When Demon Emperor Xuantian led his troops to invade, the Supreme Night Demon appeared out of nowhere and wiped out the army of hundreds of millions of demons with his backhand.

He also broke into the demon world with domineering force, seriously injured Xuantian Demon Emperor, killed two demon emperors, and caused two bloody rains. The heaven and earth were in sorrow, and everything was silent. The six demon emperors joined forces and were unable to do anything, and finally walked away without anyone daring to stop them.

One person controls one world, and nothing will happen forever!

Even the Emperor of Heaven, the Lord of Heaven who suppressed the world in the mythical period, could not do it, but the Night Demon Supreme did it.

The Night Demon has surpassed the ancient Emperor of Heaven and has become the supreme belief of the human race.

The humans celebrated for three days, and then everything returned to normal.

The supreme human race suppresses the world, and the demons dare not offend.

Although there are still people on duty in the two demon caves, and although there are demons coming from there, they are all demons who lack knowledge. Demons above the Demon King level do not dare to come, for fear that they will never return.

Therefore, the human race simply used these two places as testing grounds to hunt down the demons and obtain the magic pills.

The guardian city that participated in the war also returned to its original state.

Although the relationship with the human race is still cold, it is not so tense anymore.

Nezha still often comes to play with Ao Bing, and invites a few friends to play shuttlecock together.

Xiao Wu also often comes to the Guardian City, often bringing a lot of delicious food to share with the cute little monsters in the city.

Some people from the Guardian City can come to human cities, and they are not so crowded.

At this time, Ye Fan led Li Xiaoyao's family, Zhang Xiaofan and his wife to visit the Space and Time Tower.

"This is the Space-Time Building, the central hub connecting all major cities in mankind. There are many functions on the Space-Time Building, such as the Battle Tower, Enlightenment Platform and Time Room. These are the favorite places for strong people. Because it is connected to major human cities, the economy here is very developed. Many forces and people have opened shops here. There are auctions, commercial streets, opera houses, etc., and many fun things. I will not I introduced them one by one, you can take a look anywhere. The only drawback is that the fee is a bit expensive!"Ye Fan introduced with a smile on his face.

"What a magical space-time building, much more exciting than the world I was in before!"Zhang Xiaofan said in surprise. He comes from a world of cultivating immortals, where people are either busy cultivating or competing for opportunities and intrigues.

Life is not only monotonous and boring, but also mentally draining.

Where is it like this world?

Lu Xueqi is standing aside. Nodding, how dare you imagine that the world of cultivation can be so wonderful?

Li Xiaoyao also exclaimed:"It's really magical. When I first came here, it was empty, there weren't many people, and there were no shops. But in just a few years, this place has become so prosperous, with people everywhere, just like a city."

Zhao Ling'er stood silently beside him, looking around, his eyes full of surprise.

There was also the little girl Li Yiru, who was shrinking in Zhao Ling'er's arms, looking at everything with the same curiosity as his mother.

"All thanks to the supreme credit!"Ye Fan said with admiration:"Self-respect has made a great contribution to the human race. He established the Space-Time Tower to connect human cities to help each other. The Gong Transfer Hall was established so that everyone in the race could have a way to practice. He repelled the attacks of the demon clan many times, making the demon clan dare not attack, and completely reversed the status of the human clan. He also exorcised the demons, killed the demon emperor, and brought power to the demon world... these are countless, one after another. Because of this, the human race has ushered in stable development. The Night Demon Supreme has become the totem of the human race!"

Ye Fan has never admired anyone, but Night Demon is definitely one and only one.

He has made up his mind to work hard to become stronger and become a supreme person to protect the human race.

At this time, the black and white who has always been cute and cute The animal came towards them.

Li Yiru exclaimed:"What a cute little animal!"

Then he broke away from Zhao Ling'er's arms and rushed over excitedly to touch him.

Zhao Ling'er was startled and said quickly:"Yi Ru, don't go there! That is the iron-eating beast, the mount of the ancient demon god Chi You. It specializes in eating metal and is very fierce. If you do this, he will be offended!"

Li Yiru turned pale with fright, stopped moving forward, and said in disbelief:"But he is so small and so cute.……"

Zhao Ling'er said seriously:"Even though he is young, his teeth can crush steel."

Li Yiru took a few steps back in fright:"So powerful?"

"Um."Zhao Ling'er nodded seriously.

Ye Fan smiled awkwardly:"Brothers and sisters, you may have misunderstood. That is really not an iron-eating beast, but a panda, a very humane animal that will not harm anyone. Look. It seems that everyone is used to it."

Zhao Ling'er blushed.

Looking at the cute panda, Li Yiru was about to move his hands:"Mom, can I go and touch it?"

Zhao Ling'er nodded, and Li Yiru immediately rushed over with cheers.

As a result, the panda held up a sign: The national treasure is precious, please don't touch it!

Li Yiru:"……"

Li Yiru stretched out a finger and said cautiously:"I'm just going to touch it once, that's all!"

The panda held up a sign: You think so!

Li Yiru:"……"

As a nanny, Li Xiaoyao couldn't stand it anymore.

She holds her daughter in the palm of her hand for fear of dropping it, holds it in her mouth for fear of melting, she feels so distressed, yet she tries every possible means to please a beast, only for that beast to ignore her?

Yes, he is jealous, as jealous as a panda.

He came over and grabbed the panda, clenched his fist and said fiercely:"What do you have so valuable? If my daughter wants to touch you, just let her touch you! If you don't obey me, try it. Have you ever seen a fist as big as a casserole?" ?"

Ye Fan was startled and said quickly:"Brother Li, put her down quickly, the panda cannot be hurt, otherwise the consequences will be serious!"

"Nothing serious, it’s just a beast!"Li Xiaoyao disagreed.

"The panda is indeed not very powerful, the key is the master behind it!"

"Is the owner behind her very powerful?"

Ye Fan shook his head:"I can't say, but he will trick you into not even knowing your parents!"

Li Xiaoyao:"……"

After thinking for a while, Ye Fan said again:"There are never exceptions!"

Li Xiaoyao:"……"

At this time, the panda took out a sign and hit him in the face.

Brand No. 1: Big Bad!

The second brand: stinky and shameless!

The third brand: Silly ×!

The fourth sign: two hundred and five!

The fifth brand: second-hand goods!


Li Xiaoyao:"……"

Li Yiru felt so cute, her eyes were shining and she said:"What a cute panda!"

Li Xiaoyao:"……"

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