I found that Lin Yuan seemed to be painting with splash ink.

Everyone was also shocked.

Because most people have only heard of it but have never seen this way of painting.

"I heard that this splash-ink painting is, no, it’s super difficult just thinking about it!"

"I know this! Splash-ink painting is passed down from the Tang Dynasty. Ink is splashed on paper, and the hands are rubbed with feet. The shapes are formed into rocks, clouds, or water according to the hands, and the clouds and clouds are dyed into wind and rain. It is like a magical skill. The ink cannot be seen when looking down. Traces of dirt. Of course, the modern way of splashing paint is not limited to ink, it can also be called splashing color!"

"wipe! Although I don’t understand it, it feels so awesome! Can this be painted too?"

Some people were amazed, and some people were talking about it. But everyone present had only heard of Lin Yuan's splash-ink painting method but had never seen it before. So they were all very surprised. They all looked towards Lin Yuan. Come over. There were originally a lot of Dachu masters painting. But those who were looking at the Dachu paintings also looked towards Lin Yuan. After all, it was novel! Even many people who participated in the painting competition stopped.. Because unless the painting is really very good. Or Lin Yuan's splash-ink painting is fake. Otherwise, this is really a loss from the beginning. More and more people's eyes are focused on it. Almost everyone on the stage and off stage are focusing on it. Lin Yuan's body. This is quite nerve-wracking. Seeing that Gui Qingtong and Xie Shixuan in the audience were a little nervous for Lin Yuan, they clenched their little pink fists and cheered Lin Yuan in a low voice. However, Lin Yuan did not waver at all.. Still calmly splashing ink, ignoring the eyes of others. At this time, everyone had completely focused on Lin Yuan. They were also shocked to discover that Lin Yuan's splashing of ink seemed to be real! It was not a fake at all.!

"It seems like not a drop of the paint he spilled has spilled onto the paper!"

"Not only is there no paper outside, but if you look carefully, the paint he splashed accurately falls on the lines he outlined with his brush before!"

"Oh My God! Amazing! What a terrifying control!"

"Not only is he handsome, but he is also great at drawing! Simply! Male...male god!"

Lin Yuan's splashing ink stunned everyone.

Those who knew more were shocked when they saw Lin Yuan's ink splashing technique that was not messy at all and extremely accurate.

But those who didn't understand, just looking at Lin Yuan's flowing ink splashing, also felt... It was a kind of enjoyment.

Many girls were already looking at Lin Yuan with starry eyes, waiting for a chance to ask for their contact information.

Lin Yuan was not surprised by the accuracy of the ink splashing.

Because his paintings His painting skills have already reached the god level.

Any painting method can be picked at random.

They are all at the level of the master and above the master level.

So it is not surprising.

But in the eyes of everyone, it is shocking.

Originally The competition has turned into Lin Yuan's personal show.

Almost everyone is watching Lin Yuan's splashing of ink.

Even some people who were originally competing with Lin Yuan on the same stage stopped the paintbrush in their hands.

Again and again Once.

No one counted how many times Lin Yuan splashed paint.

They only felt that every time he splashed paint, it seemed to have Lin Yuan's intention.

The drawing paper that was two people long and wide gradually became colorful..

Many people think that this kind of splashing ink will take at least a while.

After all, it feels very difficult.

Also, Lin Yuan’s movements of splashing ink are really extremely smooth and pleasing to the eye.

Many people want to watch more points, and the girls were generally dumbfounded.

But Lin Yuan was faster than they expected.

A few minutes passed, and Lin Yuan stopped.

He put the paint bucket and other materials away.

Then he clapped his hands.

Obviously The painting was completed.

After Lin Yuan stopped,

Gui Qingtong, Xie Shixuan, and many people gathered around them also quickly looked at the large rice paper on which Lin Yuan had splashed ink. At this glance, everyone was stunned. Was shocked


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