Eternity, advanced eternity.

The constant transformation of body and mind.

The strength is rising endlessly.

How terrifying is an eternity?

You can tell just by looking at Yu Ziyu now.

Now, he has broken through eternity and is the 'self' on countless timelines merged into one.

Although, it cannot be completely integrated.

But the selves at countless points in time were only initially integrated, and one can imagine how terrifying he is now. eternal...I can only use two words to describe it.

Almost 'invincible'.

Only eternity can deal with eternity.

Heaven cannot destroy it, and earth cannot bury it.

Its power is infinite...

This is eternity.

Of course, Yu Ziyu is special.

Compared with those who realize the eternal truth according to ordinary laws, he is closer to an extreme.

That is 'to prove the Tao with force'.

He can even say that he proves the Tao through force. visible to naked eye...

The deepest part of chaos...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With continuous roaring, one sacred tree after another kept overlapping....

And in the midst of the constant overlap, an increasingly terrifying sacred tree wanted to tear apart the chaos....

It's as if I want to recreate the world.

And that is Yu Ziyu.

The 'self' at countless points in time keeps coming back.

Weak, just an ordinary person.

But the most powerful ones are those at the seventh or eighth level of the Tianmen, or even the ninth level.

One 'self' returns one after another, making him infinitely powerful and even terrifying’


Amidst the sudden roar, with Yu Ziyu as the center, a giant wave of chaos swept across.

At this moment, the starry sky, all realms, and even the more distant fairyland were shaken.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

They are like a small boat in the chaos, constantly trembling...

And in the midst of this tremor, all the heavens and worlds and even the fairyland changed color, and the sun and moon lost their light.

You can vaguely see a vast river running through the sky.

However, such a vast river is actually the shadow of a giant tree, constantly circling.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..." river, flowing...But it makes the shadow of this sacred tree even more dazzling.

"Has he made a breakthrough?..."

For a moment, the Lord of Reincarnation was also stunned.

Unimaginable depression came to mind.

An indescribable oppression comes from chaos


He tried to resist, but before he could react, a majestic force swept over him.


Just hearing a loud noise, as powerful as the Lord of Reincarnation, he flew backwards into the distance like an ant.

The soul was severely damaged in an instant.

And all of this is just because he resisted this oppression.

This is the power of the one who realizes the eternal truth.

As for the current Yu Ziyu, it cannot be said that he has"enlightened the eternal Tao".

Just because it is a very long road to realize eternity.

Now he is still making breakthroughs.

The body is constantly being transformed by the boundless power of chaos and the power of time and space at every moment.

Every moment, his power continues to rise due to the return of 'myself at countless points in time'...

Power, no end...

This is Yu Ziyu now.

And if you look in his direction at this time...

Now, although he is rooted in the deepest part of chaos, he seems to have transformed into the legendary Pangu, who actually opened up the world in chaos.

Yes, open up the world again.

Ripples ripple, the mist of chaos rolls back...

His energy is also becoming more and more terrifying.

The branches are like divine chains, implicated in thousands of laws.

His blood-red eyes looked across the sky and the earth at a glance.

Even if they are infinitely far apart, they can still see the bloody light pillar...

Just, at this moment...What no one knows is...At the source of the long river of time, there were several groups of light that suddenly shone brightly, shooting out blazing divine rainbows.

It seems that Yu Ziyu's breakthrough has affected the existence of other timelines.

This divine rainbow spans time, ancient and modern times...

Close to the time and space where Yu Ziyu is.

And at the same time,

"Click, click..."

Amidst the continuous roars, there was unexpectedly a thick thunder of chaos, spreading out in the chaos.

Catastrophe of Chaos...

Also known as the 'Eternal Tribulation'.

Each one is different.

The Immortal King of Creation of the Gods has come with hundreds of millions of sentient beings, bringing with him thousands of beliefs....

The first immortal of the human race in the past, with a magnificent building, came to...It was as if a fairy had suddenly arrived.

There are countless creations surging, and lotuses grow in the void.

There is no identical eternity in the world.

Ancient and modern, past and future are all different.

The Tao is different, so the eternal tribulation will be different.

But now, Yu Ziyu's eternal catastrophe is actually at the end of the long river in the world. There are several groups of light that suddenly shine brightly, shooting out blazing divine rainbows.

What's this?

Nobody knows...

However, one thing is for sure...That is an unimaginable horror. like now...

It's like I noticed something...Yu Ziyu also raised an eyebrow

"did not think of...This is my eternal calamity."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also noticed these existences coming from the upper reaches of the long river of time.

They are not eternity. They are better than eternity.

It can be called 'pseudo eternity'.

In terms of strength alone, they are better than half-step eternity. There are many, but they are far from true eternity.

This is because these five figures are all existences that have practiced the law of time throughout the ages.

Yes, there are existences that have practiced the law of time.

They have ruled the roost in their respective eras, and they are all based on the At the peak, they were crowned emperors.

Although their limit may be half a step of eternity.

But now, with the pull and blessing of the long river of time, their power is rising endlessly.

"did not think of...There are really people who can get to this point."

Amidst the sudden sigh, a figure carrying eighteen golden wings was revealed in a ball of extremely bright light....

Behind him, there is a wheel of light, and bright runes surround his body. The dense patterns indicate that their Taoism is extremely mysterious. This is a strong man with invincible qualities.

And he is, surprisingly, an ancient being from the Angel Era, second only to 'God', an

'Angel of Time' who carries the law of time.

A legend of a generation, truly unparalleled.

Although he is only in the eighth level of Tianmen, he can be regarded as a terrifying existence walking at the end of time.

But now, the thunder calamity calls, he has come across the past and present.

Just to prevent Yu Ziyu from attaining enlightenment.

This is the call of the avenue.

Now it is like a mark of heaven and earth.

Although it has some consciousness of its own, it looks more like a puppet.

It's hard to resist.

However, he also wanted to see how terrifying the genius who could carry time and prove eternity was.

"Carrying time, no, not just carrying time."

Amidst the roaring sound, a figure that could not be seen clearly, but was shrouded in black mist, was also coming.

Another illusory figure.

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