This is a strong man from an unknown era.

What you practice is also the law of time.

Just looking at his attainments, he might be more terrifying than the Angel of Time.

It's just, it's not just them...

"Swish, swish..."

One after another, figures flow down the river, all arriving at this piece of time and space.

"Boom, boom, boom...."

The brilliant power shook the entire chaos.

The terrifying power of time actually distorts the time and space of this world.

Visible to the naked eye, everything is strange and strange, as if it is changing.

This is the depth of chaos.

If it were in the starry sky and all realms, or in a fairyland...

The vast seas become fields, and the years go by.

Maybe in an instant, a young sixth-level giant has reached his twilight years.

Perhaps, in a trance, an old man returns to his childhood.

This is the turbulence of time.

A shocking vision, but now, this shocking turbulence of time, chaos can be seen everywhere.

Everything is twisting and flowing backwards...


In a very sincere voice, the figure carrying the Eighteen Wings took action without hesitation.

As a puppet of the Dao, it is good to have some of his own consciousness.

But the Dao cannot be reversed.

Nowadays, some people have overcome the catastrophe and defied the will of heaven. Yes, it should be cut down.

Yes, the Dao.

Not the Dao of Heaven. The

Dao of Heaven cannot interfere with chaos.

The Dao is the supreme Dao above the Dao of Heaven.

It is the origin of everything.

It is said that the person from the prehistoric era, although terrifying, , but still feared the great road.

Just because what he stole was just the power of the ancient way of heaven.

But he couldn't get his hands on the great road.

The great road was the highest.

No one could get his hands on it....

And now, the legendary Angel of Time takes action.

The eighteen wings behind him vibrated violently, and thousands of feathers shot out like thousands of fairy swords.

Every feather is enough to tear the world apart.

Now, thousands of feathers are shooting out, which is really shocking.

But, this is not scary yet.

What is really terrifying is that these thousands of feathers seem to be teleporting, arriving in an instant. law of time...

The power of time wraps around the feathers, allowing them to break through the shackles at speed

"This is not enough."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu's face was calm.

This was because these feathers were getting slower and slower as they approached him....Slower and slower, as if stuck in a quagmire.

There is no lower limit for the technique, Yu Ziyu’s innate ability.

It's running around Yu Ziyu all the time, it's very scary

"This is the use of time and magic, no, not only, but also space."

I was shocked, but the Angel of Time was shocked.

Just because, at this moment, Yu Ziyu actually took the initiative

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roars, Yu Ziyu was actually divided into five, and they all rushed towards the five figures.

"Are you kidding me?"

In unimaginable horror, the figure hidden in the black mist was also stunned.

It was divided into five.

This was not five clones.

Instead, he shot at five people at the same time in an instant.

Because he was carrying time. Relationship...He seemed to be split into five.

But the problem is that these five people are all the original bodies, and they all have the fighting power of the original bodies.

However, this is the man in black robe's most proud method.

It's called 'The Clone of Time'.

However, even if he is accomplished, he can only split into three, evolve into three clones, and attack at the same time.

But this guy...


Are you kidding me?

Feeling horrified, the man in black robe was shocked.

Just because, at this time, the five figures that Yu Ziyu evolved each used different methods.

A gap between the eyebrows, eyes open, bloody red light, penetrating through the chaos

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Everything along the way is torn apart...Even a figure was obliterated.

All at once, thousands of wickers appeared behind them.

The wicker sways like a divine chain

"Liu Shenfa."

With a loud shout, thousands of willow branches seemed to have come to life, and they all started to kill towards the Angel of Time.

Even though the Angel of Time was as fast as light and could even reverse time, he could not escape the lock of these willow branches.

Visible to the naked eye, thousands of willow sticks were locked. The wickers are like chains protruding from the void, constantly chasing the Angel of Time.

The Angel of Time even once went upstream, flying continuously above the long river of time.

But these willows, like poisonous snakes, are actually chasing each other.......

However, when Yu Ziyu divided into five and fought across the shadows of ancient and modern times, no one noticed that there was a sacred tree standing still in the depths of the chaos.

He seems to be the center of chaos.

Endless power of chaos flows within it.

The vast whirlpool of chaos is even gathering.

This is Yu Ziyu’s true identity.

The figure fighting the eternal catastrophe is nothing more than Yu Ziyu’s true spirit.

True spirit, although scary.

But the combat power is ultimately less than fifty-sixths of the original body.

But even so, Yu Ziyu suppressed these five powerful men who were the culmination of time with his unparalleled combat power in ancient and modern times.

And this is Yu Ziyu.

The first person in ancient and modern times.

The master of time and space.

Its combat power is beyond the imagination of the world...

But now, after taking a deep look at Chaos Thunder Tribulation, Yu Ziyu looked calm.

"Click, click..."

One after another, the thunder of chaos, which was as thick as ten thousand meters, fell hard on the crown of Yu Ziyu's tree.

In an instant, a section of Yu Ziyu's tree trunk was charred black.

However, in the next moment, life began to flow.

In the blink of an eye, this section of the tree trunk returned to its original green color.

But this is just the beginning

"Click, click..." one sound after another...The huge chaotic divine thunder fell like raindrops, submerging Yu Ziyu's entire body in an instant.

There are five strong men who have accumulated great achievements in time flowing down the river, fighting against the true spirit of Yu Ziyu.

Below, the divine thunder of chaos obliterates the body.

This is the eternal tribulation.

If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be too overwhelmed to take care of himself, or even die outright.

But who is he?

He is the sacred tree of time and space.

He is the first person in ancient and modern times.

Looking from a distance, one can see his ease and ease.

He attacked five people at the same time, using his magical powers to overwhelm the others.

The Chaos Divine Thunder is more like a baptism for Yu Ziyu.

Even if there is insufficient vitality, there is still time to reverse the flow and it will be restored to its original state in an instant.

Yu Ziyu's true form is the real terror.


Every inch is engraved with the 'true meaning of time and space'.

Just say it like this...Yu Ziyu's most perfect posture has been engraved in time.

No matter how serious the injury is, Yu Ziyu can always return to the most perfect state.

Moreover, this presupposes that Yu Ziyu is injured.

His physical body was extremely terrifying.

He is also good at saving lives.

It's not easy to get him hurt.

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