【Race: Origin Elf.

Level: Extraordinary fourth level.

Natal talent: Calling the wind for snow - an elf born in the ice and snow. He is born with huge magic power and has absolute control over ice and snow. In one thought, wind and snow come, and in the next thought, the world is covered with ice and snow....

Special ability:

Ice Blade Storm - Countless ice blades turn into a storm, strangling all enemies.

Ice Solidification - Solidifies one's body in an instant, as if time has stopped, can resist most damage, and can even erupt with huge chills.

Ice crystal rain—ice crystals fell from the sky like a downpour, enveloping them with a huge chill. Even one single strand was enough to freeze everything within a ten-meter radius.

The dance of ice - suddenly danced, wrapped in endless chill, causing the whole world to be chilled.

Magical power:

Ice Phantom - Summon countless figures similar to yourself, and in the wind and snow, launch a storm-like offensive in an instant...Even if every figure is broken, it can be reorganized...If the spiritual power is endless, the phantom will be immortal and seem endless....】

Taking a deep look at the current ice and snow, Yu Ziyu secretly praised it in his heart.

What an amazing little guy.

And, more importantly, this little guy has great potential for growth.

Not to mention the fifth level of extraordinary, even the sixth level has hope.

As a result, the Demon Court, no, to be more precise, the various forces after Yu Ziyu also have successors.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also looked at the current ice and snow, and said:"Since you are the first to be born, you will be the eldest sister of the nine origin elves from now on.……"

Saying that, Yu Ziyu waved towards the depths of Jibing’s small world again.


There was a sudden loud noise, like the sky collapsing.

Visible to the naked eye, the entire Jibing world was shaking violently.

Then, in the horrified gazes of countless ice-type mutated beasts, a giant tree that looked like an ox appeared in the center of the small world, seemingly supporting the entire world.

At this moment, Yu Ziyu said through Qinglong's mouth:

"From today on, Bingxue is your little master, so be sure to protect her."

The words fell.


There was another roar, and a green beam of light shot straight towards the giant tree that seemed to hold up the entire world.

"Hoo, ho, ho……"

An astonishing roar exploded across the sky and the earth.

Along with this, a figure that was a hundred meters tall walked out of this giant tree that looked like a cow.

The branches twine and turn into thick arms.

Between the tree roots twisting, the legs are also pulled out

"Step, step, step……"

There were loud noises one after another, and the entire Jibing world seemed to be shaking under its feet.

The fifth-level tree man, the second-level tree builder.

Real weapons of war.

Although he has no wisdom, his earth-shattering strength is no joke.

Not to mention other things, just this tree man's natural talent forbidden area is enough to make countless people despair.

The restricted area of ​​​​his destiny - a realm of its own that suppresses all kinds of laws. Any law within a hundred meters of him will have its power greatly reduced.

In other words, this means that you can only fight with him hand-to-hand.

And hand-to-hand combat...

As a giant tree that can support the entire world, would he be afraid of hand-to-hand combat?

Its terrifying power will definitely make anyone doubt their life.

And this is the incarnation of the foundation of the Nine Realms - the fifth-level Taoist Jianmu Shuren.

He is also the guardian arranged by Yu Ziyu to protect the nine original spirits.

One per person.

Together they are nine.

It exactly corresponds to the Nine Realms.

In addition, Yu Ziyu also prepared a dragon egg for them.

However, now is not the time to worry about this.

Slowly raising his eyes and looking at the fifth-level tree man who had come to Bingxue and raised his arms to reach Bingxue, Yu Ziyu secretly praised him in his heart.

Although he has no intelligence, he still has instincts.

Knowing that he was born to protect the nine origin spirits and the nine realms


"Big man, long time no see……"

As if they knew each other, Bingxue smiled and said hello.

Then, he walked to the palm of the fifth-level tree man.

But at this moment, in Yu Ziyu's smiling eyes, this fifth-level tree man was holding Bingxue and heading towards his shoulder.

When Bingxue really stood on his shoulders, his hoarse and deep voice slowly echoed between heaven and earth:"Guard, protect."……"

"Yes, you were born to protect."

Telling it again, Yu Ziyu's voice kept echoing in the mind of the fifth-level tree man.

This is a spiritual imprint.

From a human perspective, it is a psychological suggestion.

However, Yu Ziyu used terrifying mental power to force some things It is imprinted in the bones of the fifth-level tree people.

In this way, even if these fifth-level tree people are not intelligent, Yu Ziyu can control them very well.

But, to be honest.

The nine fifth-level tree people, as a foundation It's really good.

Without wisdom, they are like puppets and easy to control.

Moreover, even if they die in battle, they can be conceived again in the Nine Realms.

More importantly, their power will increase as the Nine Realms increase. And enhance.

If the nine origin elves carry the laws of the nine realms and the 'gods' of the nine realms, then these nine fifth-level tree-building tree men carry the 'power' of the nine realms. Carrying the power of the nine realms.

To put it more simply, the origin elves are the carriers of the consciousness of the nine realms, and the tree people are the carriers of power.

Some are like the spirit and the body.

Of course, this is also the sixth level of Yu Ziyu The magical power awakened in the fifth rank is too powerful, and it forcibly turns the second-generation building trees that support the nine worlds into real combat power.

And those who can support the nine small worlds have the blood of the sacred trees. Think about it and you will know that they have become How terrifying the tree people are.

Fortunately, they have no wisdom, only brute strength and terrifying bodies.

Otherwise, the nine original elves are not as good as them.

And it is worth mentioning that because they were born in the same small world, these five In addition to listening to Yu Ziyu's words, the first-level tree people will also listen to the words of the nine origin elves to a certain extent.

This is the biggest reason why Yu Ziyu arranged for the fifth-level tree people to be beside the original elves.

Even Yu Ziyu is looking forward to one day, These fifth-level Jianmu tree people have developed true wisdom because they have been with the original elves for a long time.

If this is the case, these nine fifth-level Jianmu tree people will probably become the pillars of Yu Ziyu's banner.

Fei Lu reminds you: Read Three things - collection,

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