A hint of hideousness appeared in Flysrock's eyes, and the huge ball of flesh spun at great speed, and one barb after another suddenly dug through the sharp soil in front of him!


An explosion rang out through the tunnel, and a huge ball of flesh rolled forward.


There was a slight difference, the ground he was rolling under felt unusually soft, not like the extremely solid ground that had just been tamped under the battle.

Instead, there is a burning aura spreading all around!

"Coming in?"

A familiar face lit up in front of his eyes, Lu Yu's face was smiling, and the silver face net that he was holding on one finger suddenly ripped to the side!

"Not good!"

Frisrock's heart thumped.

The huge ball of meat that he reversed rolled out in his original direction!

"You two bastards can actually change time and space to harm me, wait until I leave......"

"I think you can't live without. "

Kgnidos sneered, standing opposite this Flyislock!

The net in his hand was intercepted in the direction of Lu Yu, and suddenly from all around, it actually blocked the way out of the Evil God King!

Suddenly reversed!

"Damn it!"

Flysrock cursed, and the huge orb rolled to the left!

I found that there was also a silver net on the left, and then to the right, and then up and down!

I felt a huge sense of crisis surrounding him!

"Fulfill him!"

A smile appeared on Lu Yu's face, which had been caught by this huge net, and the flowing water of the long river of time had washed out again!

"Summon, your summoning power will first pass through this huge net, and the ancient god Ember on this net will summon the ancient gods, see if the strong one behind you is stronger, or the god of power is stronger, I'm curious!"


A huge amount of water rushes through the river of time.

The river of time washed away all of Frisrock's power, causing him to sink towards the surface of the river of time!

"Damn, aren't you afraid I'll blow myself up and drag you two into the water?"

Phyrysrok was furious and struggling!

However, this huge net was killed by these two guys, pressed under the long river of time, and it can only be the master who summoned him under the long river of time!

However, this is equivalent to summoning an ancient god, and it will not only cause trouble for him alone!


After hearing this, Lu Yu shook his head.

"You blow yourself up now, you are in the long river of time, how much splash can you make, let's go, let him blow himself up here, the movement is bigger, if there are flesh and bones, it is just for us." "

Lu Yu shook his head and greeted Kegnidos.

Quegnidos gestured his finger to the landing feather, silent.

"Explode, explode, the sooner the better, you won't be of use to me anyway. "

Lu Yu shook his head, signaled the claw of time and space to fix him here, turned around and left!

"Come back, you give me back!human!cunning human!despicable human......"

Philisloc scolded over and over again.

This huge river of time will touch the coming of the ancient gods, and the long river of time can only weaken for him.

The claws of time and space are suppressing his ontological power all the time!

Kegnidos followed behind Lu Yu, watching Lu Yu's high-spirited divinity weaken at an extremely fast pace.

He found that Lu Yu's feet were staggering, and his steps were unstable.

"What's wrong?"

He hurriedly went up and hurriedly supported Lu Yu as he fell behind him.

Lu Yu's divinity just now burned a lot!

The reason why he was still clamoring for Philislok just now was because he was asserting his divinity!

is suppressing Philislock's heart of resistance, so that Philislok does not dare to make a desperate bet!

Lu Yu is betting that Fei Lisrock will not dare to blow himself up!

"I'll do it. "

Si Yan hurriedly rushed over, and he took Lu Yu.

"This guy was being reckless, I said why was he so majestic just now?"

Lu Fei'er looked at Lu Yu's appearance, stretched out her finger, and tapped Lu Yu's cheek twice.

"Don't make a fuss. Lu Yu slapped away Lu Fei'er's white and tender fingers, glanced at Lu Fei'er, and said, "We have stopped acting in the last few days, as for the things in the secret room of the treasure house, how about fifty-fifty?"

Kegnidos smiled bitterly and scratched the back of his head.

"If you want to say that, then I'm not welcome, after I have searched the contents, I will divide you in half, as for the first time I met you before, I am very sorry to dissuade you. "

Lu Yu shook his head with a smile.

"Let's just take that you haven't attacked me since the first time we met, so you can show that you are still saved among the human race, and join my camp. "

Kgnidos took a slow breath, his eyes looking towards the ground, his fists clenched slightly.

"Still, forget it, no one can say what will happen in the future, let him pass the past, I believe that human beings will live better and better in the future, just like the friendship between you and me. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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