Everyone still expressed doubts.

After all, there is just a demon cave now, but the demon outside the territory has not even seen a ghost. Who would believe it?

Shen Gongbao pulled Zhou Yi out and said:"If you don't believe me, ask your senior brother... No, ask my disciple. As the holder of the Conferred Gods List, although his memory has been lost, he can sense it, just like he sensed the Conferred Gods List back then. Same. Yi'er, tell me, is this the case? Are they extraterrestrial demons?"

"this……"Zhou Yi didn't know how to speak.

Can I say that all the extraterrestrial demons were made up by me?

Therefore, he was sure that the person facing him was definitely not an extraterrestrial demon, at least not the extraterrestrial demon he made up.

But what is going on with Shen Gongbao?

"I think this requires careful identification to be sure."Zhou Yi gave an ambiguous answer.

"Senior Shen Gongbao, maybe you are too nervous. The opponent may look a bit like an extraterrestrial demon. Maybe they have demonic energy, but they are definitely not extraterrestrial demons."Someone teased

"That's right, if the opponent is an extraterrestrial demon, I will be the first to rush in to eliminate the demon and defend the way!"Some people don't believe it.


Lin Weiwei stood up and said:"Senior Shen Gongbao's words should not be false. After all, he has experienced that era and hates the extraterrestrial demons deeply. He must be more familiar with it than everyone here, and he should not admit his mistake. However, if It would be too arbitrary to conclude that the demon from outside the territory is coming. Therefore, I think that major cities should strengthen their vigilance and defense, send troops to patrol frequently, pay attention to the situation outside the city at any time, and report any news immediately!"

Everyone nodded, this is The best solution currently.

As a result, after a week, Shen Gongbao's words came true.

Another demon cave appeared 800,000 kilometers west of the City of Conferred Gods.

The cave grew rapidly and when it was discovered, it covered a radius of 30,000 kilometers. And from time to time, terrifying roars came from the cracks in space, making the hairs of those who listened stand on end.

Everyone gathered again.

Shen Gongbao shouted again:"They are here again! The demon from outside the territory is here again! I will never forget that voice in my life!"

This time, no one came to a negative conclusion.

"Maybe... what Senior Shen Gongbao said is true!"

"If it is really an extraterrestrial demon, all life here will be destroyed. According to legend, in order to deal with the extraterrestrial demons, the entire fairy world was destroyed and all the gods died. Our current strength is still not as good as the fairy world. I'm afraid that by then……"

"Why! Even if it can be blocked, I'm afraid the losses will be heavy!"

"Why is the human race so troubled?"


No one has come to a conclusion.

Lin Beifan once again used the magic talisman to eliminate the devil's cave.

However, everyone's hearts became heavy.

The arrival of the extraterrestrial demon cast a shadow on everyone's hearts.

Less than two weeks later, the third Demon Cave appeared. Surprisingly, it still appeared near the City of Conferred Gods.

Moreover, the Demon Cave expanded very quickly, extending to a radius of 50,000 kilometers in the blink of an eye. You can see a mysterious black humanoid creature inside the space crack. It has two sharp horns on its head and a pair of huge wings. It is screaming non-stop.

There are also many monsters showing their teeth and claws, which are no worse than monsters.

It appeared three times in a row, and everyone couldn't wait to relax.

"That's right! They are really extraterrestrial demons! The demon from outside the territory is really coming! Shen Gongbao once screamed hysterically:"The one with two sharp horns and a pair of wings on his head is called the Heavenly Demon Clan. His strength reaches extraordinary levels as soon as he is born, and he is the most powerful clan among the outer Heavenly Demons!" There are also those strange creatures they call monsters!"

"It seems that there is a high probability that it is the devil's nest of the extraterrestrial demon."

"After destroying one demon cave, they can still create another one. They are already eyeing our world of spiritual energy recovery."

"As expected, the demon from outside the territory has made a comeback. Will the ancient tragedy be repeated again?"

"Can we defeat the extraterrestrial demon?"


Everyone is very pessimistic.

At this moment, the demon clan on the other side of the space crack suddenly broke through the space and rushed into the world.

His face was very ferocious, he kept neighing and attacking the people present.

Luo Tianjun struck out with a sword, and the sword energy spread 3,000 miles across. All the demons that flew towards him were cut in half.

Luo Tianjun put away his sword and said:"The demons outside the territory seem to be easy to deal with!"

Shen Gongbao said:"That is just the weakest demon tribe, but there are hundreds of millions of such demon tribes. In the lair of the demon tribe, such little soldiers Tens of thousands can be reproduced every day."

Everyone was shocked by this data.

It can reproduce tens of thousands every day, which is equivalent to producing tens of thousands of extraordinary masters every day.

However, their human race is very resourceful, and their extraordinary masters have not exceeded 50,000 so far. This does not even count as top-level combat power, and it does not include the power of other demons. It is really difficult.

Everyone finally knew why such a powerful fairy world was destroyed.

Just because the enemy is too strong, it has to be destroyed.

Lin Beifan once again sealed the space rift, destroyed the demon cave, and said:"There is no doubt that the extraterrestrial demons have set their sights on our world. This is a problem for the entire human race. We should go back to discuss countermeasures."

In the space-time building, humans Almost all the top players gathered.

Lin Weiwei presided over the meeting:"Now it is basically certain that opposite the space crack is the nest of the extraterrestrial demon, and the extraterrestrial demon has set its sights on our world. Everyone here knows the dangers of the extraterrestrial demon, so I won't emphasize it. We are here this time The purpose of the meeting is how to solve the crisis in the Demon Cave"

"Wouldn't it be enough to seal it once after seeing it? Nezha curled his lips and said.

Wu Pingting said:"This can only be regarded as a last resort. If you block one, another one will appear, and it is not determined where it will appear. If it appears directly in the city, is there time? The biggest fear is that there will be more than one in the future! So I think it is better to block it than to open it up. The next time the magic cave appears, we should not destroy it, but preserve it. In this way, we only have to guard this devil's cave, control the situation, and study it, so that we can detect any changes in the future in time."

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