The original beast is a bold attempt by Golden Ant and Purple Scythe.

However, this is not destined to be the final form of their fusion.

Because of this fusion, they are all in half.

Simply put, no one is in charge.

Some are just the fusion of their respective instinctive consciousnesses.

But in addition to this kind of fusion, there are many other ways of fusion.

For example, use Purple Scythe as the main weapon and Golden Ant as the auxiliary.

Another example is that Golden Ant is the main player and Purple Scythe is the auxiliary player.

Which fusion is the most powerful?

Which fusion they will choose.

What is worth mentioning here is that different fusion choices will result in very different fusion products.

This time it is the original beast.

The next time simulations merge, they may interweave a new life.

This is the secret of fusion

"To be honest, this fusion is really interesting."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it.

"It's really interesting."

Speaking of this, the Transcendent suddenly looked at Yu Ziyu with burning eyes.

For some reason, Yu Ziyu had a bad premonition.


He asked subconsciously

"What would happen if we two merged?"

The Transcendent said extremely curiously.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Even the Master of Tongtian and the Chaos Bell True Spirit were silent.

Their eyes were strange, and they looked at Yu Ziyu and the Transcendent.

It seemed that they had discovered a new continent.

"Stop it, stop it"

"Cut this thought out of your mind."

Yu Ziyu said decisively.

Are you kidding?

How about with the Transcendent? Even if you beat him to death, it is impossible to do it.

Let's not talk about it. The premise of fusion is to sacrifice yourself.

Just merging with a man is something Yu Ziyu cannot accept..

If he really wants to fuse, he will only choose the Babel Divine Tree and the Chaos Bell True Spirit.

They are very close to Yu Ziyu, and forget it, don’t think about these anymore.

The fusion he wants is the same as the fusion mentioned by the Transcendent , it’s completely different.

What he wants is the combination of the two, a perfect harmony.

As for the fusion mentioned by the Transcendent,...

Ahem, cough, Yu Ziyu could only say that he couldn't accept it

"I'm just mentioning that there's no need to get so excited."

The Transcendent said frankly.

But there was a look of thinking on his face. He seemed to be thinking about the feasibility.

At this time, Yu Ziyu saw the tired looks on the faces of Golden Ant and Purple Sickle, and also ordered them to go down and practice..

Fusion together has just begun to be studied.

There are still many areas that need to be polished.

There is no need to rush.

However, one thing is for sure.

That is that their fusion together is indeed feasible.

To a certain extent, they are indeed It has an eternal level of combat power.

But there are still many remarkable things about it.

And just after the Golden Ant and Purple Sickle left, the voice of the Chaos Bell Zhenling suddenly sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears

"You seem to agree with their fusion"

"It’s not about recognition, it’s just that this is indeed a direct path to eternity."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu showed a complicated expression.

Yes, this does go to eternity.

But the problem is that if they are completely integrated, Yu Ziyu will lose his two generals.

For this, Yu Ziyu cannot accept this.

Therefore, he can only I don’t support or object.

I watched the performance of Golden Ant and Purple Sickle quietly.

However, it is worth mentioning that Yu Ziyu had a very bold idea.

Next time, Purple Sickle and Golden Ant will simulate the fusion.

Yu Ziyu will Choose to fight them.

Then try to see if you can use time and space to go back and forcibly interrupt their fusion.

If possible, then Yu Ziyu will really laugh.

How can they fuse?

Once Yu Ziyu needs it, he can reverse time and space, and then let They returned to their original posture. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is an idea of ​​Yu Ziyu.

If this is really possible, then Zi Lian and the others will also lose their eternal fighting power. No scruples.

If you need it, you can fuse.

If you don’t need it, you can find Yu Ziyu and restore her original posture.

Of course, there is a premise here, that is, they cannot leave Yu Ziyu.

Asking for flowers

, Yu Ziyu is the last guarantee for their fusion.

But, now Yu Ziyu is not sure whether this is feasible?

Also, will there be any price to pay for reversing time and space like this?

If the price is too high, then even he will do what he can.

After all, although he is powerful, he cannot just pay the price..

For this,

Yu Ziyu could only say that he couldn't bear it.

Soon after, the leader of Tongtian Cult and the Transcendent also left.

Yu Ziyu's place returned to its original calm.

However, at this time, what no one knew was that a group of people emerged from the chaos. The expeditionary force coming from the depths has already marched towards the Divine Blood World.

For this, Dianguang Eternal did not notice it.

Neither did the Yuan Devouring Beast.

Now they are working hard to manage the Divine Blood World.

They are eager to transform the Divine Blood World into a suitable The world where their mutant civilization survives.

But, at this moment...A figure moving forward in the chaos suddenly stopped.

"Wait, is this?"

An illusory silhouette suddenly froze.

She felt many strange soul breaths.

These soul breaths were evil and terrifying.

Among them were several beings at the same level as her.


"A new civilization?"

Soul Mother looked stunned.

She noticed that this seemed to be a new civilization.

It was different from the starry sky civilization and different from their mutant civilization.

But this civilization seemed to be more terrifying.

It's just that...

Here comes the problem.

Why is this direction of progress for civilization?...

Turning back slowly, Soul Mother was completely stunned.

Divine blood again?

Good guy, why is the Divine Blood World so miserable?

Just after colliding with the starry sky civilization, the entire world was in a lot of ruins.

Now, another powerful civilization is eyeing it

"How miserable!!"

The Soul Mother whispered, but she didn't intend to pay attention.

She had given up on the Divine Blood World.

Now she is just a wanderer in the chaos. She just goes with the flow.

What does the Divine Blood World have to do with her?

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