was not turbulent, it was as slow as stagnant water.

At the edge of the shore, a bamboo raft rests quietly on the riverbank, looking a little shabby, with a bamboo pole on it, like an oar.

Because the bamboo raft was so close to the color of the river, they didn't even pay attention to it at first.

Yueji hurriedly said: "Nezha, let's go, cross the river first." "

"It's too late. "

Mo Yu said in a deep voice, Yueji's heart suddenly burst and she suddenly turned around.

I don't know when, the figure of the Huangquan Sect Master has appeared a hundred feet away from them, and this distance can be called close at hand.

In this case, not to mention crossing the river, it is dangerous to just act rashly.

Tsukihime took a deep breath, gently resting her palm behind her back, and a little cold flame appeared in her palm.

The Sect Master of Huangquan didn't seem to take them seriously at all, but looked at this endless river and sighed: "Lechuan River, it is not easy for you to escape all the way to the Lechuan River. After this river, it is the real underworld, and if you are allowed to pass there a moment later, it is really possible for you to escape. "

He smiled slightly: "It's a pity, it's just a little bit." "

Mo Yu suddenly spoke: "Are you so sure you can win?"

The Huangquan Sect Master chuckled: "Of course I'm sure, the three of you are just mayflies to this sect, and you can be caught with your palms."

Even if you have a treasure in your body, it's a pity that your strength is still weaker and you can't pose a threat. "

Mo Yu also raised a hint of a smile, and suddenly said, "What if I told you that our mythical elders are also there?"

"What?" Huangquan Sect Master's gaze suddenly froze, and then he relaxed again and said with a smile: "You young man, don't bluff, if your elders are really here, why do you have to flee all the way here."

However, your mythology does have strength, and your master Taiyi Zhenren's means have also been seen by this sect, and it is indeed a true immortal supernatural power, and this sect thinks that it is invincible.

That's why I want to take you as a hostage, so that I can bargain with the elders behind you. "

Mo Yufang smiled and said, "You can try it." "

That's exactly what I mean. "

The Huangquan Sect Master sneered, and his shot was even more decisive to the extreme, before the words fell, he had already pointed out, and in an instant, a Huangquan holy light fell from the sky, carrying the power of decaying all things, and the underworld trembled.

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