Mind sinking into the world...Yu Ziyu seemed to have transformed into heaven and earth. turned into nothingness...

He could feel the breath of the void world.

Can feel the excitement of spiritual energy...

You can even feel the pulse of the world.

Yes, pulse.

The world also has life.

And Yu Ziyu touched this 'great life'.

However, some things are mysterious and mysterious, and the truth is endless.

Only a hint of clarity emerged in my mind.

With the corners of her mouth slightly raised, Yu Ziyu also raised her eyes.


At one glance, purple meaning surged.

Looking carefully, a purple light was blooming continuously in his blood-colored eyes....

Even more dazzling

"The big world of void...become..."

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu's strength has begun another round of surge.

And among the nine balls of light surrounding him, the purple ball of light swelled in the wind.

In the blink of an eye, it turned out to be one-tenth the size of his body.

The big world of void...Straight into the void...It can draw the power of the void and corrode everything.

The essence of this big world is erosion...

And shortly after that,

"The big world of flames becomes..."

During the narration again, a bright sun appeared behind Yu Ziyu.

This big sun is like a real star.

Burning with raging flames.

That fire is an eternal fire.

That flame is the Nine Heavens Divine Flame.

The birth of the great world of flame also means that Yu Ziyu can absorb all kinds of flames...

Even if it is a real divine fire, such as the Sun Divine Fire of the Golden Crow Clan, the Dragon Flame of the Dragon Clan, and the Nirvana Divine Fire of the Phoenix Clan, it is difficult to hurt Yu Ziyu much.

This is the horror of the big world.

The nine big worlds mean that Yu Ziyu has 80 to 90% resistance to the nine powers.

Not to mention, absolutely immune.

All power is relative.

If someone cultivates the Fire of Nirvana to the extreme, he can still hurt Yu Ziyu.

So I can only say, resistance.

Eighty to ninety percent resistance.

And what does this mean?

Naturally it goes without saying.

To put it bluntly, with the blessing of the world of flames, Yu Ziyu is invulnerable to fire.

It can also absorb the power of flames and supplement itself.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it even more...

Looking forward to one big world transformation after another...

Of course, Yu Ziyu now thinks that it has only been a few days.

But for one origin elf after another, it has been a long decades....

Time is accelerating, and Yu Ziyu speeds up their transformation with his own supreme power.

But now, their time flow rate is different.

Therefore, what seemed like a breakthrough in just a few days turned out to be as long as decades for them....

And this is also the reason why they have made breakthroughs one after another.

There are resources and the calamity of the dragon of heaven.

If they don't break through, it will be inevitable...

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the nine realms are connected with each other.

If one realm breaks through, the nine realms will certainly be able to break through one after another.

It's just a matter of time.

However, the premise of all this is that there is sufficient spiritual energy.

The demand for resources in the Nine Realms of the Great God, who has access to the sky, is too great, too great.

During this period of time, Yu Ziyu used the chaotic mist to reverse the spiritual energy, which is probably equivalent to the sum of several star fields in the starry sky.

In this way, it is also conceivable how terrifying this consumption of spiritual energy is.

That is to say, Yu Ziyu barely understood the 'mystery of the Five Elements and Chaos', otherwise, he might not have been able to reach this point.

But now...

The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu was looking forward to the next breakthrough more and more....

Time passed slowly, and the transformation of the nine realms seemed to come naturally. one by one...

After void and fire, extreme ice, life and thunder...One small world after another has also ushered in earth-shaking changes.

There are even more masters one after another across the sky, standing quietly in the pillars of light reaching the sky.

That is the original spirit.

Now, they each walked out of the world, surrounding Yu Ziyu's body, guarding...

However, what is worth noting is that they all closed their eyes tightly, as if they were deducing something.

And this, it is clear that they are leading the changes in the Nine Realms.

They are the sons of heaven in the nine realms and the sons of the world.

Now, as they set foot on the throne, it is time for them to fulfill their mission and guide the world to a higher level of evolution.

This is the relationship between man and the 'world'.

Why do some worlds have children of destiny?’,‘Son of Heaven', as the saying goes.

That's because the world senses that you have the potential to move to a higher level.

So invest in you.

Give you great opportunities and good fortune.

Just like these origin elves, the Nine Realms have given them unparalleled talents.

And after they set foot in the Dominion, they also repaid the Nine Realms and led the evolution of the Nine Realms.

This is to replenish heaven and earth.

When thinking about this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but think of the starry sky and even the 'luck' that all races often mentioned.

So, could it be that the fate of the stars is important to a certain force or even a certain person?

However, Xingkong pays more attention to balance and will not specifically favor a certain force or even a certain person.

Therefore, luck differentiation...Each fights for it.

Whoever can win more luck will be favored by heaven and earth.

This can also explain why luck is so important.

Of course, this is just what Yu Ziyu thinks about.

Now, he is always thinking about the relationship between people, the world, and heaven.

This is inevitable for a strong man.

Only by constantly thinking and understanding can we better control this amazing power. like now...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amid the shocking roar, nine balls of light slowly rose behind Yu Ziyu.

This light ball showed nine colors, and now, these nine light balls formed a circle behind Yu Ziyu, constantly rotating....

It seems to be swallowing the supreme power. ps: - Seeking self-determination -

The nine light balls of the Nine Realms of the Great God, after they are completed, are like the Jade of Seeking Dao in the Shadow of Fire, quietly spinning behind Yu Ziyu.

However, each of these light balls carries a big world.

A ball of light falls, no less than the impact of the world.

Of course, this is just the most superficial application - hitting hard.

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