"What you say now is not enough to move my heart."

A faint voice sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

The soul mother smiled and looked directly at the figure in the distance.

"If it’s not enough, add more."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"As far as the soul is concerned, I am not bad either. I have gained insight into the nature of the soul and mastered the methods of dividing the soul and shaping the soul...."

"To me, the soul is just half a toy."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu raised his right hand.

There was actually a ball of hazy energy gathering in the palm of his hand.

Looking at this ball of energy, the soul mother's eyes narrowed slightly.

She saw that this was the soul.

Although it was just the soul of vegetation,

But it is indeed a soul.

And at this moment, this mass of soul was split into two in Yu Ziyu’s palm...

This is the method of dividing souls."Zero Eighty Three" soul splitting is the fundamental method of splitting one's body.

It comes from the great supernatural power that transforms the three pure things into one qi.

The more perfect the soul separation method is, the more complete and clean the separated soul will be.

Although the Soul Mother has understood the mystery of the soul, this is the first time she has seen someone's split soul, so perfect.

Looking from a distance, they look like two completely unrelated souls.... this...

But, more than that, Yu Ziyu shook his right hand.

The two souls were actually kneaded together.

Then, it was originally the soul of vegetation, but it kept changing until it turned into the soul of all beasts. lion...tiger....dragon, even phoenix...

Each unique animal soul evolved in the palm of his hand.

But the problem is, this is the soul of vegetation... this..

"This is the way to shape the soul..."

"It's really mysterious."

Listening to Yu Ziyu's words, Soul Mother admired from the bottom of her heart.

Is this the Lord of Time and Space?

His research on the soul is so thorough.

And this, the method of dividing souls and shaping souls, I have to say, makes Soul Mother's heart move..

Although she carries the law of the soul on her back, it's a bit like she carries its power and doesn't understand its use. The use of the soul is by no means so mysterious.

However, it can be understood if you think about it.

This comes from the great supernatural power. The two small magical powers of the Three Pure Ones are the ultimate use of the soul.

Where does the great magical power, which transforms the Three Pure Ones into one breath, come from?

It comes from the prehistoric times.

Its source is suspected to be the great god Pangu who has already taken that step.

Its existence, Supreme.

Very human can imagine.

Such an existence is truly awe-inspiring.

Even Yu Ziyu and the current Soul Mother will admire her from the bottom of her heart.


It is understandable that Soul Mother was shocked by Yu Ziyu's methods.

However, it was a shock.

Soul Mother will not easily change her mind

"This is still not enough."

After speaking softly, Soul Mother also said tactfully:

"I am very moved by the conditions you are proposing, but I have no intention of joining any force."


Yu Ziyu was a little confused.

"What I seek is freedom."

The corners of Soul Mother's mouth raised slightly, setting off a subtle arc.

"Are you comfortable?"

Yu Ziyu murmured, with a look of understanding on his face.

He absorbed the memory of the evolutionary sacred tree. He also knew something about the Soul Mother.

This one, after setting foot in eternity, has been living in the two eternities of the divine blood clan. Under the shadow of the Soul Mother.

Not only did they control the Soul Mother, but they also forced the Soul Mother to do things they didn't want to do.

For example, Corrosion Eternity tried to seize the Soul Mother's body more than once.

You know, the Soul Mother is the Eternal Venerable.

If you can combine yin and yang with her, you may be able to go one step further.

In this way, how can you not be tempted by Eternal Erosion?

In fact, it is not only Eternal Erosion, but also the other one.

However, fortunately, the two brothers are fighting openly and secretly. Gave the Soul Mother a chance to develop.

However, later on, although her strength surpassed these two by a lot, she was still one person.

Moreover, the two great gods of the divine blood clan were in charge of the world forever. (For reading Baoshuang novels, go to Fei Lu Novel Network!)

Soul Mother's roots are also in heaven and earth.

If she were forced to come, Soul Mother would be afraid that her scalp would go numb.

So, she repeatedly tolerated and retreated.

Until the starry sky civilization came, this gave her the chance to escape from the divine blood world. Opportunities.

In this case, how can Soul Mother be willing to join other forces?

The so-called forces are a constraint for her.

It is even more restrictive.........

Thoughts were flowing, and Yu Ziyu understood everything


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also understood Soul Mother's worries and scruples.

But he didn't know how to comfort her.

Just because Soul Mother was afraid that someone would try against her.

And this is normal.

Soul Mother bears the soul law.

This is the highest One of the laws.

It is an extremely rare eternity of the opposite sex.

If such existences are yin and yang, it will indeed be of great benefit to any eternity.

To be honest, Yu Ziyu has considered this aspect. This is normal. He is a person who is very interested in promotion.

Strength is very important.

If this can allow him to go further, he doesn't mind.

But the problem is that this is what Soul Mother is taboo about.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears

"Let me do it."

As the words fell, hazy golden light bloomed between heaven and earth.

Along with it, a beautiful figure slowly walked out. This is a very beautiful figure.

She is majestic and outstanding.

It seems to have gathered all the bells and graces in the starry sky.

This It was the True Spirit of the Chaos Bell.

Another person in charge of the starry sky.

Her appearance shocked the Soul Mother.

As an eternity, she naturally noticed the terror of the True Spirit of the Chaos Bell.

This seemed to be an existence that transcended everything.

There was something different. to the breath of living things.

3.7"This is..."

With her eyes widened, Soul Mother was in disbelief.

Half step of detachment?

How can this be?

Although she had never seen it before, the aura emitted by the true spirit of Chaos Bell at this moment was indeed a true half-step of transcendence. this...

In a daze, Soul Mother was lost in thought.

Is there such a thing behind the starry sky and heaven and earth?

"I am the true spirit of the Chaos Bell."

Chaos Bell Zhenling introduced himself.

Along with it, a bell sounded from heaven and earth.


The ringing of the bell is faint and shocking.

Soul Mother saw it...

I saw a giant bell floating behind Yu Ziyu.

This huge bell is surrounded by water, fire and wind.

More imprinted by the sun, moon and stars...

Looking from a distance, everyone can’t help but be shocked..

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