【Race: Starry Sky Zerg (a terrifying race bred in the coldest and darkest place in the depths of the starry sky)

Level: Extraordinary Level 4.

Natal talent: Evolved body - an evolving body that can adapt to all extreme environments and can continue to evolve along with battles (but unlike the individual evolution of Purple Scythe, the evolution of this race, and even the evolution of the population)...

Special ability:

Vacuum survival - Even if it does not need to breathe, it is still a foreign object that can exist safely outside the starry sky.

Hunger Suppression - Being able to fall into a long dormancy and suppress hunger. The more powerful the individual, the lower the need for food. For example, a fourth-level individual does not need food.

Hibernating - able to sleep deep in the insect nest and continue to evolve.

Hive consciousness - individual consciousness comes from the aggregation of consciousness - Hive consciousness. Individuals obey the Hive unconditionally, even fourth-order individuals are not included. Hive consciousness can lead the evolution of individuals....

The top military unit - a machine that is born to hunt and kill, is the most suitable military unit for combat.

Sharp mouthparts - able to ignore defenses, pierce everything, and even inject neurotoxins...

After taking a deep look, Yu Ziyu looked at the Zerg not far away with twinkling eyes.

I have to say that the existence of these Zerg species really shocked him.

Some are like the mutant bees from Blue Star.

However, it is more perfect than the way of existence of the bees.

And all this is just because, as strong as the fourth level, it is just a unit controlled by the insect nest.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that the so-called 'insect nest' will breed different arms in a targeted manner for various battles.

At this moment, the golden monkey also recounted the battle not long ago.

"Owner...I feel like this race is quite scary."

"Especially the sound that came out at the end even made me feel chills in my back"...

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also felt funny.

Of course I'm going to get cold.

If Yu Ziyu's guess is correct, it should be the so-called 'worm's nest consciousness'’...

Control hundreds of millions of Zerg units, a conglomeration of consciousness.

In terms of mental strength alone, that guy is definitely at the peak of the fifth level, and may even be close to the sixth level.

However, Yu Ziyu has not experienced it specifically and cannot draw conclusions yet.

However, it doesn't matter.

As a gathering of consciousness, methods like 'screaming' are already his limit.

After all, most of their consciousness is to control hundreds of millions of Zerg.

But, one thing is certain...

"This Zerg is indeed a race born for war...."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu also came to a conclusion.

A single entity is not enough to be feared.

But if it is put on a large battlefield, especially a battlefield of the starry sky level.

Without Yu Ziyu's intervention, even the current Canglan Galaxy Blue Star Alliance's chances of winning are estimated to be very low.

And there is no way around this.

Canglan Star and even Blue Star mostly follow individual evolution.

If you say you fight alone, it is true.

But when it comes to war, compared with the Zerg, which has almost perfect coordination and has countless targeted arms, it is not at the same level at all.

Not to mention Canglan Star and Blue Star, Yu Ziyu can guarantee that even all races in the previous era would be extremely wary of facing this race without the help of an absolutely powerful person.

The Zerg race has evolved to the extreme in terms of quantity and even coordination.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that they use individual units and various types of arms to make up for their shortcomings.

Just these four Zerg races that Yu Ziyu saw.

In addition to the three Stinging Insects who are here to fight, there is also a Sentinel Insect that leads the way.

If Yu Ziyu's guess is correct, there are still various types of insects hiding in the deep insect nests, waiting for the awakening of the insect nest consciousness.

While Yu Ziyu was deep in thought, a voice suddenly sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears:

"Master, what are you going to do?"

Looking for the reputation, Kyuubi came over with a curious look on his face.

"Um...how to say?"

While thinking, Yu Ziyu also had a hint of amusement on his face.

After a moment, he glanced at the Nine Tails and then at the Golden Monkey, and Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"When I first saw this race, what I thought of was not war...."


Slightly startled, Golden Monkey and Nine Tails were also suspicious.

And at this moment, as if explaining, Yu Ziyu's voice echoed in the starry sky.

"This race has no essential conflict with us, and to a certain extent, we even have the possibility of cooperation."

Said, Yu Ziyu also continued after a moment of silence, and said:

"If possible, I would like to use this Zerg to train troops..."


With a sound of doubt, the Golden Monkey was also a little stunned:"What the master means is..."

"I plan to see the existence behind the Zerg, and then convince him to accompany us in training, open up a second-level extraordinary battlefield, and then open up a third-level extraordinary battlefield, and then continue to invest troops and use military merit as performance. Only by achieving the corresponding military merit Or reach the fourth level of extraordinary to get out of the battlefield"

"As for the fourth level, this is already an elite level, but there is no need to open a battlefield...."

As he spoke one after another, Yu Ziyu's eyes flickered more and more.

There is a hint of expectation in it.

In fact, military training is not important yet.

What Yu Ziyu saw was more of a steady stream of evolutionary points....


With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu realized at the first sight of the Zerg that this was a walking treasure trove of evolutionary points.

The insect nest breeds the insect race.

And Yu Ziyu's men killed him and then harvested the evolution points.

When necessary, provide some resources to the worm nest so that it can continue to breed worms.


It's a perfect plan.

However, at this moment, while suppressing the twitching of the corners of his eyes, Golden Monkey also looked strangely and said:

"Master, are you really sure that this Zerg will cooperate with your troop training plan?"

"Do you think it has the right to refuse?"

A sudden rhetorical question, accompanied by an increasingly playful smile on Yu Ziyu's face


There was silence for a while, and the golden monkey was stunned for a long time.

However, for a moment...

As if he had reacted, the golden monkey also smiled bitterly:"That seems right. There are really not many people in this starry sky who dare to reject the existence of the master."..."

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