After careful consideration, mainly because of his daughter's plea, Li Xiaoyao decided not to argue with Panda. He also bought a bunch of delicious spiritual fruits to appease the panda and prevent her from going back to complain.

So, the panda took a bunch of spiritual fruits and left in a majestic manner.

Before leaving, he also held up a sign.

There are no words on this sign, just one hand holding it together, and then the middle finger raised high

"I go! Too arrogant!"Li Xiaoyao rolled up his sleeves.

Dad Jiang Hao comforted him:"Don't argue with her. Pandas are naughty and mischievous, just like a child."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with her."Li Xiaoyao waved his hand, looked at the two cute twins below, and said in surprise:"Is this your daughter? She looks so cute, as cute as my daughter!"

"Yeah? Ha ha……"Dad Jiang Hao smiled happily:"Let me tell you, my two daughters are as beautiful as their mothers, and they are very sensible. They often come over to help me. But sometimes they are also naughty.……"

Li Xiao found a close friend and began to complain happily:"Well, it's really difficult to take care of a child. Although I only have one child, this child breaks my heart, but sometimes I am also happy.……"

As a result, the two dads shared their experiences in raising babies.

At this time, the three cute babies were also communicating

"Hello, classmates, my name is Jiang Meng, and this is my sister Jiang Kuai. We are students at Fu Normal College of Jiangnan University! Jiang Meng, the elder sister of the twins, introduced herself enthusiastically.

"Jiangnan University Fu Normal University? Li Yiru's eyes lit up:"Is this the academy of Teacher Lin Beifan?""

Before, she had inquired about Lin Beifan's origins, and then took the opportunity to become a disciple.

"Yes, yes, it is Teacher Lin’s academy. Jiang Meng showed off excitedly:"Teacher Lin is amazing. He has taught many amazing students, such as Brother Nezha and Brother Wukong. They are top geniuses and can even defeat the powerful Demon King." There is also Grandpa Xue, who is now a top researcher at the institute and has created many inventions. And the little girl who usually teaches us runes is the rune devil of our college! We learned a lot there, and the seniors and sisters loved us so much. Sometimes we could even see pandas. Everyone was so loving!"

"I really envy you!"Li Yiru said enviously

"I envy you for coming to our college. Can we be classmates?"Jiang Kuai said cutely.

"Uh-huh……"Li Yiru nodded quickly.

At this time, Zhao Linger walked over with a smile.

Although the snake body had been hidden, dad Jiang Hao recognized it. It was the human-headed snake body from the Guardian City. It was a monster whose name seemed to be Zhao Ling'er.

Father Jiang Hao has a deep hatred for the monster clan, because his woman and the mother of his two children died in the hands of the monster. Even though this monster comes from the guardian city, he still hates it very much.

"Why are you here? You are not welcome here!"Jiang Hao pulled out a knife and was ready to go.

Li Xiaoyao said quickly:"Brother Jiang, is there any misunderstanding? this is my wife……"

"No misunderstanding, the monster and I have nothing to talk about!"Jiang Hao denounced loudly and distanced himself from Li Xiaoyao.

Ye Fan immediately stood up to persuade him:"Boss Jiang, you really misunderstood. Zhao Ling'er is not a monster. He is a descendant of Nuwa, that's why he changed. An adult with a snake body and hands is essentially a human being, so he can enter the space-time building."

Jiang Hao felt relieved, but he still didn't like Zhao Ling'er who looked like a monster. The most important thing is that he comes from the Guardian City. Even if he is a human race, he is probably a human race that favors monsters.

Jiang Hao pulled his twin daughters:"Girls , let’s go back!"

"But we just made a good friend and have a lot to talk about!"The twin sisters don't really want to leave.

"Walk!"Jiang Hao pulled them away forcefully.

This sudden scene ruined everyone's mood.

"Linger, are you okay?"Li Xiaoyao asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, just a little tired. Let's go back first."Zhao Ling'er smiled very reluctantly.

"Mother……"Li Yiru holds Zhao Ling'er

"Okay, let's go back and have a rest!"Li Xiaoyao sighed, said goodbye to Ye Fan and the others, held Zhao Ling'er in one hand, and held Li Yiru in the other hand and walked back. At this moment, Li Xiaoyao wanted to do something for his wife and daughter, and didn't want them to be used by others for the rest of their lives. Discrimination is the responsibility of a man and a dad.

Looking at the leaving family of three, Lu Xueqi said:"They have endured too much."

"We have endured too much, but now we have let it go. Let the past go."Zhang Xiaofan said with emotion, recalling that he was forced to embark on the path of cultivation, and then forced to become stronger step by step. He walked out of Caomiao Village and finally returned to Caomiao Village.

He picked up the sword, He put down his sword again.

What is good? What is evil?

He has experienced too much and suffered too many injuries, and it is not important in his heart.

Just live your own life. He just often thinks of the girl in green, and... There was that heart-wrenching ringtone...

At this moment, a person suddenly bumped into them, interrupting their contemplation.


"Sorry, I was walking in a hurry just now and didn’t look at the road! I have to leave beforehand!" Shen Dong, who has the ability to copy, immediately apologized, and then suppressed his inner excitement and ran away.

At this time, another person chased him, but it was Shen Gongbao. He said reproachfully:"I said, why are you always walking? If you don’t have eyes, you bump into people every time and never learn a lesson!"

It's a pity that Shen Dong has run away.

Shen Gongbao was helpless, and then said to Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Xiaofan:"I'm sorry, you two, the name of the man just now is Shen Dong. He is a genius, but his eyes are a bit bad and he easily bumps into people. But he's not a bad person. I apologize to you on his behalf.

"fine!"Both Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Xiaofan are not fussy people.

"Huh? Aren't you Zhang Xiaofan and Lu Xueqi from Guardian City? Shen Gongbao said happily:"I have admired your name for a long time!" Thank you for standing up during the war between humans and demons, expelling the demons, and protecting your homeland! Especially Zhang Xiaofan, that sword of yours can kill demons like dogs. It’s so powerful! You are great heroes in my heart, and I admire you!"

"It's just some trivial things, nothing worth mentioning!"

Being so complimented, Zhang Xiaofan looked indifferent, but actually he felt very happy inside.

Even the cold Lu Xueqi had a smile on his face.

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