Yu Ziyu has been paying attention to Linger.

I also know what this girl is thinking.

However, he didn't want Ling'er to work too hard

"I have everything."

With a simple sentence, a smile appeared on Yu Ziyu's face.

"Well, I know the master."

Nodding, Ling'er also understands.

After arranging Ling'er, Yu Ziyu is relieved.

This girl is very reliable.

Moreover, her going to the Divine Blood World is also of great benefit to Yu Ziyu.

Although Yu Ziyu will be the god The Blood Heaven and Earth gave the mutant civilization.

But he did not say that subordinates could not be placed in the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

Moreover, the mutant civilization would not mind.

First, the armored wild boar, and the flat-headed brother...Then there are Peregrine Falcon and Linger.

Yu Ziyu began to arrange for his former subordinates one by one.

As time goes by, these little guys remain true to their original aspirations.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly tore apart the space and walked out from behind Yu Ziyu.

Without looking back,

Yu Ziyu could clearly feel the terrifying energy of this figure.

Soaring into the sky, 150 seemed to tear the sky and even the earth apart.

The power that seemed to be materialized was hidden but terrifying to the extreme.

This is a golden ant.

He and Zi Lian, one of the two strongest generals under Yibing Yu Ziyu.

Golden ants carry power.

Absolute power.

You can use thousands of techniques to explode with one punch.

If it's not enough, give it another punch.

This is the golden ant.

The object of his worship is Pangu.

Pangu followed the path of proving the Tao through force.

Rely on absolute power to crush everything.

At the same level, the law of power is indeed terrifying.

Even if Yu Ziyu holds up the barrier formed by the laws of time and space, it is estimated that it will be difficult to stop it.


During the soft call, the golden ant's eyes flickered.

He is a little different now than before.

The wings, as thin as cicada wings, intertwined on the back, like blades.

The tall and straight posture remains unchanged.

The dark golden bones look like armor.

Standing quietly, a sense of chill came through the air

"Are you stuck now?"

Yu Ziyu was a little curious.


With a slight nod, the Golden Ant also said bluntly,"

I am now stuck in dominating the ninth heaven.

At this point, the Golden Ant was helpless.

He worked very hard. He was also trying his best to figure out the law of power.

But it is difficult to go further.

At his point. , every step forward is difficult to reach the sky.

However, I have to say that the law of power is indeed terrifying.

Just the golden ants in the ninth level of Tianmen definitely have a combat power that is called half-step eternity, which is unmatched.

I guess it is only Big snake, Kong Xuan has to wait for half an eternity to challenge him.

"Now, if you want to go further, it's very, very difficult."

While sighing softly, Yu Ziyu said bluntly:

"I heard that as the ages passed, some treasures about the law of power were born."

"For example, in a certain era, the Heart of Power was born. It is said that it was refined from the heart of an Eternal Venerable. If you can find it, it should be helpful."

"Secondly, the legendary power stone also carries the inherited power law...."

Listening quietly, the golden ants were silent.

These are truly treasures.

But it has long since disappeared from heaven and earth, I don’t know how many years ago.

At this time, Yu Ziyu seemed to have seen what the golden ant was thinking, and said bluntly:

Since you bear the law of power, you are naturally attracted to these treasures.

"Instead of staying in the Nine Realms, it's better to go for a walk in Chaos, maybe you can meet him."

Hearing this, the golden ant also nodded: (dbbh)"I understand, master, I will go now."

Said, the golden ant walked out in one step


Even the space was not enough to withstand his kick.

While his eyes were slightly focused, he stepped on the space and left.

Yu Ziyu and Linger were left alone looking at each other.

"Xiaowu, it’s really scary."

Ling'er sighed.

Nowadays, these are the only ones who can follow the master. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiaowu Golden Ant, Big Snake, Purple Sickle, etc.

As for the others People, even with the full help of their masters, have almost stopped.

However, there is no way.

The talent is there, and the understanding is there.

The upper limit is naturally destined.

And this, there is still a master.

If there is no master, they estimate that most of them Even the Lord has difficulty setting foot on it.

What is worth mentioning is that following the Master is probably more terrifying than following any Eternal Lord.

Because the Master is the ancestor of the sacred tree.

He is the ancestor of spiritual beings.

He is followed by thousands of spiritual beings. A person.

Therefore, following the master, there is an inexhaustible supply of spiritual objects.

No matter how terrifying the spiritual objects are, there are opportunities to pick them.

For example, the legendary bodhi leaf, the fruit of enlightenment.

There are still thousands of years of gestation of flat peach...

The life and death leaf that circulates the power of life and death...The lightning-struck sacred tree that is immortal in the world...

There are all kinds of treasures.


This is the benefit of following the master.

In terms of resources, there’s really no need to worry.

But with such resources, most followers still stopped.

At this time, it is no longer a question of resources.

It's more of a problem of its own.

In this regard, even the master cannot help.

Some are just a long sigh

""Master," he called suddenly, Ling'er stood aside and asked:

"Tell me, will I stop here?"

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also fell silent.

Why don't you stop?

To be honest, among his acquaintances, Ling'er is not dominated by talent.

It is more about ability.

And now, Ling'er's cultivation is comparable to the seventh level of Tianmen. God.


I sighed in my heart, but a smile appeared on Yu Ziyu’s face.

"If you have the opportunity, you will naturally not stop"

"And, believe me, I am behind you."

Hearing this, Ling'er also laughed.

"Yes, I do have a master."

With a touch of dependence, Ling'er rested her head on Yu Ziyu's shoulder.

As always, she relied on Yu Ziyu.

At the beginning, she liked to lean her body against Yu Ziyu's body.

Now, she still hasn't changed.

It's hard to imagine that this Wei Xingkong Queen.

But now, it’s time to arrange for Ling’er to go to the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

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