This method basically passes

"The next question is, who will guard the Demon Cave?"Lin Weiwei asked.

Everyone said nothing and lowered their heads to drink tea.

This is a hard job, not only painful but also full of dangers. Maybe the opponent's army of demons will rush over and kill them on the day they are on duty. Considering all aspects, all No one agreed immediately.

One of the venerables said:"Do you still need to ask? Of course it is the City of the Gods. The Demon Cave has appeared within the confines of the City of Conferred Gods three times in a row, so I guess the next time will be good too. Therefore, the first to get the moon is the tower near the water, and it is most appropriate for the city of Fengshen to be responsible. Moreover, the List of Conferred Gods is a taboo weapon developed to deal with the demons outside the territory. The person who can be conferred the God cannot be killed, so it is most suitable for guarding the demon cave to reduce losses.

Finally, the holder of the Conferred God List is the one who should be robbed. The Lord of Zhou City was Jiang Ziya in his previous life, and he has rich experience in dealing with extraterrestrial demons and is familiar with it.

Shen Gongbao said loudly:"Leave this task to us in the City of Conferred Gods!" In my previous life, the demon outside the realm caused the fairyland to collapse, the heaven to be destroyed, and the immortals to suffer countless casualties... This is a pain that my senior brother and I will never be able to recover from! I will not let history repeat itself. This time I must change my fate against the will of heaven. I must let the devil pay for it with blood!"

These words were said in a majestic and awe-inspiring manner, making people applaud.

"Senior Shen Gongbao said it well!"

"It is admirable to sacrifice one's own life and put one's emphasis on righteousness!"


However, Zhou Yi, the owner of the brain hole system, wanted to slap Shen Gongbao to death.

Others are eager to push this hard job away, but you have to take it upon yourself. Are you afraid that you will not die early enough?

He even suspected that the appearance of the demon might be the cause of Shen Gongbao's bad luck.

My heart is filled with regret, if I had known I would not have figured it out for you.

You are such an unlucky star, a big rip-off!

Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Chu, Guan Yu, the Martial Saint, Lu Bu, the God of War, and others heard this and were excited in their hearts.

Like Shen Gongbao, they are mythical figures who have left their names in history. They are epic heroes who have been praised for thousands of years. They are also the predecessors of everyone present. At this critical moment of crisis, who should they not be?

If his strength is not comparable to that of Tianjiao, can he not even compare to his courage?

So, they spoke one after another.

Overlord Xiang Yu:"That's right, leave this matter to us, the City of Gods!"

Martial Saint Guan Yu:"We will do our best to do this kind of thing!"

God of War Lu Bu:"I, Lu Bu, have put down my words today. As long as I am here, the devil Don't even think about taking a step forward!"

Zhao Zilong:"My brothers' words are my words!"

Zhuge Liang:"My ambition has finally been realized! Today, Liang will be a military advisor!"

Zhang Jiao:"I will never return until the devil's cave is destroyed. Nest!"

Everyone clapped their hands and cheered again, and several mythical characters were beaming with joy, as if they had returned to the prosperous days of the past.

Only Zhou Yi felt sad in his heart, blaming me for thinking that you were too righteous and too self-sacrificial for righteousness. But in the end, when faced with this kind of thing, he still rushed forward and screwed me up.

But if you think so cruelly, I'm afraid you will leave me behind.

Alas, it is destined to be an unsolvable problem.

Several other great sages nodded, feeling that this arrangement was the most appropriate.

Zhou Yi was anxious and quickly threw the pot away:"What if the devil's cave doesn't appear here next time? Even if we have the intention, we will be powerless!"

Everyone hesitated, this was indeed a problem.

Zhou Yi felt proud. Fortunately, I was alert and did not take the blame.

Lin Beifan said:"Actually, I think there is a high probability that it will still appear near the City of Conferred Gods. The fact that the Demon's Nest appears again and again near the City of Conferred Gods is not a coincidence, but an inevitability. Because the two worlds are connected , there will always be a relatively weak space point, and this space point is within the scope of Fengshen City. If they want to open up the two worlds, they will definitely choose to do it from there. So I am sure that that time it will still appear in Fengshen City. Near the City of Gods."

Lin Beifan gave Zhou Yi, the owner of the brain hole system, a look: You can't run away.


Zhou Yi tried again:"I think it's better to wait for the Devil's Cave to appear before drawing any conclusions."

At this moment, a teacher hurriedly rushed in and announced:"I just received news that a monster appeared 700,000 kilometers west of the City of Conferred Gods. The coverage area of ​​the Demon Cave has reached a radius of 30,000 kilometers!"


Lin Beifan spread his hands:"There is nothing wrong this time!"

Zhou Yi:"……"

Several mythological figures stood up.

Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, said on behalf of the City of Conferred Gods:"Everyone, without further ado, let's go to guard the Demon Cave first. You continue to discuss and inform us of the results after the discussion! See you later!" Everyone handed over:"Hero, go slowly!"

Shen Gongbao turned around to urge. A voice:"Yi'er, hurry up and stop dragging your feet, I'm missing you on the list of gods!"


The meeting continues.

Lin Weiwei said in a deep voice:"Dealing with the extraterrestrial demons is a matter for our entire human race. The City of Gods alone is definitely not enough, so our major cities must provide support. I suggest that each city send a force of 500 people. Above, the strength is preferably extraordinary or above."

The First Emperor stood up and said:"500 is too little, I am willing to give 2,000 Qin terracotta warriors, they are also immortal, they should be more effective in dealing with the demons, led by General Meng Tian. Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty also stood up:"

I have fewer warriors, but I am willing to provide 1,500 warriors.""

"The two emperors are so righteous!"Everyone gave a thumbs up.

Next, representatives from major colleges contributed their efforts.

Even Lin Beifan said that the talismans used to resist the demons were provided by their Talisman Master Academy.

Lin Weiwei said:"The invasion of the demons is not a trivial matter. At least one person is needed. A great lord is guarding the Demon Cave to prevent any unexpected events!"

"Leave it to me. Tangshan stood up:"The devil wants to invade the world, unless he steps on my body!""

This is not only for the human race, but also for his lover XiaoAs long as he contributes more to the human race, Xiao Wu's situation will be better.

Lin Weiwei finally emphasized:"What we are facing now is an enemy more terrifying than monsters. So I hope everyone will be more vigilant. When a crisis occurs, I hope that experts from various cities will rush over to provide support and not slack off."

So, Everyone acted quickly.

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