In Blue Star, there is a saying.

Named: He Zong Lian Heng.

It is said that when facing a strong enemy, the weak form an alliance to jointly resist the strong enemy.

In front of the wizard civilization, not to mention the divine blood world, even if Yu Ziyu and the transcendent step out of the starry sky and earth, they cannot be said to be powerful.

At this time, the best choice is to form an alliance.

Make alliances with other civilizations.

And the wizard civilization is precisely a very aggressive civilization.

Make countless enemies

"In fact, many civilizations have thought about this method."

"But the problem is that chaos is vast, and many civilizations may not be able to encounter it in their lifetime."

"And there is another point. In chaos, most people follow the laws of the dark forest. There is no absolute trust or absolute loyalty...."

Thinking like this, Yu Ziyu had his own thoughts.

That means he alone can pull the strings.

He is eternally different from the rest.

He comes and goes as he pleases, extremely convenient.

As long as he is given the coordinates of a civilization, with his speed, it is estimated that he can reach this civilization in a short time.

I dare not say too much, but Yu Ziyu is confident that the leaders of many civilizations will gather at a table to chat.

And in this way, the prototype of an alliance was formed.

This is an alliance against the wizard civilization.

It is also an alliance that is enough to tear apart the wizard civilization.

But here, there is a question: is he willing to walk out?

To a certain extent, Yu Ziyu is a person who hates trouble, and he doesn't like to be in the public eye.



With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also knew that he could not sit still and wait for death.

Judging from the current development.

The fall of the Divine Blood World is only a matter of time.

It will even affect the starry sky and the earth.

With the current foundation of their starry sky and earth, it is difficult to resist the wizard civilization.

Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to take the initiative.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu thought for a while, and then contacted the Transcendent, the Chaos Bell Zhenling and the Vengeful Valkyrie.

Soon after...

The vast sacred tree is rooted in chaos.

Several figures are sitting under the sacred tree

"According to you, do you plan to get out of this chaos and go to find other civilizations?"

The Vengeful Valkyrie raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"The wizarding civilization is not invincible. This is a flaw. If I can catch it,..."

Speaking of this, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth slightly raised, setting off a subtle arc.


The Vengeful Valkyrie paused and looked at the Beyonder

"To be honest, I quite support it. You have set foot in eternity and haven’t looked outside yet. You can just take a trip."

"But, do you know where these civilizations are?"

The Transcendent is very curious about this.

"have no idea."

Shaking his head, Yu Ziyu's expression also froze.


After a moment of silence, the Vengeful Valkyrie and the Transcendent looked at each other, showing a look of helplessness.

"You probably don’t know foreign civilizations, it’s easy to find them, right?"

"Our mutant civilization has only encountered one civilization in so many epochs, and it was just a face-to-face encounter."

"Chaos is like the sea, and every civilization is like an isolated island in the sea. Think about it, if you were a mortal, how could you go to another isolated island just by swimming? And you don’t know where the other island is yet,"

"It can only be like a headless fly, scurrying around."

The Vengeful Valkyrie pointed out the key.

Chaos Bell Zhenling also agreed with this.

"Chaos is so vast and boundless that one can imagine that if you go there without coordinates, you may not be able to find it even if it takes an epoch."

Chaos Bell Zhenling said frankly


Nodding, Yu Yu understands. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Therefore, I left this matter to the primitive beast. I will always wait for news from him. If he finds the coordinates of other civilizations, I will rush there as soon as possible."

"Now I just want to set off first and travel around a bit."

Listening quietly, people understood what Yu Ziyu meant.

This guy probably wanted to go outside the chaos.

However, this is also understandable.

Many Eternal Venerables, after settling down, the first thing they do is travel. Chaos.

Now that Yu Ziyu is traveling through Chaos, he can already bear it...........

"It's a good thing to go there"

"Yes, if you can find one or two treasures, maybe our chances of winning will be better."

Everyone said something to me.

Soon, this matter was arranged.

However, it is worth mentioning that Yu Ziyu is not going alone.

He will take the Nine Realms with him.

The Nine Realms are his cultivation The great god who can reach the nine realms in the sky and nurtured the nine worlds is naturally always with him.

And those who go with the nine realms are naturally his countless subordinates.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu is not alone in his travels.

On the contrary. , after he leaves, Starry Sky World will be in trouble

"After I leave, you will have to worry more about Xingkong."

Yu Ziyu looked at the Valkyrie of Vengeance.

As for the Transcendent, he selectively ignored it.

This guy has no interest in these.

Let him worry about the stars, it is better to let him go to the front line directly.

"All I can say is that in all my years as a mutant, I have never been as tired as in Starry Sky."

The Vengeful Valkyrie sighed.

"It's okay, sister, sister is with you."

The voice of the Soul Mother came from the void.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely huge illusory figure overflowed the void, shrinking continuously until it turned into a beautiful figure wearing a black 3.0 gauze.

This is the Soul Mother.

She seems to be late

"We arrived so late, we have discussed all the major matters."

Yu Ziyu looked at Soul Mother and reminded

"Sister, after all, I am an outsider and it is not convenient for me to participate in the discussion between you, so it’s okay to come late."

Soul Mother explained, then looked at Yu Ziyu and asked:

"What, are you going to travel? Do you want your sister to accompany you?"

"Aren't you accompanying the Vengeful Valkyrie?"

Yu Ziyu was stunned

"I can do it. It all depends on you. If you dislike me, sister, I can only..."

As she spoke, Soul Mother seemed to have tears in her eyes.


Yu Ziyu was speechless.

For some reason, he felt that Soul Mother seemed to have regained some of her true nature after joining Starry Sky World..

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