The appearance of the Chaos Bell Zhenling was beyond Yu Ziyu's expectations.

Normally, the Chaos Bell True Spirit should not appear.

Although Yu Ziyu cares about Soul Mother.

But the Soul Mother is an outsider after all.

As for the Chaos Bell True Spirit, it can be regarded as the super trump card hidden in the starry sky.

It shouldn't be exposed to outsiders. but now

"Leave this matter to me."

Chaos Bell Zhenling said softly.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also agreed.

Immediately, he also raised his steps and walked outside.

Matters between women should be left to women to resolve.

Soon after, Yu Ziyu came to the island where the Tongtian leader lived in seclusion.

The Transcendent was coming Retreating.

It’s not convenient to disturb 18.

I can only bother the leader of Tongtian.

"Why do you have time to come to my place?"

Yu Ziyu hasn't arrived yet, but the voice of Master Tongtian has already sounded.

"Naturally, I came to see you for a drink."

With a chuckle, Yu Yu took out the wine of heaven and earth that had been prepared for a long time.

This is the best wine.

The top three divine wines in the starry sky for countless eras.

It is said that the Eternal Lord is moved.

And this is also true.

Seeing Yu Ziyu take out this fine wine, the smile on Tongtian Cult Master's face became three points brighter.

He has three good things in his life.

One is sword, the other is formation, and the third is wine.

Among them, he only liked wine before.

But after setting foot in the starry sky, he fell deeply in love.

Especially the several kinds of fine wines that Yu Ziyu brought him.

He fell in love even more deeply.

The two of them drank in a thatched house.

"how? Is wizard civilization as strong as you imagined?"

Master Tongtian is a little curious.

"All I can say is, it's better than I imagined."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"Now it's just a legion, giving the Divine Blood World a headache"

"How much of a headache?"

Tongtian Cult Leader is even more curious.

Although he doesn't understand the fighting power of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, he is not weak at all.

"I originally planned to be the first line of defense against wizard civilization for a hundred thousand years."

"But currently, ten thousand years is already the limit."

Yu Ziyu said softly, with a smile on his face.

"You don't seem to care?"

"Do you care about the fight between ants?"

Speaking, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"We, the chess players, have the possibility of overturning the entire chessboard."

"That's true."

Nodding, Master Tongtian also understood what Yu Ziyu meant.

If this guy can't do it, he probably won't play according to common sense.

And at that time, what awaits the advance team of the wizard civilization will be a devastating blow.

However , , so far, it seems that he is still very stable.

It should be said that he has a plan in mind.

"However, you are really unlucky. You have just defeated the Divine Blood World, and before you have time to digest it, you encountered the wizard civilization."

Tongtian Cult Leader sighed.

Continuous wars are too much for any civilization.

Although most civilizations have a war system that gets stronger with each war.

But what about war?...

Sacrifice is essential.

And if there is sacrifice, there will be...

With a sigh, Master Tongtian also started to drink.

"There is reincarnation in both life and death."

Yu Ziyu smiled, and immediately chatted with Master Tongtian about the Soul Mother.

"Listening to what you said, Soul Mother is really not simple."

The leader of Tongtian was a little surprised.

"There are a few simple beings who can bear the laws of the soul."

Yu Ziyu sighed

"That's true."

Tongtian Cult Master agrees with this point. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Soul Law is the foundation of all things.

It is the source of all living things.

However, it seems that the use of Soul Mother's Soul Law and I understand. It’s not beyond imagination.

This is good news.

"It is said that the law of death is closest to death, and it is the favorite to play with life and death."

"But in my opinion, the existence that bears the laws of the soul is the most weird and impermanent....Carrying its soul on its back, treating living creatures as toys."

Tongtian Cult Leader said softly, with a complex look on his face.

"In the eyes of Soul Mother, life is just the body and soul. The body can be replaced at any time, but the soul is the only one....."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu also looked expectant:

"If the Soul Mother can join the Starry Sky World, I can use her hands to form a soul army....."

"Soul Legion?"

Some were stunned, but more of a surprise.

Leader Tongtian didn't immediately understand what kind of legion this was?

"The soul army, like ghosts, floats in the chaos, ignores physical attacks, and can seize other people's bodies at will."

"Not only that, they can also exchange bodies and invade souls."

Listening quietly to Yu Ziyu's narration, Master Tongtian also narrowed his eyes.

This legion sounds a bit scary.

It floats in the chaos and has no form.

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