What is the nature of the Soul Mother?

Nobody knows.

But in Yu Ziyu's view, the nature of the soul mother should be changeable.


Sometimes gentle and pleasant.

Sometimes extremely charming.

She seemed to combine all the characteristics of a woman. what do you need.

She can give it to you.

And this, one of Soul Mother’s abilities—Shadow of Reality

【The true shadow - reflects the appearance deep in your soul, showing your favorite posture...】

This ability is weird.

But the simple explanation is that the soul mother can show your favorite appearance, personality, and everything.

You may not like her.

But it's hard to feel bad for her.

It's scary.

But this is the Soul Mother.

She is good at playing with the soul and will not let people peek into her truest side..

As for now, Yu Ziyu is not sure whether this is the most real appearance of Soul Mother.

He just took a deep look at this woman.

Then decisively chose to refuse

"Just stay in the starry sky and the world, build a soul army, and create soul creations."

Yu Ziyu ordered


The Soul Mother curled her lips and said with a coquettish look like a little woman:

"Squeeze, you are squeezing."

As soon as she finished speaking, she had already pulled the Vengeful Valkyrie and left here.

She knew that Yu Ziyu and the Transcendent still had something to talk about.

At this time, Yu Ziyu smiled and looked at the Transcendent.

"Next, the starry sky will be left to you to protect."

"In Genesis, I stayed in the Starry Sky World. With it, it is enough to prevent the Starry Sky World from being discovered by outsiders."

Genesis is a forbidden magical power that Yu Ziyu has cultivated.

Later, this forbidden magical power turned into reality and turned into the divine book of Genesis.

Today, this book is in the deepest part of the starry sky.

With its power, the entire world The starry sky and the earth are covered.

Even if the Eternal Lord comes in person, he may not be able to find it.

"no problem."

The Transcendent agreed happily.

He hoped that a strong enemy would attack.

In that case, he could take action.

But it's a pity.

Yu Ziyu's protection was too good.

When it comes to defense, the starry sky and earth are better than the divine blood world. It is much stronger.

Although the Divine Blood World can now resist the expeditionary legion of the Wizard Civilization.

But if it is left to the Star Sky World, it is estimated that the Wizard Civilization will have difficulty even finding traces of the Star Sky World.

There is an obvious gap between the two.

Of course, this It is also that the wizard civilization has not yet sent a truly strong person.

At least, few of the Eternal Lords in the vanguard of the wizard civilization can catch Yu Ziyu's eyes.

Even that Black Moon Eternal is like this.

Although, this Black Moon Wizard It is said that he has superior and eternal strength.

But in front of Yu Ziyu and the Transcendent, it is not enough.

The Transcendent can be punched.

And Yu Ziyu plays with space, plays with time, and kills the Black Moon Wizard, which is not a big problem.

Soon after , the Transcendent left, leaving only the Chaos Bell True Spirit beside him.

Yu Ziyu and the Chaos Bell True Spirit didn’t say much.

Between the two of them, everything was in silence

"If you need me, remember to call."

Yu Ziyu has already refined the nine thousand prohibitions of the Chaos Bell, and is just short of the last few.

Now, the Chaos Bell can be regarded as Yu Ziyu's natal imperial weapon.

The two of them are one.

If it weren't for the Chaos Bell needing to protect the starry sky, I guess she Everyone must follow Yu Ziyu to travel through chaos


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also understands.

He knows that no matter where he is, as long as he calls the Chaos Clock, this one will come. For the two of them, distance is never a limit.

Both of them are intertwined in time and space.

Borrow As time goes by, it can come by force.

It just depends on the price.

However, at this moment, the Chaos Bell Zhenling also reminded that when traveling in chaos, you must keep a low profile and don't take action rashly.

"Because no one knows if there are more terrifying existences peeping deeper."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu nodded and said with a smile:

"Don’t you know me yet?"

"That's true."

Smiling, the Chaos Bell Zhenling couldn't help but be speechless.

She almost forgot that her master was the real King Gou. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since her growth, she has taken action The number of times can be counted on one's fingers. Every shot is not completely sure.

It is also about the overall situation.

This is terrible.

Of course, Yu Ziyu is not without mistakes.

At the beginning, the Taoist sect used the two swords of Zhu Xian and almost killed him..

And that was the closest Yu Ziyu came to death.

At that time, he did not expect the existence of the two swords of Zhu Xian.

He did not expect that the Taoist sect would be so decisive.

Thinking about it now, it was really scary.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye it was already A hundred years have passed.

On this day, in the depths of chaos, a sacred tree that covered the sky and sun disappeared silently.

His figure became hazy.

Countless branches turned into illusions.

Everything was Blurry.

But for some reason, an indescribable energy is constantly rising.

What does Yu Ziyu's real figure look like?

Is it a sacred tree?

That may be the biggest incomprehension that 870 outsiders have about Yu Ziyu.

But at this time , in the cracks in the space that ordinary people can't see, a great creature has revealed its true appearance. The branches are constantly weaving, and they turn into arms after arms.

Countless tree roots like black dragons also look up to the sky and roar, It continued to twine and turned into two feet.

There were several huge light groups around him, shining and extremely bright.

Not only that, there was a face on his tree body.

It was an indescribable face.

The eyes are blood red.

There is a half-open crack between the eyebrows, and the faint divine light is frightening.

And this is Yu Ziyu's changing posture.

In other words, it is his real divine body!!

The demon clan can change.

But The art of change is mostly physical changes and reshaping of the body.

But Yu Ziyu...Woolen cloth?

He's more of an evolution.

The evolution from tree to human.

But this man is no ordinary person.

It also has the meaning of a humanoid creature.

Just like now, most of Yu Ziyu's true body has been realized.

Behind him, countless arms were spread out, like the legendary Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara, surrounded by a ball of light, which even came behind him, chasing each other and forming a circle, turning into the most amazing vision..

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