Because the patterns on the rice paper are lifelike and extremely delicate!

Lin Yuan's technique of splashing ink is already breathtaking and shocking.

But everyone only thought that Lin Yuan was very powerful if he could splash mountains and rivers and other big scenes.

But what people didn’t expect was.

Lin Yuan's splashed painting turned out to be surprisingly beautiful and exquisite!

What I saw in the painting was a rather cartoonish beautiful girl.

Delicate and cute appearance, big waist and big breasts.

It looks a bit like a combination of Gui Qingtong's cute appearance and the figure of the Xie twin sisters.

The painting style is slightly two-dimensional, so it definitely fits the theme of this competition.

This is really surprising.

Because the painting method of splash ink is inherently open and closed.

As a result, Lin Yuan was able to paint such an exquisite style.

It is enough to reflect the terrifying control. but.

This painting by Lin Yuan is splashed with ink.

That's not all.

An observant person took a closer look at Lin Yuan's paintings.

Suddenly shouted:"Wait! It looks like a beautiful girl from the front, but from the side, it looks like a landscape painting?!"

I heard this person shouting.

Others quickly followed suit.

Turn sideways or look from another angle.

The same goes for Xie Shixuan and Gui Qingtong.

After changing the angle, Xie Shixuan was shocked to find out.

It really looks like a ridge from the side and a peak from the side!

It turned out that Lin Yuan's rice paper was a beautiful girl with a similar figure to her.

It actually followed the change of her angle.

The content of the painting seems to be constantly changing. quickly.

After adjusting the angle.

The beautiful girl in the painting turned into a landscape painting, a small pavilion in the style of an ink garden, with lotus flowers blooming around it!

After discovering this.

Xie Shixuan, whose brain was quite agile, immediately continued to adjust the angle quickly.

Then at the center of the angle between the side and the front.

Sure enough, she saw what she imagined, the scene of the beautiful girl in the painting sitting quietly in the courtyard!

Xie Shixuan was stunned.

Others also reacted quickly.

Then everyone was shocked!

"OMG! The front of this painting has been painted extremely delicately, showing a beautiful girl. But the side turned into a landscape garden painting, it’s incredible!"

"It's not just that! If you find a good angle, you can even see this beautiful girl sitting in the garden! Oh my god oh my god!"

After discovering the magic of Lin Yuan's painting, everyone was really shocked.

What kind of ghost painting is this!

"The most terrifying thing you seem to have overlooked is that this ever-changing painting was created by him using the technique of splashing ink!"

One person reminded.

After hearing this, everyone's eyes widened and they were even more stunned.

In fact, there were many people present.

For example, Xie Shixuan and Gui Qingtong.

There were also some knowledgeable people who could figure it out very quickly. The principle of Lin Yuan's painting.

Lin Yuan actually applied the principles of light refraction in physics.

It doesn't sound like profound knowledge. In fact, it is often reflected in life.

For example, everyone must have had it when they were young. We all have played refraction cards.

They are the kind of colorful cards where the content of the card is different when viewed from different angles.

Also, the wooden sticks in the water will look bent under the light, etc.

In fact, this is the principle.

The head turns quickly. People quickly thought of this.

If you think about it this way, it seems that the magical thing about Lin Yuan's painting is not very rare, difficult and magical.


But you must know that Lin Yuan used the technique of splashing ink to paint.!


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