And shortly after that

"The subordinate Emperor Crocodile pays homage to his master."

A very burly figure knelt on one knee in front of Yu Ziyu

"Long time no see, Emperor Crocodile."

Yu Ziyu transformed into a sacred tree, rooted in the world of life, and looked at the figure in front of him quietly.

Emperor Crocodile, now has a good cultivation level, and is already at the top of the eighth level of Tianmen.

He is not far from the ninth level of Tianmen.

He is different from others.

He is a real physical practitioner and pays attention to the polishing of the body.

Therefore, his cultivation speed is extremely slow.

And for these years, he has been dormant in the deepest part of the great world of the earth, absorbing the origin of the earth.

He is also cultivating the thick soil given by Yu Ziyu Jue.

Although the growth in cultivation is not as good as that of Yaohuang and others, the physical strength is probably not weaker than that of the ordinary Tianmen Ninth Level.

This is also the most terrifying place of Emperor Crocodile.

At this time, Emperor Crocodile raised his eyes and looked at Qian Ying sitting next to Yu Ziyu

"I didn’t expect that among our group of acquaintances, you would be the first to take the 04 Half Step into Eternity?"

Emperor Crocodile grinned, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"They are all taken care of by their master. Demon

Phoenix looked at Emperor Crocodile with a hint of gratitude and smiled:

"This time I set foot in half a step of eternity, and I can be regarded as the first ancestor of the Phoenix clan. My control over the Phoenix clan has been greatly improved."

"In this way, I can also take you to the Phoenix Clan's Immortal Pool."

The Immortal Divine Pond is the secret treasure of the Phoenix Clan.

It is said to have been left by the Immortal Divine Phoenix Emperor.

It contains the bloodline creation of the Phoenix Clan.

For any clan member, it is a baptism of blood.

However, this is it. It is a place, but it is also a sacred place for any body cultivator.

It is a place that any body cultivator dreams of.

If they enter such a place and baptize themselves, they may go one step further.

Therefore, after hearing the Immortal God Pond, Emperor Crocodile's eyes also lit up.

"Is this really a good thing to use power for personal gain?"

"You don't have to go..."

The faint voice of the immortal demon phoenix sounded in the air, which also made Emperor Crocodile tremble.

"Go, how could you not go?"

"It's rare that you invite me so kindly."

Yu Ziyu didn't pay attention to the chat between the Emperor Crocodile and the Immortal Demon Phoenix.

He slowly raised his eyes and looked at acquaintances one after another.

It was rare to hold a banquet.

Many acquaintances came.

Even Ling'er came from the Divine Blood Come back.

There are Jiuwei, Thorns, etc.

This time, Yu Ziyu left the banquet to Jiuwei and Ling'er to host.

They are experts in this field.

As for Yu Ziyu, she is in the deepest part of the world of life. In a small courtyard, I gathered with some acquaintances.

These acquaintances are naturally the Vengeful Valkyrie, the Transcendent and the Soul Mother.

In addition, Yu Ziyu is also a big snake, and the immortal demon phoenix is ​​with him

"Oh, you have gained another general."

Having just set foot in the small courtyard, Soul Mother has already noticed the immortal demon phoenix appearing next to Yu Ziyu. The current immortal demon phoenix has just broken through, and its breath is still unstable.

It is easy to find that it has just broken through.


With a slight nod, Yu Ziyu also introduced:

"This girl comes from the Phoenix clan."

As she said that, Yu Ziyu also introduced everyone in front of her to the immortal demon phoenix.

Although she knew that the starry sky and the earth now have digital eternity, she has not actually met her in person.

The reason is very simple.

She was not qualified before. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But after she stepped into half-eternity, it was time to touch the top of the starry sky and earth. After a brief introduction, the immortal demon phoenix also paid homage to everyone in front of her one by one.

Imagine with her The difference is different.

This person is eternal and approachable.

He doesn’t have any bearing of a strong man.

Just like the Transcendent not far away, he looks dull and dull.

His eyes are lifeless.

If you put him outside, it’s hard to imagine this person. It turned out to be the legendary Eternal Lord.

At this time, Yu Ziyu seemed to have noticed the thoughts of the immortal demon phoenix, and said softly:

"Our eternal lords in the starry sky are indeed strange. They all look ugly."

"You see, the transcendent is stupid"

"As for Soul Mother, from a distance, she looks like a great beauty."

Listening to Yu Ziyu's words quietly, the Soul Mother laughed out loud before the Immortal Demon Phoenix spoke.

"You guys are surprisingly sweet when you talk."

"He rarely spoke like this unless he was asking for something."

Besides, the Vengeful Valkyrie directly exposed Yu Ziyu's little thoughts.

She has known Yu Ziyu for a long time. She also knows Yu Ziyu fairly well.

This guy should be thinking about the Soul Mother.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to do this.


With a dry cough, Yu Ziyu decisively interrupted the conversation between the two women.

He was the first to speak:

"Nowadays, the battle situation between the Divine Blood World and the advanced troops of mutant civilization wizards has fallen into a tense situation."

"However, you also know that the battlefield is the best catalyst for progress"

"This long war also gave birth to many interesting inventions"

"I plan to put these on the civilized battlefield one by one"

"What do you think?"

Hearing this, the Vengeful Valkyrie raised her eyebrows:

"Interesting invention?"

"For example, the soul creation of the Soul Mother."

Yu Ziyu said bluntly


After a moment of silence, the Vengeful Valkyrie said frankly:

"You are indeed plotting against the Soul Mother"

"How can this be called making a decision?"

Yu Ziyu grinned and continued,"

As our alliance, we should make some contributions to the starry sky and the earth, right?

"It seems that I have made more than just some contributions."

The soul mother glanced at Yu Ziyu, and then said in detail:

"You asked me to build a soul army,"

"Then he is jealous of the soul creation"

"Also let me perfect some soul secrets"

"I feel that in the hundred thousand years I have been in the Divine Blood World, I have not done as much as you have done in one thousand years."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu remained silent resolutely.

It seems that he did arrange a lot for Soul Mother.

However, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Soul Mother carries the law of the soul and has endless potential.

If it is not used properly , , isn’t it blood loss?

"I am actually urging you"

"Think about it, you may not have made as much progress in the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth as I have in the past thousand years."

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