Let's go, listen to my flesh. "

Lu Yu sneered and shook his head, it seemed that this state was destined to stand on the other side.

"What about me, what about mine. "

Lu Fei'er opened a small hand to Lu Yu.

"Okay, with you, praise you for being braver just now, that's okay. "

Lu Yu laughed first, this Lu Fei'er made him impressed, and he dared to die at a critical time!

This explains why there is an absolute advantage under this team.

The pseudo-gods of the War of the Gods are all elites, and this is what made Lu Fei'er able to give up her soul to fight today.

"Hmph! That's pretty much it. "

Lu Fei'er intervened triumphantly and said, "Since that's the case, I'll follow this uncle to find the treasure, goodbye!"


Kegnidos's brows furrowed slightly, and when he looked at Lu Fei'er, he pursed the corners of his mouth and said, "I'm only nineteen!

"Nineteen, don't lie. "

Rufiel glanced at Kygnidos and hurried out of space.

"I ......"

The corners of Kegnidos's mouth opened, and a wry smile appeared on his face, and he said, "I'm really nineteen!"


There was a burst of laughter.

Kegnidos didn't expect to look so old, he was only nineteen, but judging from the height of more than two meters, he didn't look like a teenager at all.


After Lu Yu watched as Quegnidos and Lu Fei'er were completely gone, the divine brilliance in the corners of his eyes collapsed for a while.

"Sure enough, the end of forcibly combining with the ancient gods is extremely painful, and I am in a hurry, most of the forces dominated by the ancient gods are attacking, this is the most dangerous point!"

The bursts of glorious power on Lu Yu's body quickly dissipated, and the realm fell from the original god to the true god again!

"This ...... What's going on?"

Si Yan immediately became nervous, seeing that the realm had fallen so quickly, it seemed that Lu Yu's body had not changed much.

It's just that the divinity is so weak!

"It's fine. "

Lu Yu slowly threw his head, and when he came by himself, the spiritual brilliance around him brightened.

"It's okay, I won't allow the Old Gods to be a monster inside me, and I'm not going to be their slave, so I'm giving up on Genshin Impact. "


Several people around Lu Yu heard the news and exclaimed one after another.

"This ...... This won't be, this is the realm of the original god, and it has surpassed the true god, which is difficult for anyone to refuse!"

Tan Si looked at Lu Yu and said excitedly.

Who would lower his realm because of his high realm, if he is allowed to have the realm of the original god, I am afraid that he will not want to let his realm fall to the true god even if he dies!


Demon Wine looked at Tan Si and coughed lightly, and walked in front of Lu Yu's eyes.

"Lu Yu, what is our top priority?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly, or Tan Si understood him.

As for the others, from their eyes, they were watching him like fools.

"The priority is the bloodline to be found, and I've already given half of the benefits to Kegnidos, so it's likely that he'll be with us on his way. "


Everyone's eyes immediately widened, and their mouths were about to be able to stuff eggs!

"I said why did you get half of the benefits of your weak state just now, it turned out that you had your own plans and intentions, amazing, really powerful!"

The White Bone Evil God couldn't help but admire Lu Yu, originally thinking that with Lu Yu's character, he would ask for all the supplies.

Kegnidos was saved by him, and there is absolutely nothing to say.

However, after this hand push, it is not only a favor, but also a personality charm!

Both favor and righteousness are occupied by Lu Yu, even if the strong man is unwilling to fight with Lu Yu, I am afraid that he will have to act together.

Otherwise, they are not human inside and out.

Sure enough, he is a good hand at playing with people's hearts!

Lu Yu glanced at him, stood up, and said, "Come with me to go out and have a look, if you want to hide a lot of goods, then each of you can get a share of divine things to strengthen your strength." "

"Long live the master!"

Many evil gods cheered one after another when they heard Lu Yu's command, knowing that the treasures of the Evil God King have always been extremely numerous, not to mention that they have extremely divine nature.

Coupled with the reserves of Godhead under their fingers, it is already clear that they will strengthen themselves.

Si Yan frowned slightly, although he didn't stop everyone, he followed Lu Yu's side and walked into the deep space.

"Give them these things, and you don't pay attention to your own divine powers, what if something happens?"

She looked at Lu Yu and said softly, worried about Lu Yu's comfort.

Lu Yu smiled and shook his head, although the loss of divinity was extremely huge for him, the unity of this group of evil gods was also important.

ps: Ask for collection!Ask for subscription!Ask for monthly passes!Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation votes!_

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