Listening quietly, Soul Mother couldn't help but remain silent.

It seems like that.

Her progress in the past thousand years was greater than that of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth in a hundred thousand years.

This is outrageous.

However, this is also thanks to the guidance of the Lord of Time and Space and the Chaos Bell True Spirit from time to time.

Their guidance was spot on.

Let her realize it again and again.

Time passed slowly, and half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

Yu Ziyu and others went to the front line and started a discussion.

During this period, Yu Ziyu also asked the big snake and the immortal demon phoenix to express their opinions

"You can be considered as beings who have touched the eternal level, and you can intervene in many things."

Yu Ziyu smiled and reminded the big snake and the immortal demon phoenix

"Yes, master."

They responded in unison, and they also understood.

However, at this moment, the immortal demon phoenix suddenly said

: Master, do I need to go to the front line to join the battle?


Yu Ziyu said

"Now, don't worry, wait until the defeat of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth."


Soul Mother raised her eyebrows:

"Defeated? She glanced at Yu Ziyu meaningfully and sighed:

"Do you really hope that the Divine Blood World will be defeated?"

Although she doesn't care about the current divine blood world, the carelessness of Yu Ziyu's words still made Soul Mother a little angry.

At any rate, this is also her original world.

Besides, the current divine blood world also has a mutant civilization.

With this thought in mind, the Soul Mother also looked at the Transcendent and the Vengeful Valkyrie aside.

Good guys, these two guys acted as if they didn't hear anything and just drank tea by themselves.

"Didn't you hear what the Lord of Time and Space said? He really hopes that your mutant civilization will be defeated."

"That's who he is."

The Vengeful Valkyrie sighed.

"If necessary, he will even abandon the stars...."

Although the Lord of Time and Space has set foot in eternity later than us, his heart is made of real iron stone and is more eternal than eternity.

Generally speaking, the Eternal Venerable becomes more indifferent towards the back.

I'm used to it, I've seen it a lot.

Therefore, the heart is cold.

Therefore, most eternal sages do not care about the life and death of sentient beings.

But Yu Ziyu was an accident.

He has only just entered eternity, but he is even more indifferent than most eternities. In his eyes, all living beings are just pawns. If sacrificing chess pieces can achieve some goals, he will definitely be willing to do so.


Soul Mother's expression changed again and again, but she looked at Yu Ziyu again.

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

The defeat of the Divine Blood World was part of my plan.

"At that time, I will use the blood of the gods to imprison most of the wizarding civilization's combat power"

"However, that is later."

Listening quietly, Soul Mother also did not understand what Yu Ziyu meant.

However, there is no need to understand.

Anyway, she doesn't care about the battlefield.

However, there is one thing

"You can try what you mentioned before, the battlefield experiment."

"In the next few years, I will first build an army of soul creations."

Soul Mother said


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also agreed.

He was looking forward to Soul Mother's true performance on the battlefield.

Before, when the Starry Sky World and Divine Blood Heaven and Earth fought, Soul Mother probably exposed one-tenth of her strength.

But now....

How much strength does she plan to reveal?

Yu Ziyu is looking forward to this

"A woman who hides better than me."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also walked out of the small courtyard to meet many acquaintances.

As for the Transcendent and others, after resting for a while, they chose to leave.

They are eternal and their life level is far higher than others.

Just meeting in person. The common world will give them great oppression.

It is better not to see them.

Soon after, a mysterious figure appeared in the starry sky and the earth.

She was known as the God of Death. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Walking in the World.Shrouded in a dark robe, she is extremely mysterious.

Behind her is a sickle.

No one knows her gender.

No one knows her face.

All they know is that anyone who can see her will be touched by death..

And this one is the soul incarnation of the Soul Mother - the Reaper. She specializes in walking in the starry sky and harvesting the souls of the strong.

However, her harvest is more like making a deal.

"Give me my soul and give you eternal life."

Simple words, but there is no doubt about them.

They carry an inexplicable majesty.

Weak people may not be able to feel it.

But strong people feel these words very deeply.

It is like heart palpitations deep in the soul. The feeling is enough to make them believe everything


In a daze, a figure who looked to be in his forties or fifties appeared, with a complicated expression on his face.

"Have you finally reached this point?"

He is a master. He has been on the fourth level of Tianmen for many years.

But he has suffered numerous secret injuries in successive battles.

Although the master's lifespan is said to be hundreds of thousands of years, in fact, his lifespan is estimated to be only ten thousand years.

And now, his lifespan is approaching, Death is coming

"I heard that you are doing trading?"

"I don’t know what you can give me if I give you my soul"

"Don't talk about eternal life, I know it's all false."

This master is very open-minded.

He understands everything

"What do you need, what do I give"

"I can give you equal value."

The cold voice sounded in his ears again.

Accompanied by it was a dark figure that gradually solidified.

"I..."(Wang Dehao)

This ruler hesitated.

What more could he want?

While his thoughts were swirling, he thought of his family

"For so many years, I have been ashamed of my family"

"If possible, I hope to leave some legacy to the family, and..."

Listening quietly, the God of Death is also silent.

Immediately, he said frankly:

"Give me your soul and I will satisfy you."

The transaction was extremely smooth.

For Soul Mother, it was smoother than expected.

It was just a matter of leaving a legacy to their family and protecting their family, which was what Soul Mother waved her hand to.

And after doing this, the contract was completed, She can easily harvest the soul of a master

"At this rate, it would only take hundreds of thousands of years for a master-level army of soul creations to form."

The corner of Soul Mother's mouth curled up slightly with a hint of satisfaction.

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