And just when Yu Ziyu sighed, as if he had discovered something, Yu Ziyu also let out a surprised sound.

"Number one, it just came out like this..."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu also looked into the depths of Jibing's small world.

There, an iceberg

"Click, click...

There were crisp sounds one after another, and cracks like spider webs were all over the iceberg.

Accompanied by this, the intense cold air surged out like a spring.

For an instant, the air seemed to freeze.

There were ice stains visible to the naked eye.

And just the next moment


There was a loud bang, and the entire iceberg exploded.

Countless ices shot out instantly like sharp swords

"Run, run quickly..."

"Oh My God..."

"Oh my God..."

With screams of surprise, some of the ice-attributed mutant beasts that were still living in the small world of extreme ice were attracted and fled in all directions.

And this is not because of anything else.

Just because that ice sword bursting out was too terrifying

"Swish, swish, swish...

It tore the air apart, and the power contained in it was probably no less than a full blow from an extraordinary fourth-level strongman.

But now, thousands of ice swords are shooting out, which is really shocking.

But at this moment


A sweet shout sounded like an icy spring, but it suddenly reverberated between heaven and earth.

Then, as the ice attribute mutant beasts were stunned, the ice swords all over the sky were suspended in the sky. at the same time.

Many mutant beasts also discovered that there was an extra figure in the sky.

This is a cold girl.

A head of long ice blue hair.

A pair of pointed and long ears.

Although it is human-shaped, there is a pair of wings made of ice and snow behind it.

From time to time, ice crystals can be seen falling with the wings.

However, this is not important...

What's really important is that this figure has no legs.

Just because the lower half of her body was actually made of turbid ice and snow.

In a trance, countless ice and snow held her body in mid-air....

But at this moment, the figure in mid-air seemed to have noticed something. He suddenly bent down and bowed to the sky:

"Ice and snow, meet the master."

The sincere voice has a rare touch of emotion.

There is also a touch of indescribable excitement on this girl's face.

She is a unique existence born in the world, and naturally understands the will of the world.

And in this world, there is only one person.

And that is Lord Qinglong, or Lord Shenmu.

To a certain extent, these origin elves are also the only ones who can detect Yu Ziyu’s secret through their connection with the world....

"You are the elf born in this world..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu, who was rooted in the small world of life, also stretched out a branch and came to the sky of the small world of Jibing.

Looking carefully, Yu Ziyu felt an indescribable kindness when looking at this strange figure.

"Master, thanks to your gift, Bingxue is here to thank you for your great kindness...."

During the visit again, the elf in the sky also looked deeply at the green branch protruding from the sky.

This is her master.

Someone who will follow you to the death and cannot abandon you until life and death.

Without the master, there would be no her, and there would be no such small world.

To a certain extent, her relationship with her master was closer than that of the apostles.

Of course, here, don't wonder why she knows about 'Apostle'.

As beings born in a small world, they all bear the inheritance of the world, and they also have the knowledge given by the world.

Everything about the master, everything about the small world of Jibing.

All these origin elves know it.

And now, her birth is also a blessing from her master.

"Do you have legs?"

There was a sudden inquiry, and Yu Ziyu's eyes were also drawn to the turbid ice and snow holding up the ice and snow.

At a glance, the posture of such ice and snow is somewhat beautiful.

It carries 'angel-like' ice and snow wings.

It wears armor made of ice crystals..Under her body, there was even more turbid ice and snow, holding her up.

However, Yu Ziyu still couldn't help but be curious.

As elves, they are all human beings.

It is rare to see such a posture as ice and snow.

"Of course there is."

In response, Bingxue also smiled sweetly.

Immediately, spiritual power surged


A storm turned into ice and snow had already enveloped her figure.

And in this shrouded storm, the appearance of ice and snow is constantly changing.

In just a moment, a pair of slender legs were pulled out.

As for the wings behind Bingxue, they slowly retracted.

At the same time, the armor made of ice crystals on her body turned into a layer of gauze, covering her figure.

"Master, the posture just now was my fighting posture, and now, it is my normal posture...."

As if to explain, Bingxue also walked slowly out of the ice and snow storm.

And for a moment, what caught his eye was a stunningly beautiful girl.

Wearing an ice-blue gauze, her long ice-blue hair was flying in the storm.

Countless ice crystals were dancing and spinning around her...

It seemed to be cheering and joyful.

Elegant and noble.

She looks like a princess in the ice and snow.

And this is the humanoid posture of Bingxue

"Looks good...

With a secret praise in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also surprised by Bingxue's temperament.

Really innate nobility and elegance.

Even when Yu Ziyu saw it, he couldn't help but secretly marvel.

This nobility comes from the fact that she is of the elf family.

The other one should come from the small world of Jibing.

She is the first generation of life born in the small world of Jibing, and she is an innate life.

Born with nobility, it is like being branded deep in the blood, unquestionable

"I'm a little curious about this girl's power...."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also condensed his eyes and looked directly at the attribute panel of Bingxue. ps:------------------Ask for customization--------------

The humanoid posture of ice and snow is borrowed from Elsa in Frozen, the human princess who summons the wind and snow. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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