Mo Yu admired the decisiveness of Yueji's escape.

He thinks that he is also a cautious character, and he usually plans before acting.

Even if he has a system, most of the time he doesn't like to spend all his luck points at once.

I always feel that I can feel at ease by keeping some luck in my hand.

But even if it's him, most of the time he won't run so decisively, if he can fight, he has to try it, first determine the real strength of the other party, and then decide whether he is reckless or cowardly.

However, Tsukihime pulled him to run away, and he didn't object.

Unless Nezha's transformation is increased by spending his luck value, it will only reach the level of half-step supreme, and the Huangquan Sect will only attack the nest just by looking at the number of people just now.

The Huangquan Sect Master is even more of a powerhouse who has crossed the first level of the Supreme Realm, and he will definitely not be able to defeat Nezha alone.

In that case, it is better to pull them around and make a bend in case something unexpected is discovered.

So within three breaths of his escape, he used Hot Wheels to rush to the front.

Glancing back, the Huangquan Sect Master had already adapted to the initial sense of reversal and stood firm in mid-air.

He looked down and immediately found the three Mo Yu who had escaped.

"Sect Master. "The Great Elder of the Huangquan Sect adapted later than him, and he also saw Mo Yu and the others.

The Huangquan Sect Master's eyes were blank, and he sneered: "The Nine Secluded Lands have become like this, let's catch them up first, and then go to explore the ruins." "

As he spoke, he turned into a light and hurriedly chased after him, and the Great Elder stayed where he was, preparing to gather the masters of the Huangquan Sect before following.

Those who can leap into the entrance of the underworld together are all masters above the Huangquan Sect Cave Heaven Realm.

There are not many such strong people, even if they are Huangquan Sect, and there are a total of twenty-eight people who followed this time.

It's most of the strength of the Huangquan Sect.

The speed of Mo Yu and the three of them was extremely fast, almost flying close to the ground, but the Huangquan Sect Master was even faster, his speed was full swing, and there was a faint sound of thunder, catching up at an extremely fast speed.

Yueji looked behind her as she fled, and said with a slightly raised gaze: "This old guy seems to be extremely angry, and he has chased him to the underworld and is still so ghostly." "

Mo Yu held the fire-tipped spear in his hand, his expression was not nervous, and he said with a smile: "What other means do you have?"

His relaxed attitude affected Yueji and Zhou Xiao, making the two girls subconsciously feel a lot more at ease.

Yueji said: "What can I do, the difference in strength is too big, but the underworld is special, we are now at the entrance of Yin Mountain, and further forward is the Huangquan Road in the ancient era, all the way to the Lechuan River, and crossing the river is the city of vain death in charge of the reincarnation of the Heavenly Monarch."

The city was eerie, and it seemed that there were unknown Underworld monsters left, and if we could get there, we might be able to get rid of them. "

"Huh?" Mo Yu keenly grasped the information in her words and exclaimed, "You've been here before?"

Tsukihime smiled and didn't answer.

Mo Yu's gaze was empty, and the gaze that looked at her was a little playful.

He was curious about how many places Tsukihime had been to and how many deaths she had done during her lifetime.

She became the spirit she is now, is it because she did too much to die, and finally paid the price?

When the two of them were talking briefly, the Huangquan Sect Master caught up with him for some distance.

With one hand, Tsukihime held it, and a long knife condensed by cold flames appeared in her hand, and she suddenly turned around with a soft shout, and the knife slashed instantly!

With a single sword, the icy flames carried a chilling aura, and attacked the Huangquan Sect Master in eight directions.

The distance between the two sides was extremely fast, and I saw eight glaciers rising diagonally into the sky, back and forth for thousands of miles, and it was spectacular to the extreme under the gloomy sky.

Feeling the power of her shot, Mo Yu turned his head slightly: "Your strength has increased?"

Tsukihime connected the dots in the air, and where she passed, layers of ice as thin as cicada's wings appeared, layer upon layer, and thousands of layers had been stacked in an instant.

She said: "I have gained some benefits in the Tomb of the Heavenly Monarch of Shenxiao, and I have only recovered to the Cave Heaven Realm Four Heavens, but during this period of time, I have refined a lot and reached the Cave Heaven Realm Six Heavens Realm.

The underworld itself is the place where the dead belong, and this is half of my home field, and I can reach the Seven Heavens of the Cave Heaven Realm with all my strength. "

"Not bad. Mo Yu was sincerely amazed.

The powerhouses of the Cave Heaven Realm are already masters, and the powerhouses of the Seven Heavens are even rarer, even in the major sects, they are also high-end combat power.

It's a pity that it is the Huangquan Sect Master who is chasing them now.

Facing the glacier transformed by the eight sword lights, he just snorted lightly, used the power of Huangquan with one hand, and slashed it with one palm.


The Netherlands didn't have such a terrifying sound for a long time, and the ten nearby mountains exploded in unison.

The spatial structure of the Underworld seemed to be more stable than that of the Eastern Xuan Great World, and even the Yin Mountain was much stronger, and the Huangquan Sect Master could only shake the nearby mountains when he made a move.

But his strength did not weaken, and the wind that touched him was instantly annihilated, and he did not even have the slightest strength to resist.

Under the palm wind, it was like a light brown meteor in the sky, and the ice left by Tsukihime melted one after another.

The whistling sound was loud, and Mo Yu and the three of them were suddenly enveloped.

With a light snort, Mo Yu turned around, and with a hand in his left hand, he had already started to use the Chaotian Aya, and with a wave in the air, a red silk danced between the gloomy heaven and earth.

As soon as the chaotic sky shook, this incomparable palm wind actually led to separation, and the power was poured out in all directions.


The Yin Mountains beside them shook together, and under the palm wind, hundreds of Yin Mountains exploded together, like an earthquake in the underworld.

The Huangquan Sect Master's eyes condensed slightly, and he looked at the Chaotian Aya in Mo Yu's hand and praised: "Good baby." "

The two sides were too far away, and Mo Yu didn't hear what he was saying, and even if he did, he wouldn't respond.

His face was slightly pale, and the aura in his body was disordered, even if he used the power of Chaotian Aya to divert the opponent's attack, this power was still huge.

The gap between the Cave Heaven Realm and the Supreme Realm is so huge.

But there was a hint of a smile in his eyes, and he wanted this effect, otherwise he would really not be able to transform into other mythical characters in front of Yueji and Zhou Xiao.

After all, this is his biggest hole card, and he doesn't want to expose it under any circumstances.

The last time he transformed into Yang Jian, he deliberately separated the two of them, and then he started his transformation.

But this time, the Huangquan Sect Master chased too hard, and it was even more unrealistic to let Yueji and Zhou Xiao delay, which was similar to sending them to death.

But now, he had a new plan in mind.

It's time for the trick to come in handy.

Although his breath was disordered this time, he was actually not seriously injured, but Mo Yu's face changed in order to pave the way for his subsequent transformation, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He pretended to be shocked and said, "This tiger's strength is too strong, let's go quickly!"

He pointed to his feet, and he saw that the Hot Wheels changed, and the two were divided into six, and they went to the feet of Yueji and Zhou Xiao respectively, and the speed of the three of them increased suddenly.

The Huangquan Sect Master's gaze condensed in mid-air: "There is still any strength left?"

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