Practice, as always.

Since setting foot in eternity, Yu Ziyu seems to have only practiced practice.

However, his practice is different from that of most people.

What he carries on his back is the unity of time and space.

Walking by the river of time.

Sit back and watch the reincarnation of civilization.

At this time, if you pay attention to Yu Ziyu's true spirit, you will definitely find that he is like a fisherman fishing by a long river.

However, his fishing rod is no ordinary fishing rod.

It has been polished by him for thousands of years, and it is a wicker that is integrated with the laws of time and space.

It's called the Time and Space God Chain.

One chain starts, breaks time and space.

And the long river in front of him is no ordinary river.

This is the eternal river that flows from eternity to the present.

It is the legendary river of time.

It can also be called the long river of time.

As for Yu Ziyu, what are you fishing for here?

That is of course the various civilizations of the past.

Sometimes, it's a memory.

Sometimes, it's a magic spell.

He peered into the past and stole the most ancient creation.

This is Yu Ziyu’s practice.

And now, the water where Yu Ziyu's time and space divine chain landed is very strange.

In this area of ​​water, countless water droplets glow with a strange black color.

There was even more flames burning.

Looking carefully, countless scenes of blood and fire are intertwined in the water droplets.

A drop of water carries a past era.

It’s the reincarnation of ancient and modern times

"I didn't expect that there is such an era."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also looked complicated.

This is the era of dragons, angels, and demons.

The three coexisted in the same era.

It was the"four, five, and seven" who each established ancient civilizations.

Soon, they were the companions of the three major civilizations. Kill.

It lasts until the end of the era.

This is the intertwining of blood and fire.

It is the poetry of the years.

Yu Ziyu was fishing in such an era.

With good luck, he intercepted a spell.

It was the spell of a dragon, named: Tianlong Yin!!

It is said that it is the magic of Tianlong, the strongest dragon in this era.

The specific manifestation is that a dragon roar shakes the era!!

It is very scary.

It is the most terrifying sonic magical power in this era.

However, just at this moment,

"Is this?"

Suddenly, Yu Ziyu, who was fishing in the long river of time, fell silent.

At this time, there was a message coming from the depths of his soul.

"Hello, Lord of Time and Space, your divine blood world seems to be being targeted, hahaha."

This laughter was full of playfulness.

It also made Yu Ziyu silent for a while.

He heard the voice.

It was the voice of Soul Mother.

Soul Mother, now walking far away in the chaos, may have discovered something and came here to remind Yu Ziyu.

As for her How to do it, send a message to Yu Ziyu from the depths of his soul.

It must be through his divine form.

Yu Ziyu had a divine form, but it fell into the hands of the Soul Mother

"Being targeted is really not good news."

With a bitter smile, Yu Ziyu was helpless.

But at this time, deep in the chaos

"Hahaha, the Lord of Time and Space must have a headache. The world he just acquired has already flown halfway."

Soul Mother smiled, looking like she was watching the fun. As for why she reminded her, it was just for fun.

Judging from the aura she sensed, this unknown civilization is obviously more terrifying.

Even the Lord of Time and Space cannot afford to offend them.

So. Just be a favor and remind them so that the Lords of Time and Space won't break into pieces when they touch it.

"No, my true body doesn’t care about heaven and earth?"

Besides, a figure who looked the same as Yu Ziyu, but much younger, said bluntly.

This is Yu Ziyu's evolved form.

It can evolve into various postures.


Soul Mother was stunned for a moment, and then she looked thoughtful.

"Are you so ruthless in your true form?"

"He is much crueler than you think."

The Evolution God Tree simply sold Yu Ziyu out completely.

"All right..."

Nodding, Soul Mother showed a look of interest on her face.

From the mouth of the Evolution God Tree, she saw a different Lord of Time and Space.

To the extreme.

Even more ruthless to the extreme.

But for one's own people, it is excellent.

Even if you pay some price, you will help your relatives and friends.


"If you have a chance, you can chat with this person."

With a sigh, the Soul Mother took Yu Ziyu's evolved form and rushed towards other places.

At this time, the starry sky and the earth,


A bell rang out from the chaos.

The transcendent who was traveling in chaos turned around and headed towards the starry sky.

The Vengeful Valkyrie sitting in the starry sky also turned into a stream of light after a moment and went straight to a corner of chaos.

In just a moment, the starry sky, heaven and earth, and the three eternities have gathered in one place

"what happened?"

"Why summon us?"

The Chaos Clock is different from others.

When this bell rings, it must mean that something big is happening.

Therefore, no matter when and where the Chaos Clock rings, the Beyonder and the Vengeful Valkyrie will come immediately.

They are not the only ones. , even the Law Throne of the Starry Sky will come here.

This is the rule they set.

No matter who you are, you must abide by it.

"Just now, Soul Mother notified me of news that a new civilization was rushing to the Divine Blood World and seemed to be eyeing the Divine Blood World."

Yu Ziyu said softly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent.

New civilization?


However, at this moment, Yu Ziyu added:

"If my guess is good, it might be the wizard civilization"

"Don’t forget, in the future I see, wizard civilization has invaded the starry sky and the earth"

"Although the starry sky world and the divine blood world are far apart, they are two adjacent worlds after all."

"Now that I think about it, it’s pretty much the same. After the wizard took down the Divine Blood World, he found the Starry Sky World and then started to invade...."

Listening quietly, the Transcendent and others raised their brows.

Wizard world?

This is amazing.

In Yu Ziyu's description, in the world of wizards, just one black wizard king who stepped out could be the top eternity.

And this is not the strongest existence of wizard civilization.

So you can think about how terrifying this civilization is

"It seems that we have no time to rest."

The Transcendent said with excitement. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Rest, it is impossible to rest."

Yu Ziyu smiled and said frankly.

However, he didn't want to fight.

He didn't even want the transcendent to fight.

"This time, both of us are hiding behind the scenes. What does the divine blood world they invaded have to do with our starry sky?"

Hearing this, the Transcendent was a little stunned.


"Aren't you planning to take action?"

The Vengeful Valkyrie is also curious.

"Take action, why take action?"

Yu Ziyu smiled, and then said bluntly;

"Now the Divine Blood World is the first to be involved, and we are hidden behind the scenes....Provide support when necessary."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu added:

"We can build a time and space teleportation array in the small world of the Life Court, and then continuously teleport the army of the starry sky and earth to the divine blood world."

"Why is this? We can obviously attack from both sides of the world, from the front and the rear, so why should we hide and focus on fighting alone?"

The Vengeful Valkyrie was a little confused.

"If it’s really a wizarding civilization, it might be scarier than we thought"

"Once our starry sky and earth also take action, then the wizarding civilization will definitely pay attention to it. By then, it will not be three or five Eternal Venerables, but probably more than a dozen."

"Although the Transcendent and I are powerful, we may not be able to withstand it."

"Therefore, we need to find another way to show our weakness to the enemy. It seems that we are extremely weak, and the wizard civilization will not really do anything."

"But we can eat away at them in constant battles and grow bit by bit...."

Listening quietly, the Transcendent and the Vengeful Valkyrie also understood what Yu Ziyu meant.

In the final analysis, it is Gou.

Hang on, and then grow steadily.

Finally, counterattack

"You really have your style."

The Valkyrie of Revenge sighed, but didn't say much.

In this regard, Yu Ziyu still knows how to play.

"It's all up to you."

The Transcendent is on the side, but he agrees with Yu Ziyu's approach.

He likes to fight.

But he doesn't like to be beaten by the crowd.

He doesn't want to have more than a dozen eternities besieging him together....

At that time, even if he has extraordinary skills, his scalp will be numb.

After a simple discussion, Yu Ziyu, Transcendent and others also started a battle plan.

At the same time, they also began to contact the Life Court, Lightning Eternal and others

"What? Is there a civilization targeting us?"

There was a strange cry, and Dian Guangying was dumbfounded.

Before their butts could get hot, a new civilization was eyeing them.

Moreover, this civilization seemed to be somewhat powerful.


Some headache.

But the next moment, Liang Guang eternally raised his eyes and looked at Yu Ziyu and the Transcendent

"You just said that you won't take action. Are you serious?"

Dian Guang Yongheng asked a little nervously.


The Transcendent nodded, and then imitated Yu Ziyu's way of speaking and said:

"This is a test for you by me and the Lord of Time and Space"

"You might as well kill us, come on."

Dianguang Eternal feels a splitting headache.

If this is a test, it is better to end them directly.

This is not an ordinary civilization.

This is the wizard civilization.

It is the terrifying civilization that makes the lords of time and space fearful.

"It is precisely because wizard civilization is too terrifying that we must hide the stars and the world"

"Now they have just discovered the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, and they can use up to five or six Eternals to"

"But if the stars, heaven and earth are also exposed, then there may be more than ten eternities waiting for us."

"Do you think we can withstand it?"

Listening quietly, Dianguang Eternal was silent.

But at this moment, the Life Tribunal on the side suddenly spoke:

"The Lord of Time and Space already has a plan to deal with it, right?"


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also expressed his thoughts.

"With the divine blood on your back, you are enough to sustain the short-term attack of the wizard civilization."

"Our army from the starry sky and the earth will come continuously with secret time and space teleportation arrays."

"At least, we won't lose when it comes to legion battles."

Hearing this, the Life Tribunal also nodded.

"It is indeed difficult to lose against the military strength of two of our worlds, against the strength of one world."

"However, if they all attack together, the three of us alone cannot withstand it."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

"You alone can't stop it"

"But we are still behind you...And the Chaos Clock."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked at the Chaos Bell Zhenling:

"The Imperial Soldier clan has been preparing for war for many years"

"Any imperial soldier, fully revived, will have eternal fighting power within the breath...."

"If they dare to attack together in 5.9, then one imperial soldier after another will choose to fully recover...."

"This is the foundation of our starry sky and earth, which is enough to shock all civilizations."

Chaos Zhong Zhenling said one sentence after another.

There was also a touch of pride in his words.

This is the Imperial Armament clan.

The Imperial Armament clan she personally created.

Although there are not many in number, they are all like the Eternal Lord. In person.

Although there is only one moment, it is still beyond imagination.

It can be said that in one moment, the starry sky is invincible.

Of course, it is only one moment.

When this moment is over, everything will be over.

However, the Chaos Bell is really Ling can guarantee that no matter how powerful the civilization is, no matter how powerful the world is, it will be dragged down by the imperial soldiers in an instant. It is very simple.

Yu Ziyu should be more ruthless and directly start the teleportation to the world where the wizard civilization is.

Then trigger the imperial soldiers to A resurrection.

At that moment, there will be an unprecedented terror.

In the past, the imperial soldiers were trapped in the starry sky and could not frighten the foreign world.

In this life, there is a son.

He carries the laws of time and space and can come and go as he pleases.

It is extremely terrifying.

It can be said that , Chaos is so big, there is nothing he can't go to!

With such an existence, the Imperial Armament family can truly frighten foreign civilizations.

Can you imagine?

One after another top Imperial Armaments, fully revived.

Just like one eternal slave after another Coming from ancient times...

In an instant, a shocking blow broke out!!

How terrifying that would be!!!.

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