Time passed slowly, and decades passed in the blink of an eye.

The starry sky and heaven and earth, and even the divine blood world, remain the same.

But on the other side, in the wilderness, there is an undercurrent.

Ever since Saint Zhunti found it difficult to defeat the Demon Emperor, the entire Demon Clan has become extremely powerful.

Countless monsters are pouring towards Tang Valley in a steady stream.

The Heavenly Court and Lingshan Mountain were even more silent.

Suddenly, the demon clan actually gained some of its former momentum.

Especially the return of many demon clan great saints has made this momentum continue to rise.

Futian Monkey King...

Great Sage Huntian...

Demon King...

The powerful men who were famous among the demon clan all gathered in Tang Valley.

"Is the Demon Court really about to rise?"

"Even saints find it difficult to do anything, and their rise is inevitable"

"Alas, there have been more incidents of monsters eating people recently."

"The demon clan is becoming more and more terrifying."

Amidst the continuous sighs, countless figures are bitter.

The rise of the demon clan is definitely not a good thing for the human race.

You must know that the human race was originally born to satisfy the demon clan's rations.

Now that the demon clan is rising, does it mean that the human race will have another chance? We have to go back to the beginning.

And, more importantly, the human race is the overlord of today's prehistoric times.

The two are in complete conflict.


"The demon clan must not rise."

The human race, a top powerhouse, said coldly.

"That's natural"

"Hum, if they want to rise, they must first ask me about the sword in my hand, do you agree?"

Responses came one after another, and many strong people from the human race also echoed one after another. They have never had a good impression of the demon clan.

However, this is not their fault.

Different races determine different positions.

Demons eat people, and humans eat them. Killing monsters.

In Yu Ziyu's view, it is more like a law of the jungle, which is difficult to change.

If the whole world is peaceful, there will be no war or anything else....

In Yu Ziyu's view, it was incomplete.

But at this moment, what no one knew was that Zhunti could no longer sit still at the entrance of Zixiao Palace.

"I'll go in person."

Zhunti said softly.

Hearing this, all the saints were silent.

Even Yuanshi did not respond.

The saint's true body going forward has different meanings than the true spirit going forward. This means that the combat power is at full strength. It also means that the saint's true body is going forward.

Leaving the cauldron and sinking the boat.


"You may not be able to suppress it."

Jie Yin thought for a while and told a cruel fact. It may not be suppressed.

If this were what the others said, Zhunti would probably become angry.

But this is what his senior brother said.

And he has also seen Donghuang's Terrifying. I deeply understand how terrifying this person is. He actually understands the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to such an extent that he has reached the state of unity of the human formation.

What is even more terrifying is that he has also reached the level of using the Chaos Clock. Unbelievable situation.

People and bells are one....

One of these two is enough to rival an average saint.

If all of them are achieved, even a saint can suppress them and beat them.

And Zhunti has experienced it personally.

Therefore, I feel deeply terrible.

I even felt a slight threat.

Yes, a threat.

This is a provocation and a threat to the saint.

Saints are the most powerful in heaven and earth.

It means absolute invincibility and terror.

Now, he actually has the status of an ant who dares to challenge a saint.

Not to mention this, even Yuan Shi, who always liked to mock the two Buddhist saints, was silent.

Faintly, there is a feeling called: empathy

"If you really want to...Then I will go with you."

Suddenly, Jie Yin spoke.

He wanted stability.

What he wanted was certainty. If one saint is difficult to suppress, then let's have two. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Two saints, it is inevitable able to suppress


In response, Zhunti also agreed.

That's what he meant.

If senior brother goes with him.

Then everything will be doomed.

As for the saint who is shameless, using the more to bully the few, and the big to bully the small.

Excuse me...

He, Zhunti, doesn't care.

Moreover, the gossips of the world have nothing to do with him.

All he wants is for Buddhism to prosper.

During the simple negotiation, Zhunti and Jie Yin were finally ready to leave.

They stood up slowly, and all looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laozi, and then at Nuwa.

After making a ceremony, they turned into two streams of light and rushed towards the primeval world.

"Did Master Zhuti and Master Jieyin both go to the wilderness?"

"Tsk tsk, we are all preparing to take action together to suppress Donghuang."

"Donghuang is really in danger now"

"However, Donghuang is really terrifying. He actually relied on his quasi-sage cultivation to resist the saint."

"Horrible indeed."

After repeated discussions, the countless great supernatural powers gathered in Zixiao Palace were shocked.

Most of them knew Donghuang.

But they did not expect that this one could stand up to the saint.

However, now, Donghuang It must have really angered the saint.

Now, there is something good to watch

"A saint cannot be easily angered."

With a sigh, a person with great supernatural powers also showed a complicated expression.

Saint, supreme.

This is absolute in the ancient times.

You can slap anyone in the face, but you can't slap the saint in the face.

Even if you can use external force to fight against So what about a saint?

A saint is not just one.

Especially the two saints of Buddhism and the three saints of Taoism can all be regarded as a group.

It seems to be one, but in fact there are two or even three.

When necessary, even the seven saints are On the same front.

And now...

Donghuang is really in danger.

However, at this moment, what no one knew was that Yu Ziyu had been waiting for the Donghuang body for a long time.

He understands that Zhunti's punishment will be repaid.

It is also clear that the same pair of trousers are worn for hooking up and picking up.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the two saints will come together...

What is worth mentioning here is that with the two saints present, he really had no choice.

Although his methods are terrible.

Able to fight against saints with the body of a quasi-sage.

But there are many restrictions.

Among them, the biggest limitation is the unity of the human formation.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation can only be fixed in one place.

Therefore, he can only stand in one place.

Simply put, he couldn't run away.

I can only stay where I am and fight with the saint.

"We can only see if Ancestor Styx can break through in time."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body also looked towards the sea of ​​blood.

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