Reject the master!!

Are you kidding me?

Just thinking about it makes the Golden Monkey shudder.

Although it is rare to see the owner angry, it would make sense if he thought about it.

With the master's current strength, if he is really angry, the galaxy will shatter and the stars will tremble, it will not be a joke.

And this is the sixth level of extraordinary.

The end of individual evolution, the horror of a perfect life form.

And just then...


Suddenly there was a high-pitched dragon roar, and when it was heard, a far corner was torn apart, and a huge red whirlpool emerged.

At the end of the red vortex, an extremely tall figure with red hair suddenly appeared.

The Red Dragon Queen, Dai'er, signed a master-servant contract with Yu Ziyu's void elf body.

Now, I feel something in my heart and come out from the depths of the flame space


With a call, looking at the slender figure not far away, the Red Dragon Queen Dai'er also had a happy face.

Immediately, there was no hesitation.


Flames filled the sky rising from the soles of her feet, and the humanoid figure of the Red Dragon Queen suddenly transformed, continuously elongating in the sea of ​​​​fire.


Amidst the extremely high-pitched dragon roar, a thousand-foot-sized red dragon emerged.

The immortal dragon flames burn in the body.

A pair of golden dragon eyes, majestic yet feminine.

Now, the dragon wings spread out.

The sea of ​​​​fire spread out to both sides, and the entire body of the Red Dragon Queen fell at the feet of the void elf body.

"Let's go."

With a chuckle, the Red Dragon Queen at Yu Ziyu's feet was also pleased.

Immediately, spiritual power surged


She actually held Yu Ziyu's void elf body and shot straight towards the depths of the starry sky.

Its terrifying speed, not to mention Ling'er, even the Golden Monkey and even the Nine-Tails were shocked when they saw it.

"As expected of the legendary dragon clan, this flying speed is really extraordinary."

With the faint praise, the golden monkey also knew that the overall situation had been decided.

Now, the master has chosen to take action personally.

The matter has almost come to an end.

All that is left is to wait for the subsequent subjugation and layout.......

And at this moment, a corner deep in the starry sky.

Three dark stars, in the shape of a glyph, rotate quietly.

This is a bug hive.

It is also one of the five largest insect nests among the Starry Sky Zerg Clan.

To put it simply, this insect nest is a fifth-order 'true god level' insect nest, which is enough to hunt forces of this level in the Star Territory.

The size of the ethnic group reaches tens of billions, and the strong ones are countless.

Even existences like the fifth level still exist.

And now


There was a sudden sharp scream, and the three dark stars were shaken.

Immediately afterwards, an incredible picture appeared, a seemingly endless, extremely vast black wave rolling up from one of the three dark stars.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be the gathering of countless Zerg species.

Yes, a wave of countless Zergs gathered together.

But this time, it was also the hive mind that was truly angry.

A full third of the troops were mobilized.

You know, when the war started with the Titan Realm, the Hive Consciousness only mobilized one-tenth of its troops to fight guerrillas with the Titan Realm.

But now, one-tenth of the troops have been mobilized at once, more than three billion strong men.


Amidst the harsh and terrifying neighing, countless Zerg species swept towards a corner of the starry sky like a black wave.

Everything it passed collapsed.

Even the so-called 'stars' were riddled with holes in an instant.

In addition to hunting life, some of them also have the ability to mine metal.

And in front of this endless army, the so-called stars cannot bear a few breaths....

At this time, if you look at one of the three dark stars.

Of course, it can be seen that this star has exposed countless black holes like a honeycomb.

This is the nature of Dark Star.

A 'hive' comparable to the size of a star, the habitat of the Zerg.

And the reason why the Zerg are said to be terrifying is precisely because of this.

Apart from fighting, these Zerg races are sleeping in their nests.


It's no wonder that the Thunder Dragon and even the Golden Monkey looked solemn when they noticed this kind of life.

Facing this kind of race that has gone to the extreme in war, most people would really feel numb.

Just, at this moment


As if a heavy kick landed on the star, the star full of black holes trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, the whole star flickered uncertainly, as if in fear.

"Go ahead, kid, hunt them"

"Yes, Mother."

The cold voice echoed in the depths of the starry sky.

Looking for the sound, a very strange monster walked out of the star full of holes.

This was a humanoid monster, not tall, only more than two meters.

However, it is particularly terrifying.

A long and pointed head, like a human skull, but the back of the head is stretched by about half a meter....A metallic black color.

However, he has no eyes, only a pair of empty holes.

Moreover, his mouth was very ferocious, with green liquid dripping from time to time.

However, that's not all.

Looking behind him, he saw a two-meter-long tail with sharp jagged barbs, swaying gently.

King Insect - the highest product of the continuous evolution of the Zerg race.

They all have intelligence themselves, and to a certain extent, they can even defy the great hive consciousness.

And this is not terrible.

What is really scary is that the King Insect is the ultimate evolution of individual life among the Zerg.

They are also one of the only races that have the potential to reach the sixth level of Transcendence.

And now, such an extraordinary fifth-level king insect walked out of the dark stars.

And its purpose is naturally self-evident.

As a huge insect nest that can compete with top forces like the Titan God Realm, it is this remote star realm that has stumbled.

This has completely angered the hive consciousness.

To this end, it not only dispatched a third of its army, but also awakened the king insect that only existed in legend - the top hunter, the monster among monsters.

However, if Yu Ziyu were here at this time, looking at this king insect, he would definitely be speechless.

Just because, the appearance of this King Insect is actually very similar to the"beautiful, dark, and perfect" alien he knew.

But compared to the aliens, his body was surrounded by countless black air currents, which seemed to be the screams of ghosts, which was particularly terrifying.

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